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Bran's eyes widened in shock as he felt a burning, rumbling sensation in his chest. He looked back and forth about the room to see other people looking at newly found tattoos on their bodies.
Well at least I won't look like a weirdo, he thought to himself. Sure enough, there was his word. WAVE. What was that even supposed to do? When the monsters appeared, a rush of terror flowed through Bran. He'd never seen anything like it. What were these things? He fell back as he avoided an elongated snout snapping towards him. The creature leapt onto him with an enormous weight. It pinned down his legs and manage to get one arm before Bran pulled the other up to shield from the army of teeth chomping up and down. He shoved forward with all his might, wishing the beast away.
"GET OFF!" He cried out the words with a frantic push of his arm. The burning sensation on his chest intensified, and Bran could feel a ripple shuffling its way through his arm. Suddenly, his arm, and in turn the monster's maw, began to vibrate intensely.
Huh. Waves. So that was a sonic blast. I've got my own natural frequency, though, so I probably shouldn't vibrate myself for fear of rupturing anything important. Bran looked up to see a boy controlling ice and speaking to the gathered students who remained after the initial assault. A girl, one he was sure had been crippled before the creatures had appeared, hovered above with newly sprouted wings, blowing gusts of air over the assembled as she made a hasty exit. That's not going to be useful in a fight, he couldn't help thinking. But damn does it look awesome. She's gonna need some help. Slowly but surely, Bran jogged over to where the winged girl appeared to be making a landing. The two characters at the landing site would make for interesting companions. At least Bran hoped they'd all accept him as a companion.
Darkness. Why was it dark? Oh. Bran slowly lifted his eyelids halfway. Up and down...up and down bumped the clouds in the sky with the rhythm of the car. The clouds looked so tranquil, despite their gray exterior's promise of a turbulent storm. Up and down, up and down, it was just like that day.
It had been the last day Bran had gone to a normal school. He'd looked up into his father's dark, disappointed eyes. His mother had a mixed expression of confusion, pride, and anguish. How could her good-natured son have had such an impulse as to vandalize school property? Bran had just been accepted to the greatest private school since Japan's Naraka, and he had risked it all going on this wild one-day prank spree. It was almost as if he had been trying to prove something. From the passenger seat, she had sighed and looked at him with teary eyes as his gaze floated out of the window to join the bobbing clouds. Well, now that he had been expelled from high school, his parents had no choice but to let him go to Skyline. Happy and sad, the emotions had intertwined and run along his mother's face in a chaotic ripple.
"I hope you're happy," his mother's voice had finally managed to sputter out. "Do you hear me? Bran, do you hear me?" Bran just looked out at the clouds, bobbing along. Bobbing along.
"Bran, do you hear me? We're almost there." It was the present-day mom getting his attention now. Bran looked to the left of the bobbing clouds and saw the giant figure in the sky looming overhead. It was why he was chosen. He could almost feel its call resonating in his chest.
When Bran finally got to the classroom, he paid the others no mind. He knew something big was soon to happen. He figured he'd make friends then. The teacher told them to write down a word. He didn't give it a second thought. He just wrote down the first thing that came to mind and tuned out the world. He looked at the clouds and the figure in the sky. Even though he was no longer in the car, life still rippled to him. Bobbing and bobbing, up and down up and down. Then it all stopped when the Blight began.
Name: Bran Pyrrhus
Age (only 14-18): 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Brown-skinned, fluffy but short loosely curled hair, baby-faced (appears 12/13), 5'8" (173 cm)
Personality: Stubborn, honest to a fault, always seeks to help others at expense to himself, often analyzes but sometimes misses crucial information, always has something to prove
History: Bran's family has always had a rough time. When his father's law firm was dissolved as a result of internal corruption, his family was ousted onto the streets when he was only four years old. The family hopped up and down the coast and tried to find a new place to settle, but no one would take a risk lawyer with a bad history, especially not in an economy as bad as it was at the time. This meant Bran had to move between schools a lot, so he never really had any friends. The only things constant in his life were his family, his music, and the surf which always made him feel at home. He never really cared about the impact he left on the places he visited, so his actions often had troublesome consequences. In one instance, he turned a school pool into a wavy mess by inserting a homemade waterproof speaker at the bottom. Just to see what would happen. Labeled as a troublemaker, his thoughtful mind went unappreciated, so he continued to keep to himself. When the instructor told him to write down a word, Bran went with the one thing that remained with him in the absence of his parents: the waves of sound and sea that had been his accompaniment his whole life.The Skyline Institute is Bran's chance to restore credibility to his family name, set himself up for life, and prove to himself that he has worth all in one year. But it's going to be absolute hell if God's Blight has anything to say about it.
Nationality: United States of America
Word (include description of all of its powers, not just what you want it to do): Wave
The word wave will be used as described by the following definitions:
1. a disturbance on the surface of a liquid body, as the sea or a lake, in the form of a moving ridge or swell.
2. any surging or progressing movement or part resembling a wave of the sea:
a wave of the pulse.
3. a swell, surge, or rush, as of feeling or of a certain condition:
a wave of disgust sweeping over a person; a wave of cholera throughout the country.
4. a widespread feeling, opinion, tendency, etc.:
a wave of anti-intellectualism; the new wave of installment buying.
5. a mass movement, as of troops, settlers, or migrating birds.
6. an outward curve, or one of a series of such curves, in a surface or line; undulation.
7. an act or instance of waving.

The word's impact will therefore be the following:
1. Emotional manipulation: "WAVE" will create an electromagnetic pulse blast that manipulates the minds of those within the 5m radius to feel the emotion that Bran wishes. This involuntarily works on both allies and enemies unless protected by a surface that inhibits EM signal progression. Best used on a large mass of enemies to make the backfire on allies worthwhile. It can also short out electronics within the initial radius or travel radius if Bran does not terminate the signal in time.
2. Light Manipulation: "WAVE" stimulates a stream or instance of photon bursting that can be anywhere on the electromagnetic spectrum. Because "WAVE" only controls the wave-like properties of photons, Bran cannot alter the collisions of the particle-like properties of a photon, although the strength, speed, and frequency are within his control. This means that it is possible for his projectiles to completely pass through an opponent that is invisible because he cannot alter the collision properties to make them visible by bouncing the photons back.
3. Sound Manipulation: "WAVE" adjusts the density of the air surrounding Bran, which can pass messages far away or, if close (within the initial 5m radius), cause a pushing or cutting wind.
4. Water Manipulation: Similarly to sound, "WAVE" will manipulate the density of areas of water in order to cause a shift in the liquid's movement, thus creating current and waves.
5. Solid Manipulation: Sound travels fastest through solids, and this wave motion slams like a truck. Can split imperfect surfaces ().
NOTE: All of the above are projectile motions in one way or another because of the traveling nature of waves. The 5m radius is where the instance begins, but it ends whenever Bran stops sending his thoughts to the affected body of matter or stops sending out electromagnetic instances. The above applications are listed in rising order of energy consumption.
6. Special Technique- Mass Motion: Excuse the pun please. "WAVE" combines aspects of the above powers in order to maneuver matter in waves around him, whether in a singularity or an outward pulse. Because this is a combination ability, its use causes extreme exhaustion and is best used as a finishing move.

Word Range (2-7.5 meters): 5.0 meters
Word Location: Center of the chest
Abilities (optional): Above-average speed, excellent endurance, tactical mind
Other (optional): Weaknesses include stubborn nature, visual impediment (requires thick glasses to correct vision to 20/20), pitiful physical strength
Phillip and Sam open the doors to the media center about a minute after the doors have closed following Matt and Kate's venture inwards. Tugging Sam along, Phillip waves his other hand and calls out to Matt.
"Hey, man! Can you help a bro out? I could really use some help making sure this kid doesn't die." With that, he approaches the duo in the media center, the heart of the school.
Growing weary of the freshman's whining, Phillip decides to follow Matt. With Sam in tow, Phillip can't help but curse Irene's very existence for dumping this useless carbon-based water sack without any survival skills onto him. He was more of a handicap than a human being at this point. Before they could even get to the media center, Sam asks to go to the bathroom.
"As silly as it sounds, we are in a zombie apocalypse. There's no time or reason to use a bathroom. You can go in a corner once we get to the media center. Now come on; I think I hear Matt and Kate up ahead." Dragging the helpless freshman along, Phillip starts to run to catch up.
Phillip breathes a sigh of relief when he sees Matt come out from the left wing. Matt mentions a zombie, which confuses Phillip. He turns around and shrieks as a previously lumbering zombie starts charging at him. "God, I though I lost that thing back in MST," he mutters. He whips out the ball and rubber band chain he improvised earlier and poises for the zombie's approach. "I think I've got it," he calls to Matt. The zombie's attention falters as it looks to see who Phillip was talking to. It's still hurtling towards him, though. Phillip jumps out of the way, slamming into a locker before rebounding and kicking the zombie in the back. The zombie tumbles to the ground. Phillip then enjoys about twenty seconds of beating the zombie with a large rubber band whip before he decides it's actually dead now. "Told you I had it," he manages to get out while gasping for breath. "Just gimme a sec. I'm still pretty worn out from running over here." He grins and walks over to Matt.
Phillip creeps around the corner and looks down through the railing to see the bottom floor overrun by zombies. A horde of bodies tries to climb over itself, unable to surmount the ultimate obstacle: stairs. Well, at least there will be fewer zombies on the top floor if most are stuck down there. Phillip dashes past the staircase and climbs up onto the lockers on the other side. He leaps over a gap in the locker line where there's a door. He lands on the locker on the other side with a clang. A loud slam comes from behind him as a zombie bursts from the door. Phillip flinches and whips his head around in a flustered rush. He reaches back and throws a pencil-bundle arrow, stunning the zombie as he runs off.
Phillip doesn't stop running until he reaches the MST-up stairwell. He pauses, panting with his hands on his knees. He freezes as he hears footsteps coming from the direction of the comp sci room.

Phillip has been asleep in the secondary art room the entire time. He always knew his motto would come in handy. "When in a zombie apocalypse, sleep to outlast everyone," he mutters to himself. He had been awakened by the noise outside. Someone had probably fought a zombie (and maybe a bomb exploded?), but he wasn't willing to go outside to find out who had won. Instead, he used the resources available to him to arm himself first. It took the longest time, but he was able to make a trio of meter-long stretchy ropes by weaving the obscene amount of rubber bands available to him. He grabbed some meter sticks and cracked them at different intervals so that they made a curve when he taped them together. Attached to a bow, the wooden curve made the first weapon.
Phillip attached the second rubber rope to a large paperweight. The tape was very strong, and seemed to be able to hold under great stress. This whip/ball-and-chain would be the second weapon.
Phillip tucked the third rope away in his bag along with the rest of his things. He also stuffed his backpack with as many taped-together pencils as he could fit. Arrows were necessary if he were to be using a bow. He took out a packet of apples he had been storing. He knew hoarding snacks in his bag would come in handy some day. With a bow on his back and a rubber band whip in hand, he opened the door into uncharted territory: the back of the 9th grade hallway.
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