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The Fringe Commonwealth

Government Type: Minimalist Federal Republic

Population: 6.5 Billion

Governing Body: The Second Commonwealth Council

Brief History:
Before the Imperium entered the three solar systems of The Fringe Commonwealth, they were already home to three sentient species: The Te'nok, The Lannisans, and the Entri. Seperately, these three species developed slowly, and by the time the Imperium discovered the cluster of planets, they were already conducting trade between each system. The Imperium set about settling these new worlds, but did so cautiously. These Northeastern worlds were hardly habitable to humans and generally housed a number of exiled or fleeing Xenos. The Imperium presence in the sector was nothing more than a few small colonies at the time of the Ignatio event. No major power struggle was made for control over the "useless sector", by humans that is. A small period of civil war existed within the Commonwealth when the Te'nok armies attempted to invade formerly human colonies. The civil war, commonly referred to as "The Te'nok Aggression" resulted in a huge drop of the human population. The Te'nok eventually had to cease their conquest, as the genetic shattering of their people occurred. The area of the commonwealth is normally considered to be quite hazardous for travel. Nebulas, Stray-ion clouds, and heavy astroid fields riddle the space between planets, which hindered the original colonization of the area by non-natives. This coupled with the fact that three sentient species with relatively similar levels of technology called these less than human-friendly habitats home caused colonist to mostly consist of political or religious radicals, excaping any torment from the Imperium. The Ignatio event did little to effect the way of life in the Fringe Commonwealth at first, as word slowly crept to the system that the Imperium was dissolved, the native world governments returned. Most of these governments were headed by the original species of the planets or moons. This lead to a few decades of relative peace in the Commonwealth sector following the end of the four year Te'nok Aggression. Unfortunately, An economic and resource based crisis occurred shortly after the Ignatio event. The "Great Common Depression" was originally thought to be caused by pirate raiders, but in reality was caused by the lack of agricultural and industrialized resources in the area. Eventually, the once single worlds formed a loose government for Economic, Military, and Political strength. After a three year period of constitution writing, the Fringe Commonwealth was formed on Juk 1st, 3,377. This Commonwealth adopted a common currency, a common military force, common laws, and Trade agreements between Commonwealth states. Around this time is when a group of young Entri investors discovered heavy concentrations of valuable mineral resources, such as Helium-3 and a local specialized metal known to be super-dense. This metal, called Triok Iron is used in the construction of multiple types of arms and armor. After the discovery of local assets, the Commonwealth became a hub of natural trade for the galaxy, causing an economic boom. In fear of wanting eyes, the Commonwealth formalized its military arm, The CommonCorps in 3,399. The CC combined already present military units and helped usher in a time of great military strength in the region. Already militarized states were given insight on other tactics and weapons, and formerly unprotected colonies in the Commonwealth were given new professional military units, supplies, and resources. After a short exchange of firepower with a number of Barbaric warlords, keen on stealing the Commonwealth's coveted metal production facility known as The Great Forge on Xanz IX, General Y'etu Krienghoss rose to power as the head of the CommonCorps. Krienghoss, an already a well respected Te'nok General, became the figurehead of the modern era in 3,456. Since then, The Commonwealth has experienced an era of relative peace as they continued to trade with other nations.

Species of The Commonwealth:
Humans- 17%
Lannisans- 21%

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