Avatar of RestlessComfort
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    1. RestlessComfort 9 yrs ago


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Hi, I'm Noah and I like to roleplay and stuff

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I think that most of us are in agreement that we should stay here. It's easier on everyone and shows twilight that we love his RP and respect it enough to keep it going as long as possible. Now, on the co-gm front, I'm not very experienced with the job or responsibilities that go with the position, but I feel like we SHOULD select someone who is right for the job. If there is someone in the position, who was just selected because they were a part of the RP before, and they aren't qualified, it's gonna be damaging to the RP and our experience as a whole. I agree with @NuttsnBolts, I think we should nominate a few people who we think would be a good fit, then vote on them and hopefully select someone who would do well in the position (as well as wants it in the first place x3)
I think those are good ideas @chexmix It seems like we all kind of paired off socializing with each other. All of our smaller groups could meet up outside, or (as you said) get stuck together being the last ones left

"Your name, er, seems rather interesting. I'm assuming you're not from around here?"

Eric was about to answer Mana's question when the soldiers began to fall in and take up posts throughout the entire mess hall. Kyo tensed up, showing that he was nervous about the incoming possible threat. Sei gave a quiet growl, and Saber once again wormed her way between Eric's legs. All the soldiers looked very big and intimidating, the total opposite of the Emperor. He was a small, slender man who seemed friendly enough. His movements were very elegant, and he spoke with grace. While he gave his speech, Eric listened close. This would be the first time he's ever been on an "adventure."

Being a small town boy, he really had no desire to explore around and adventure about. But now, there was an opportunity and choice in front of him. Should I just pack up and return home? he wondered. Or, should I take part in this journey, and do whatever I can to ensure the safety of Atlas? He couldn't just leave Atlas in danger because, if Atlas was in danger, that means so was his family and his way of life. If there was something...anything he could do to help, he as going to do it to make sure his loved ones were safe.

Finally, the Emperor finished his speech and returned to his living quarters via guard escort. Almost immediately after the Emperor vacated the mess hall, alliances and groups began to form. People from different countries were even coming together and departing for Aurios. By the second, the mess hall's population dwindled. Soon, there were less than 100 people left trying to find someone to go with. He turned his attention back to Mana, who looked a bit bewildered and surprised at the Emperor's address.

"Wow..." he began softly. "It looks like people are finding their way into groups rather quickly." His hands found their way into his pockets as he stood watching the chaos in the dining hall. "To answer your question from before, I'm not from here. I'm actually a native of Aurios...which just so happens to be where everyone is heading."

It would be a good idea to find a group. In a group, there were more people to watch your back and you stood a better chance against any threat that opposed you. His options were dwindling fast; Eric needed to find some people quickly if he was to have any chance at stopping this malicious force. She may not have any Pokemon, Eric thought. But Mana would be a good addition and a good start to forming any kind of group.

I agree with that. I think that, for the sake of simplicity, we should remain here for the time being. Unless, of course, Dragon would like his RP left untouched and for us to continue on a separate thread. That would be completely understandable
Are we moving threads?

and if not, how do we start? Now that we are skipping time and introductions and all that.

She seemed to become more at ease at this point. Her shoulders relaxed and her posture became much less defensive. Perhaps, it was because Eric and his Pokemon had shown that their intentions were not sinister in nature. Although composed, she still appeared to be unsure about him and showed this with how she took the plate. She was hesitant at first, but slowly accepted the gift and returned to her original spot.

"Ahem, thank you. I appreciate your generosity."

Once again, Eric smiled very warmly as the girl spoke. He was quite surprised that she thanked him for the food. It wasn't very often that someone thanked him for anything, especially where he lived. Usually, they would take his help and go about their day, not even batting an eye. However, she didn't do this, and he greatly appreciated her politeness. As the young girl began to turn away from him, Eric expected her to depart and leave him alone in the corner. However, it appeared she changed her mind and turned back to face him.

"Just to let you know! I was not scared."

A small chuckle escaped his lips. He didn't believe her when she said this, and it didn't seem like she did either! Her voice wavered and her feet shuffled nervously. It was obvious she was frightened at first. Hell, he might as well have been a ghost coming to haunt her days in the castle! Eric's eyes closed for a moment in laughter, before meeting her blue eyes once again.

"I-I'm Mana by the way."

There was something about her - something that made him feel at ease and comfortable in her presence. Maybe, it was because she was just as awkward as he was! Whatever it was about her, Eric liked it. He took a step closer to her, lessening the gap between them.

"It's nice to meet you Mana," he said with another genuine smile. "That's a very beautiful name!"

I've got to say, I'm VERY excited for this RP! I think it's gonna be a great story and an awesome thread to be a part of :)
I think it would be a good idea to have 2 co-GM's to continue this RP..if dragon allows it of course. If he has time, he PM a quick review of his idea for the RP and major events to the new GM's and we can just see where it all goes to..for now, on this thread, we can continue the RP as normal. Just socializing with other characters...then when the co-GM's are decided, we'll continue with the emperors speach and such
Oh gosh...I'm so sorry to hear that dragon...that's terrible. My younger sister was emitted to a hospital for depression too so I know what you're going through...it's really tough. You're a spectacular writer and it's been an honor to be a part of this... You made an awesome idea that got a lot of people excited, and I'm still really psyched to continue it. Your family needs you there, and you have ALL of our support here. If you need anything, I am here for you..I really hope everything gets better and he makes a good recovery. My prayers go out to you and your family, take it easy <3

Eric watched the young lady with a friendly smile. She acted quite odd, and nothing like he had previously anticipated. The beautiful girl, stood in front of him, seemed nervous and apprehensive towards a new face. However, her hesitant and tentative movements were actually quite endearing, and he looked forward to giving her the plate. She didn't seem very experienced around people, or Pokemon for that matter. Overall, she just looked out of place and a little surprised that Eric was speaking to her. Perhaps, he had frightened her? Yes, that was it.

She was probably anxious because he was too brash to begin with. She seemed a bit troubled with him, but he did have her attention. Maybe it was due to his Pokemon? Or maybe it was the mouth-watering treat behind his back? Either way, she was speaking with him and he was locked into an interaction with a new person.

"Could that, um...possibly be for me?" Her voice was smooth and soft. It was very calming, and he could sense it made his Pokemon less on edge, for the moment. Before he would answer, he decided he should apologize and introduce himself.[/color]

"Oh," he began with a concerned expression in his eyes. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you there!" His concern turned into a light chuckle."Let me introduce myself, my name is Eric! I saw those brutes take all of the Bouffalant from your table, so I thought I'd offer you mine." He gave her a sweet and charming smile before handing her the plate.

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