Avatar of Rick D217
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  • Posts: 17 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Rick D217 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago


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"Beth, huh?..."

Rick began to tightly screw something small into his makeshift box and coiled a few of the wires around it's base counterclockwise, his eyes never leaving as he finished plugging and tinkering, eventually reaching over for another odd trinket. There was something like sadness in his voice, calloused over with a lifetime of cold rationality which made it all but unrecognizable. It didn't last long, his next words coming quick and uninterruptedly.

".. Th-The glowing rock sticking out of the cable box Morty, the purple one Morty, the one stealing cable from every other dimension imagineable, I need you to bring it here Morty. Bring it here fast-"

His words were cut short by a small spray of sparks erupting from what looked like an old fashioned pager that had been crossed over with a miniature metal detector, his brow furrowing in concentration as he pulled off the casing and began to hurriedly unscrew and rearrange the wires he had shuffled together. It would now become apparent that there were a few extra devices in the garage that hadn't been there before, mostly sitting in a pile in the corner beside a silver rifle of some sort and occasionally having a haphazard piece launched in it's general direction from Rick's current project.


Something that looked quite literally like a microscopic nuclear explosion erupted in slow motion at the base of one of the wires and gave off a minuscule mushroom cloud as Rick winced and grunted. The light from the nigh pinpoint would be just enough to light up the garage a little more than it already had been, Rick grimacing in mild annoyance as he swatted at the tiny smoke plume and reached for his welding helmet.


Jerry had wandered into the hallway nervously, angst and confusion writhing on his face as he cradled a freshly salvaged pint of double-fudge chocolate chip in his arm and waited for things to make sense to him again. Whether he was or was not muttering something about his marriage or about having a bad dream was hard to tell as it sounded largely like a nervous parrot attempting to imitate the less sensible end of a garbled telephone call.
"I'm glad you're awake Morty, I need you to h-hand me that screwdriver over there ..."

Rick didn't turn, his hands quickly fidgeting from one complicated process to another as his laser like focus began to unweave the mysteries of one of "his" previous devices and reassemble it into something he was a little more familiar with. After promptly connecting two bizarre pieces of equipment together and plugging in a few LEDs, he outstretched his hand expectantly and with his other hand held down a series of sensitive looking and oddly arranged wires of varying color. His lab coat was torn and burnt in several places, his left eye bruised. Somewhere under his lab coat he was bleeding. Other than that and his smelling a little stronger of whiskey than usual, there wouldn't be much to put him out of place in the garage filled with most of "his" other gadgets.

"... I'll also need the crystallized zanthanite from the cable box..."

As Rick had started looking up to visualize his next move a sour expression seemed to cross his face and he was left squinting suspiciously at the ceiling as he took a few deep breaths.

"...Was Summer fucking smoking in here?!"

Somewhere in the kitchen Jerry was getting out of his chair and starting to work up his courage for something, probably nothing important.
Not as long as we're involved~.

An orange haze painted Rick's silhouette against the gas station behind him, his form flailing and shifting vigorously as he continued to apply pressure. His hands were shaking, not necessarily from anxiety, as somewhere through the gaping hole in the destroyed billboard at the end of the parking lot he could make out his car's refraculator hanging from a power line.

"Dammit... H-Hold on Mr. Poopybutthole, things are gonna be fine."

Rick turned his attention back to the little yellow something-or-other and pressed his palm evenly to the left, trying to think through the voices screaming at him from the other end. Frantic glances from the blood on his hands to various pieces of debri and scrap metal that had fallen off his ship eventually resulting in a look of sordid determination as he happened upon a solution.


"J-Just hold still and try not to *BLUUurP* bleed so hard..."

Rick stood up, a panicked Mr. Poopybutthole beginning to shout awkwardly as Rick drunkenly stumbled back through the flames he had just escaped from and began digging around the trunk of the broken and burning space car. A few moments later he returned with a rifle and aimed it cavalierly at Mr. Poopybutthole's face, a few beeps and hums whirring into action as Rick began to adjust the safety.

A look of concern crossed over the little yellow something as he tried to process what was happening.


"I-It's okay Mr. Poopybutthole, I-I'm gonna take all your pain away..."


An eerie and solemn burst of light would be seen through the scattered flames outside the gas station that night, Rick wandering off with an armful of various trinkets as darkness began to reclaim the night.

----- *Que the intro for all you imagineers out there* -----

Jerry sat alone at the dinner table, picking idly at something Beth had cooked 3 hours ago and not told him was ready. The rest of the family had already dispersed for the night, leaving Jerry alone with his thoughts. He was always alone with his thoughts. He sighed a lengthy sigh for the fifth time that night. No one had seen it the first four times, no one would see it now. He vaguely remembered thinking he had heard the door unlock, or that he had had heard the sound of footsteps, but none of those little warnings really seemed to register with him as he moped and poked a potato on his plate with his fork.

Someone stepped into the kitchen and opened the freezer.

"You guys better not have moved my *Blu-rrrP* ionic defibrillator."

"No Rick, everything's still in th-"

Jerry dropped his fork, eyes wide with terror and confusion as a pint of icecream and a box of frozen corn dogs fell to the floor, his dead father in law carelessly scraping various food products out of his freezer to make room for a frozen Mr. Poopybutthole who appeared, underneath his icy sheen, to be covered in blood and a look of intense fear. Jerry's eyes were locked on Rick, but every time his voice tried to come out it was hushed to a muffled whine as uncertainty took over and his anxiety immediately began to play out his worst fears. It wasn't until Rick had scooped up what had fallen to the floor and threw it directly into the garbage that Jerry found his voice.

"HEY, I was going to eat that!"

"I needed the space to save a life, Jerry. And by the looks of it you've had a bit too much ice cream this week anyway... I'll be in the garage..."

Jerry sat in the kitchen in silence, eyeing his own waist anxiously. He hadn't quite decided on whether or not to move yet...
Any other day...

A shaking yellow hand wandered skillfully over the dashboard of something sinister, the odd hum and rattle of a poorly ventilated exhaust port banging against a few empty beer bottles as a single set of yellow eyelids began to slowly close under the weight of three days without sleep. It wasn't long before the suspicious and dangerous looking dashboard began to light up with a reddish-beerstain color and something like a man was finally forced to acknowledge the quickly increasing beeps and whirs the ship was beginning to make. They had to be close, hey hadn't traveled through sixteen parallel realities and 400 light years to be gone for any longer than an hour.


Rick's eyes opened slowly, the especially strong smell of whiskey literally dripping from his lip as his sprawled form in the back seat began to shift and rattle his humble collection of glass.

"Thanks Mr. Poopybutthole, just put my *BLURP* feet on the floor and I'll land the ship."

Somewhere in the night sky a shooting star fell gracefully.

Hopefully no one had wished on that one...
Rick and Morty forever just us and no one else hundred years rick and morty
"Sounds like we're in the same bo-*blurp*-at."

I just discovered this show a few weeks ago and have managed to watch almost all of them twice since then. You'll have to give me a few minutes to get used to the format of this site since I just got here, but otherwise I found this post through google because I was explicitly looking for a Rick and Morty RP culture acknowledging infinite universes and abusing the hell out of it.


We can swap plot ideas, try a pilot or get drunk and take it from there.
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