• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1531 (0.42 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Rin Okumura 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."
9 yrs ago
'Normal' is not a term to describe me. In fact, it confuses me.
9 yrs ago
Brutal Legend..... the best game ever.
9 yrs ago
Elsword is an amzing game. I'm addicted to it again. XD


Let's see..... I'll put a little bit about me here

First my favorite things.
-My favorite band is Slipknot ((I love heavy metal))
-My favorite anime is Blue Exorcist a.k.a. Ao No Exorcist ((Obviously)) though Fullmetal Alchemist is definitely a close second.
-I have an obsession with the horror genre as well as video games
-my favorite horror games include thing like Five Nights at Freddy's and Outlast
-Also, creepypastas, internet horror stories for those that don't know, are some of my FAVORITE things.

Now about RPing.
-I'm not the best writer so I usually stick to the free section
-I'm interested in RPs involving elements of horror or from animes I like or want to watch. Though I'm usually willing to try anything that catches my interest.
-I try to be as creative as possible, though I usually reuse my characters or occasionally I use a creepypasta character with my own twist. My brain doesn't always like to work.

And that is pretty much me. :D Hope to RP with you some time.

And I doubt you were even interested, but if you were I am already taken by a girl I love. Sorry not sorry.

Most Recent Posts

Liu was still walking down the streets, determined to find his brother. He noticed in the corner of his eye that there were two girls on the roof following him. He put his hand into his pocket, ready to draw out his knife, as he kept walking. He wasn't sure if they meant any harm but he wasn't the most trusting person.

The Sandman came into the clearing where Loki and Chime for, still in his human form. "Greetings." He said with a slight bow. He wanted to get on those two's good side as he could tell the boy, at least, was not necessarily normal.
Finally got my post done! WOOP
"They can't stop us let 'em try! For heavy metal we would die!"

This chant could be heard from a sole person, wandering around the festival. This man was getting nasty looks by many at the festival and he gave them similar looks right back. The people here had heard of him, heard of his tribe, heard of the 'disgrace' they had brought upon themselves in the foolish venture of gaining power. This man was named Axle Drake, the greatest warrior of the tribe called the Lost Hope. He could hear the names they called him. They called him thinks like Tear Drinker, monster, evil creature. He shrugged it off. He just continued singing.

"They said hold your head up high! Throw your fists up in the air! Play metal, louder than hell! Louder than hell!"

There was a reason his tribe wasn't near him right now. No one could accept what they had become. Axle wasn't actually a Tear Drinker, for the most part, so he retained his humanity. The rest of his tribe wasn't so lucky. He came here in hopes of redeeming their past mistakes and atone for the deeds of his tribe.
Blade adjusted himself and removed the katana strapped to his back and sat it next to him before turning to Shadow. "I'm in a lot of pain right now, I'd prefer you not tease me right now." He told her, he was slightly annoyed. "I'm still in-training, remember?"

Liu was stalking along the streets, his scars making him extremely obvious and gaining him several strange looks from passers by. He noticed a large gathering of people ahead and skulked around them to investigate. A house fire. Liu knew about Jeff and how he has occasionally set others on fire, just like he was. He thought that Jeff had caused this and continued in the direction he was walking, feeling that Jeff had escaped that way. "I'm on your trail..." He said to himself. His scarf flowed behind him as he continued walking.

The Sandman felt a large amount of fear emanating from a single source, it was located somewhere in the forest. A man was obviously being chased by some horrible monster. He walked in the forest in his human, following the trail left by the sweet smell of fear. Soon he came upon a corpse, it was horribly disfigured, "Oh... so this is why the fear suddenly stopped..." He said dissapointedly. He noticed a pleasant sound and decided to investigate as the promise of his next meal was taken at the sight of the corpse.
Two more of the characters I will be bringing. Adding more eventually.

Name: Liu Woods
Nickname: Homicidal Liu
Age: 16
Powers: Increased endurance and stamina, similar to his brother.
Skills: He is more skilled than his brother when it comes to fighting and he is also a master of disguise.
Personality: Cunning and deceitful while also extremely ruthless. He is willing to sink as low as he needs to get in order to get what he wants. He also has a side of him that only comes out when he loses it, usually due to anger, that is no better than his brother.
Bio: After his brother, Jeff, went insane and killed their parents, Jeff tried to murder him as well. Liu managed to survive and swore vengeance upon his brother.
Theme Song: Old Friend by Disturbed

Appearance: The Sandman has a true form shown here.

However, he has one human appearance that he uses. It is unknown if he has others

As well as the ability to change into several different animal forms.
Name: The Sandman
Nickname: He has no aliases.
Age: His real age is unknown, however he looks to be about 18 in his human form.
Powers: The Sandman is a creature of dreams, more specifically nightmares, he can infiltrate others dreams. In this state, he can manipulate the dreams to invoke an emotion of fear upon which he feeds. When his victim wakes up is dependant on Sandman's will, in severe cases they never wake up again. He is also not really a physical entity so he can change his physical appearance to a certain human form as well as many differant animal forms. He can also shrug off most physical attacks, he also can't hurt people physically, although any mental attacks will affect him greatly.
Skills: He has a large understanding of the human mind.
Personality: Sandman thinks of himself as superior to others. He gets great enjoyment from scaring humans in his true form, whether in a dream or the physical world.
Bio: He is a hideous creature born from a horrible nightmare ages ago. How exactly he came to be is unknown.
Theme Song: Enter Sandman by Metallica
I've got nothing for Able to do so he'll join in during a later post.
Jeff had started stalking the streets, his hood was pulled up over his face in order to keep his abnormal appearance hidden to his victims. Several people casually strolled by him, but none caught his interest. How ignorant, he thought. An infamous killer walking among ordinary people and not one of them batted an eye towards him. "They must see the error in their ways..." He said to himself. He pulled out his knife and stabbed the next person to he found right in the gut. The man he stabbed fell to the ground,his blood soaking Jeff's previously clean, white hoodie. "Go to sleep," Jeff told the man and finsished him off by slitting his throat. He slipped in a nearby alleyway after the deed in order to evade any police offers the citizens would call.

Blade had began to survey the town below him while standing on a rooftop. He figured the best way to watch was to get an eagle-eye view of the whole area. He didn't see anything particularly out of the ordinary so he decided to keep moving. He ran along the rooftops, jumping to those nearby and slender walking to the ones too far for him to reach. For one, he accidentally miscalculated and fell about six feet after missing a jump. He pulled himself up to where he was in a sitting position against the wall. "Agh! Damn it!" He complained and investigated his wounds. "I'll be up in a few minutes," he assured himself as he watched people pass by the alley he was in.

Oh yeah, I've been forgetting to post. Working on one now.
Time to reuse my shinki character.... again XD
So did mine XD. Titan pads like to break often, just gotta wait to reconnect. Usually takes a couple minutes.
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