• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Rinnee
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 290 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Rinnee 10 yrs ago


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Sorry for the delay. I should have a post up later tonight!
Working on my CS now, I should have them up sometime tonight!
Also I wanted ask if we were allowed to have more then one character, or would you prefer us just to stick to one for now?
I only have one character in mind right now, but I was just wondering.
Wow, this sounds super interesting! I'd love to be apart of this, so I'll go ahead and place my interest. I'm really looking forward to see how this all plays out.
Sorry for the delay, past couple days got super busy for me. Other then that I noticed my character sheets were missing something, so I've added some relationships to Mercedes profile. ^^ I'll have Tony's finished with tomorrow, but if you guys want me to make any changes, or you aren't comfortable with whatever I've written, please let me know and I'll be sure to change it!
Mercedes Fierro

Now, this establishment isn’t like that trashy place on East Mendel. We take pride in our customers, so as one of our performers I expect you to live up to our expectations. Understand?” Man, this guy really liked to hear his own voice, “Yes, Mr. Monroe.” Sitting in her new bosses office, Mercedes kept her hands folded neatly along her lap as she watched him stack crisp twenty dollar bills along his desk. ‘340… 360... 380...400 .’ Oh, that fat stack of cash was going to look good in her wallet. Biting her lip eagerly as she counted the dollars in her head, Mercedes finally turned her eyes back up to her boss. He had a cross look on his face, probably due to the way she addressed him, but Mercedes didn’t really care. She had heard the other girls call him ‘sir’, but she had done her hours and was off the clock, so she wasn’t ready to feed his ego—he wasn’t a customer, after all.

Richard Monroe was the owner of Cupids Corner, in fact. A tall, handsome older man that had a mouth full of charm, and a head full of silver hair. He was probably the beefiest middle-aged man she had ever seen, but from first impressions, he seemed like the kind of guy that was all talk and no action. However, none of this seemed to hide the weird, and creepy aura resonating off of him. She brushed this aside as her own nervousness, but she could still tell something wasn’t right with the guy.

“So, when will I be able to host my own show?”

Eager, huh? I like that in my girls.” God, she wanted to vomit. It took everything in Mercedes power not to leave the room. This guy was pure slime, and she was really beginning to question if she needed this money or not. But as she stared at the stack of money before her, she bit her bottom lip nervously once again. ’No,’ She immediately reminded herself, she did need this money. ‘Do it for Tony, and Nana.’ She wasn’t making enough at the India Club, and her part time job at the Jolly Roger weren’t making ends meet, so she really had no choice. She needed this job.

Rather then feeding him a reaction, Mercedes didn’t even flinch. She stared hard back at the man disinterested, and expressionless. The uncomfortable silence that followed her intense stare was enough to make him uneasy, and she could tell this by the way he shifted in his chair before her. ‘That’s right, back up.’ Unlike these other girls, she wasn’t about to bow so easily. At all, for that matter.

Finally, attempting to break the silence, the older man cleared his throat and tied the healthy pile of bills with a rubber band. “Your, uh, first show will be next week. Until then you’ll keep working private rooms, and the bar.” Fighting back an eye roll, she gave a stiff nod and agreed to the terms. She couldn’t really argue after all, she had made good money on her first night alone, and she still had yet to put on her own show. That was where she would really shine, but until then she would just bite her tongue and bare with it. The coy smirk had returned to her bosses face as he held out the money for her to take. The gesture was odd, it almost felt like a trap, but Mercedes hesitantly raised her hand and grabbed the wad of cash, “Thank you, Mr. Mon—“ Before she could pull away, a strong hand grabbed her wrist and clenched tightly, holding her firmly in place and forcing her to freeze in her spot.

The look in his eyes made her blood run cold, and the sudden grin on his lips would forever sit in her mind, “You did good tonight, Mercedes. So I know you won’t make me regret hiring you.” His words were cold, and dangerous, as was the look in his eyes. Was this the same man she had just spoken to? “Yes.. yes, sir.” She said, almost obediently. With a sharp tug, she pulled her wrist out of his grip and quickly stood from her chair. Tucking the cash into her purse and pulling on her thin coat, she avoided eye contact with her boss by staring at the ground as she spoke in a quiet, stuttering tone, “I-I need to go.”

Mr. Monroe simply leaned back and gave her a lax nod, the strange, menacing grin still on his face, “Of course.~ You may leave. I’ll see you tomorrow night, Mercedes.

With those words, she was quick to hurry out to door and into the main lobby of the club, his words trailing behind her and sitting her mind. Half-naked dancers worked the stage of the main room. Their bodies twirling, and grinding against and along poles as they presented themselves to the many customers in the large club. Eyes down, and head low, she hurried past the crowd and ignored any calls to her. Feeling like the walls were closing in on her, her chest tightened, and her breathing hitched in her throat as she suddenly became incredibly nauseous. Bursting out the doors of club, the cold air knocked her back to reality and left her shivering in fear. Heaving in her breaths she turned back to the heavy double doors with wide eyes. ‘What the hell was that?

It wasn’t like her to get so worked up over something like that. With her fair share of encounters with grabby, and aggressive men, this was the first time she had ever felt so.. small. Something wasn’t right with that man, or this this place, but until she found another job that paid her just as much, Mercedes had no choice but to suck it up. Rubbing her arm uncomfortably, she decided not to stay any longer. So with one last glance at the front entrance she hurried to her car, struggling to run in heels through the rain.

Once in the comfort of her little yellow bug, she pulled out her phone and wallet before sorting through her inbox. Looking over each message, her eyes stopped along a single message from her little brother. [“Are you off work yet?”] The message had been sent a little less then fifteen minutes ago, and Mercedes was surprised her brother hadn’t blown up her inbox like he usually did. With little thought, her nails tapped gently along the screen of her cell phone as she replied, [“On my way.”] She wanted to be home just as much as he did, so rather then wasting anymore time, she threw her phone onto the passenger seat and started her car.

Mercedes & Tony Fierro

After the long drive from West Mendel, and having to go through some trouble with a road block of police only a few streets away from her house, Mercedes finally made it home in one piece. Parallel parking her car next to the sidewalk with a heavy sigh, she shut off the engine and slumped in her chair. As much as she loved making money, working all the time was really starting to wear her thin. “I need a damn vacation.” She said to herself. Unfortunately with this new job it didn't look like she was going to get much time off, but one could dream, right?

Cold, and tired, she grabbed all her things and heaved herself out of the car. She wasn't a fan of this cold weather so as the rain continued, she covered her head with her purse and cursed heavily in spanish as she ran down the walkway and up the stairs of the porch. Opening the door with little trouble, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as warm air swept past her skin and carried away her stress, "I'm home." She called out, heels clicking along the wooden floor as she walked down the short hallway. With little struggle she found her brother melted into their grandmothers cushioned chair, a bored, and tired look in his eyes as he stared at the television. "You forgot to lock the door again, Tony."

"You forgot to put some clothes on, Mercy." He retorted lazily, not even sparing her a glance as he continued to flip through channels. "Cállate!" Annoyed by his words she rolled her eyes at her brothers sass before heading up the stairs to her room to change. Closing the door behind her and kicking off her shoes, she flexed her toes through the fuzzy rug on the floor, and stretched her ankles. She had been on her feet the entire day, and wearing six-inch heels wasn't helping at all. Digging through her clothes and pulling out a comfortable pair of black leggings, an old band shirt, and a bright blue hoodie she threw the clothes along the bed and shifted around the room. Standing before her mirror just as she was going to change, Mercedes looked over her soaked uniform. Shimmering gold booty-shorts, and a cropped, white and gold vest that acted more like a bra. The tiny bit of clothes did little to cover her up, but she had to admit it did look good on her. Shivering lightly and being pulled from her thoughts, she turned her attention away from the mirror and dressed into something more comfortable.

After some time to herself, Mercedes finally returned downstairs. Tony, who was still slouched in the chair, was tapping his foot impatiently along the wood floor. He had waited all day for his sister to come home, and now that she was here he was beginning to grow antsy. Now warm, and out of her wet clothes, dark, thick curls of hair pooled over her shoulders as she chewed on a piece of gum and pulled out her phone. “You want a ride to the bar? I'm probably going to get some food, and since I'm heading that way and its been raining, I’d rather you not drive that death machine of yours.” Tony rolled his eyes and bit his tongue. There was no need to argue with her seeing as she was about to save him a whole lot of gas and trouble. “Yeah, are you ready to go now?” Not earning a reply from her, he sat up along the chair and caught his sister standing at the doorway of the kitchen. Keys in hand and looking through her text messages again she started slowly to the door before finally answering him, “Mhm, lets get going. I don’t want to leave Nana by herself for too long.” Pushing himself up from the chair he hurried to the hallway and slid past his sister so he could leave out the door first. “Rude.” Earning a shove from behind, Tony gave a small snort as he pushed open the door and made his way down the stairs.

Her yellow Volkswagen beeped to life as the doors unlocked, and once the two were in the car they were quick to head off. The rain fell steadily along the glass, but the light drizzle was hardly enough to make driving difficult. Rap played softly from the speakers, and as Mercy enjoyed the silence her brother was quick to interrupt just like always, “So, how’d the new job go?”

Man, she really didn’t want to talk about that right now. “S’fine.” She said with a shrug.

“Just, fine? Did something happen?” At her silence Tony’s eyes narrowed and he tensed up in the passenger seat, “Did some motherfucker touch you?”

“No, no, no,” Well, technically that did happen, but he didn’t need to know about that, “It was just.. First day on the job is always weird. It’s just gonna take me a while to get used to this one.” A heavy frown sat along Tony’s face as he watched his sister. He didn’t trust the tone of her voice, but it was clear this whole conversation was stressing her out. “You got a light?” She asked just as she pulled out a cigarette. With a sigh he took out his own pack, and with a flick of his lighter, lit both cigarettes and cracked open the window. The rest of the car ride was followed with silence, much to her pleasure, but as they drew closer to their destination both siblings soon found their pleasant drive quickly coming to an end.

Pulling up to the Jolly Roger, Mercy and Tony squinted suspiciously at the large crowd in front of the bar. “Oooh~ You guys having a party or somethin'?”

Tony slowly threw a glare at his sister, “Yeah, something like that.” Looking back to the crowd, he gave a heavy sigh as he caught sight of the Big Four—or rather the Big Five, now—standing amongst the circled group. What was even going on? Not wanting to be left out more then he already was, Tony rushed out the door before Mercedes could even park. "Hey! At least wait till' I stop moving!"

Ignoring his sister, Tony drew near the group slowly. Peeking around the other Skulls, he tried to get a good look at what was going on, but before he got any answers a deep cry filled the air, and his name was suddenly called out by an all too familiar voice “Antonio!” Shoving past the crowd without a second though, he hurried to Skeletons side, eyes widening in shock as he caught sight of Reiko laying on the floor, surrounded by the rest of the Big Five. What the hell was going on!? Swallowing hard he eyed the unfamiliar girl standing before Reiko before returning his attention to their masked leader, "S-sir?"
Working up Mercy's post right now!

Jazzy said
Matt's comin' for that baby Tony. Grease will protect him from sharp objects. She forces him to use safety scissors for everything.

Poor Tony. q u q His reputation gets continuously crushed thanks to his age.
q - q
Looks like I was a little bit too late.
Aw well, I keep my eye on this thread anyway, I'm interested in seeing how this story progresses in the long run!
This seems pretty interesting! If you guys aren't filled, I'd love to join in!
Well, Mercy isn't a Skull, and with her job in the Casino District I thought it'd be a nice way to introduce her. But after looking over the city information I'm not sure Sinners Row is that close to the Downtown area, or at least going in that direction. ^^;

Maxx said
He fell through the bar's glass double doors and stumbled into the hallway, where he fell on Johnny, killing him instantly. All that remained was a pair of star-shaped sunglasses.

rip Johnny.

Dragonbud said
I've decided, Grease is gonna give Tony a really embarrassing pet name since he is one of the younger members of the gang. Like Baby Tony or something.

Poor Tony, haha. cx The good thing though, is that he'd never talk back or saying anything about to Grease. Just get all tight lipped, and embarrassed.~

Anyone else though, "Call me that again, and I will cut you."
Antonio “Gemini” Fierro

Of all the damn days Mercedes had to work late, it had to be today.

Laid out on the living room couch in a lazy manner, Tony Fierro glared hard at the old television against the wall, as his grandmothers telenovela’s played out on the screen. Every few seconds past the dramatic spanish screaming, he could hear the soft clinking of his grandmothers spoon hitting the bottom of the bowl, weakly trying to fish out the remaining noodles in the sea of broth. This was soon followed by loud, and slow slurping as she eventually brought the spoon to her lips. The tiny woman was sunken in the cushion of the oversized chair, comfortably nestled into the soft seat while quilts and blankets covered her legs and shoulders.

With age, his grandmother lost weight and grown weak. The optimistic, powerhouse of a woman who had raised him and his sister was now a frail, tender old lady. It was almost strange to see his grandmother like this; covered in a mess of wrinkles, and sagging skin. She had withered away before his very eyes in a matter of years, and now, after taking care of so many for so long, she was now the one who needed to be cared for. Of course, when Mercy wasn’t home, this became his responsibility. Not that it was a problem for him. The gang didn’t seem to mind either, considering who his grandmother was and what she had done for them over years. Tony knew to appreciate the time he had with her as well, his grandma wasn’t getting any younger, or healthier, for that matter.

Unfortunately, if it had been any other day Tony would have been happy to watch over his Nana, but Mercy with her perfect timing as always, just had to work over-time on the day of Matt’s promotion. Since late afternoon he had been receiving messages on his phone from other Skulls. Pictures of them drinking, sharing joints, and partying. An here he was, laying on the couch, and watching telenovela's with his grandma.

After a while he soon found himself staring at the catclock just above the television, his eyes watching the long hand tick clockwise as the cats black eyes flicked back and forth in beat with the ticking. His lips slowly began to curve into a scowl as he watched the cat. It’s eyes looking back and forth, with the coy smile on it’s face—it almost felt like the little fucker was mocking him. Dramatically squirming on the couch in discomfort, his ever noisy grumbling continued as he pulled out his phone and began to furiously tap his thumbs along the screen.

[‘Are you off work yet?’] Sending his sister the text, he began to look through his inbox, deleting messages with a few taps along the screen and a frustrated grunt. If he wasn’t going to get to experience the celebration himself, then he was going to simply deny its existence for the time being.

Annoyed, and bored out of his mind, Tony lifted his left leg into the air, and as he brought it down with a heavy swing, he sat himself up along the couch with grunt. A cigarette, or a joint was sounding pretty good right about now. Pushing off the cushion and walking across the wooden floor, he stepped beside his grandmothers chair and eyed her empty plates along her food trey, “You all done, Nana?” Placing a gentle hand along the older woman’s shoulder, he watched her slowly turn her head up as clouded, grey eyes narrowed happily in his direction. In a heavy spanish accent, Dolores smiled softly as her bony hands raised up out of the covers, lightly shaking as they reached out and took Tony’s hand weakly, “Si mijo,” She answered, patting his hand softly in assurance before she returned them to her lap back beneath the sheets, “Your cooking gets better every time I eat it.” She spoke in a raspy voice, rough like an old smoker. Still, despite the gravelly tone, he couldn’t help but blush lightly at the compliment before letting a small smile creep along his face, “Thanks, Nana.”

What his grandmother didn’t know was that rather then making the food from scratch, like he had boasted to her, Mercy had actually been leaving him a list of ingredients for the night supper. A cheat sheet really, but he was still the one cooking the meals. Setting the dishes down in the sink, he rinsed them out with water and left them sitting their. Mercedes could deal with those. He saw that it was was only fair, seeing as he had taken care of their grandmother all day.

From the kitchen, he bee-lined to the front door, stopping briefly to put on his shoes and jacket before he called down the hallway, “I’m gonna step outside for a smoke.” Receiving a, “Que cochino.” from his grandmother in the other room, he gave a light chuckle before stepping out the front door and onto the porch. The cold fall air stung at his face, while the soft drizzling of rain filled his ears. Taking a deep breath and filling his lungs with the freezing air, he dug a hand into his back pocket and brought a pack of marlboro reds. Pulling out a single cigarette and returning the pack to his pocket, he was just about to light his cigarette when two gun shots echoed throughout the neighborhood.

His reflexes kicked in almost immediately as he dropped to a crouch along his front porch, eyes wide and searching desperately for the source of the gun shots. “Qué fue eso?” His grandmothers sudden voice caused him to jump lightly, causing his cigarette to fall from his lips and into a puddle along the stairs. This earned a frustrated sigh from the boy as he mentally kicked himself for getting so startled. Staying low still and quiet, rather then answering his grandma back immediately, he peaked through the fence posts and focused on the street ahead. Searching for any suspicious activity, his eyes widened suddenly as he saw two figures at the end of the street sprint across the crosswalk and out of sight. ‘What?—

Antonio!” His body seized again, jerking from his position as his grandma yelled his name. With an exasperated sigh he leaned into the door, peaking his head in at the bottom as he continued to crouch along the porch, “Ah.. E-está Bien.” He said hesitantly, as he was unsure of his spanish seeing as he wasn’t as fluent as his sister, or grandma were. “Wasn’t anything to worry about,” Reaching in quickly, he snatched his keys off the nightstand next to the door, "I’m gonna head back out to smoke, now. Be right back.” Eyeing the street behind him, he closed the door behind him a soft click and made sure to lock it before he bounded down the stairs of the town-house and onto the sidewalk.

Going into a possible dangerous situation with no powers equipped, Tony knew he was risking it. All he had on him was his switchblade, but he knew that could only do so much against a meta. Coming to the end of the street, he slowly peaked around the corner. Considering how much noise the gun fire had caused he would have assumed the shooters had fled the scene just as soon as things went down, but one could never be too cautious. Besides, it wasn’t like he was looking to become their next target. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he stepped out from behind a fence and turned right. Heading down the block, he caught sight of the street sign just as he turned down another sidewalk. This was Haber street.

His caution high, Tony’s steps began to slow as he caught sight of a man laying on the concrete. Like a spot light, a single working lamp post shined down on him, its bright rays making him stand out even through the rain. Drawing closer, his eyes widened as he realized who the injured man along the floor was. His name was Dennis Fern, a guy maybe a few years older then him who had started dealing in this part of town recently. He wasn’t a bad dude, a bit of a tweaker, but who wasn’t in these parts?

Dennis clutched his stomach and wriggled around in pain on the ground. His sobbing was muffled by the blood gurgling in his throat and spilling down his lips, only adding onto more to the morbid scene. The dark liquid was already pooling beneath him, leaving a long, shimmering trail down into the gutter. The rain would carry most of it away, but there was sure to be a stain here tomorrow. Taking a knee next to him with utmost caution, Tony licked his lips anxiously as he looked over the large wound. A fist sized chunk of meat was displaced from Dennis' lower torso, and by the smaller holes surrounding the cavity he could tell it was caused by a shotgun. Judging by the size and damage, the poor bastard had probably taken the shot at close range too.

Gently, Tony slid a gloved hand beneath the dying mans head, lifting him slightly so his back leaned against his leg. Snot dribbled from his nose while blood continued to spill, his body was shaking uncontrollably, most likely from shock. It didn’t look like he was going to make it. “Shh, it’s okay, everything’s gonna be okay.” His comforting did nothing for the other as he continued to stare up at him with wide, terrified eyes. A chill ran down his back now, and it wasn’t from the temperature, or rain; It was like he could almost feel this mans life slipping away. As Dennis gasped for breath through his sob, Tony pushed past his own thoughts and finally spoke, his voice clear, and firm for the other man to hear, “Tell me, who did this to you?”

The muscles along the other mans throat flexed with each gasp, “..Gir..girls.” He gurgled out before falling into a coughing fit, wheezing heavily in his arms. Tony tried to comfort him with a small hush, but it was to no avail — If only he had access to his sisters powers right now. “Girls?” He repeated to himself before continuing, “What did they look like?”

The other mans eyes began to move about unfocused, his breathing growing weaker with each breath. “Hey, come on, stay with me.” He gave the man a light shake, forcing him awake long enough to focus on his question, “Tell me, what did they look like?” Eyes glossed like marbles, and skin as white as a ghost, Dennis whispered out two last words in his final breaths, “..The same..”

Tony’s eyes were wide with confusion and shock. What did he mean by they looked 'the same?’ Were they twins, or did they look alike? Maybe they dressed the same? However there was no way to get any more answers now. Dennis was as limp as a rag doll, and his face had softened into a peaceful expression. A tight feeling knotted in Tonys chest as he stared down at the other man. He had never had someone die in his arms before. It was sad, and almost to surreal for him to comprehend. But as the other man stared blankly up at him, unmoving and silent, Tony had to accept the reality of the situation.

“Goodnight, man.” With a gentle hand he closed his eyes and laid him down along the concrete. It felt wrong to just leave him there, but as police sirens came from a few streets over, he was quick to head back down the street and take out his phone to alert the others.

[“Murder on East Rail. Two blocks from Haber Street. Could be Ghouls .”] Sending out the message to Damian, he tucked the phone back into his jeans before looking over his shoulder at the body once again. Even if it wasn’t Skull related, something this close to the headquarters always meant bad news in the long run. Turning down the corner, he tried to hurry before the police arrived and tried to place the blame on him. Pulling out his cigarettes once again, he placed one between his lips and held a hand over his lighter, blocking out any rain from snuffing it out. Tugging at the collar of his leather jacket to cover his face as he hurried down the side walk, he tucked his lighter away and exhaled a heavy breath of smoke. Keeping his head low and a weary eye out for anyone or anything suspicious, he made his way back to home to wait for his sister, and if any further instructions came from the text message he had sent out.
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