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  • Old Guild Username: inkmuse
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Aeternus || Nexus
Eternus Guild Archive --> Town Gates

Aspin watched Prince run off before she could respond. Slightly irritated, she pulled up her interface and accepted his friend request. He hadn't bothered to ask if she wanted to join him, but she definitely did. She heard the man he had joined in the distance discuss going on a quest. What a perfect opportunity to explore this world better! No time for sleep! Aspin wasn't a fan of large groups, but she figured she would manage if it meant better odds at completing a quest. She ran after Prince, coming to a halt right in front of the two men. As she came face to face with them, she could feel her cheeks flush. The second man had a cloak pulled over his head and a very serious look on his face. Clearly he was taking the recent news more seriously than Prince.

"May I... uh.. assist?"

She mumbled, her head down so that the cloak Prince had lent her fell over her eyes. She pulled out her bow and quiver and held them up to the two men to show that she had means of defending herself. The sooner she got used to being in groups the better, honestly. And it seemed that this group did not yet have an archer, which could be a useful addition to any group, she remembered reading in the game guide days before the game was released.

HP: 100
SP: 100
Level 1
Potion x5
Gold x80
Twig x5
Sandwich x2
Haha xD I posted again. These two will be interesting friends, I think.
Aeternus ll Nexus
Town Square

Brynn's eyes widened when the man removed his cloak and placed it over her head. She pulled it back a bit so she could see underneath it. After removing it, the man's entire upper body was exposed to the rain and the cold, and she questioned his logic. Yes, she was terribly underdressed (for that she blamed the game design) but now he was underdressed and would surely catch a cold, if such a thing could even happen here. And did he just call her a beauty? Who was this guy, anyway?

"T-thanks. But.. won't you be cold? And how will I return this to you?"

She stammered. Brynn was never very good at talking to people, especially men, even more so when they were shirtless. She had approached him out of curiosity and perhaps with a small desire to make a friend here, but she was quickly regretting this decision. She pondered how she was supposed to proceed with this interaction. What were the common courtesies of small talk?

Ah.. yes.. I should.. introduce myself, maybe?

Brynn thought, biting her lip and pulling the cloak around her arms as she thought.

"I'm Bry.. I mean, Aspin, by the way."

She had nearly forgotten that she went by a different name here.
HP: 100
SP: 100
Level 1
Potion x5
Gold x80
Twig x5
Sandwich x2
Posted! :) Silver Fox, I've interacted with your character, just so you know!

Aeternus ll Nexus
Town Square

Brynn should have been studying by now. She had a schedule: two hours of gaming, then three hours of studying, repeat. Nonetheless, she had been online for nearly four hours now. Believe it or not, she was more anxious about the fact that she was unable to study than the fact that she was stuck in this game. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism, to save her the panic that had consumed most of the other players in this world. Brynn felt a droplet land on her nose and she looked up, only to have more droplets land on her face.

"Of course, it's raining now... that seems fair."

She mumbled, mildly annoyed by the situation. At this point, most of the other players had taken shelter inside, fighting over the few inns that made up Nexus. Brynn, however, didn't feel much like being cooped up inside or going to sleep. If she was going to be stuck here anyway, she wanted to explore. Maybe if she spent the night scoping the place out, she would have an advantage over her fellow players and would know what her next move should be.

As Brynn wandered down one of the streets that branched off of Main Street, she heard a man singing and the gentle strumming of a harp.

Who would be playing a harp in a time like this? And in this weather?

She thought to herself as she walked closer to the source of the music. Soon, she came upon the source of the music, a man with bright red hair and no shirt leaning against a wall. He seemed pretty content with his situation, to Brynn's surprise. As he continued singing, Brynn felt as if she recognized the song, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before.

"Excuse me, where is that song from?"

Brynn addressed him as she attempted to shield herself from the rain with her arm. It was doing her no good though, and she was covered in goosebumps. Her wood elf attire did little to protect her from the elements. She would have to find herself a nice warm cloak tomorrow if she could afford it. She directed her attention back at the man, waiting for him to respond.
HP: 100
SP: 100
Level 1
Potion x5
Gold x80
Twig x5
Sandwich x2
My skills have been added to my CS and await approval. I'll post as soon as they've been approved :)
Real Life Name: Brynn Grace Praller
Soul Story Name: Aspin
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Handcrafted Wood Elf Bow
Weapon Name: Soul of Roots
Class: Wood Elf - The wood elves are a timid and wary people that feel most at home in the forests. They are skilled archers and their wood crafts are sought after by many. They care deeply for nature, believing in a creation myth that explains that their race was born from the roots of ancient oak trees, and will go to great lengths to protect the environment. Although skilled in ranged combat and blessed with high intelligence and speed, wood elves generally have low defense and do poorly in hand-to-hand combat.
Rapid fire - the player rapidly fires arrows from her bow, the speed of the attack often confuses and stuns the opponent and deals considerable damage
Sky shot - the player fires an arrow straight into the air, the arrow hones in on the nearest target, shooting straight down at them from above
Stealth - the player summons branches and vines from nearby trees to disguise herself from nearby threats [SP: 15]
Healing - a weak healing spell in which the player can drain energy from tree roots [SP: 30]
Soul Attack: Soul Bind - the player shoots super-charged arrows that become entangled in vines, wrapping around and constricting her targets upon contact.
Avatar Appearance:
Like most wood elves, Aspin is quite tall, measuring around 6 feet tall. Her features are slim, besides her face which is rather round, giving her a youthful appearance. Her skin is light brown, and her eyes are a shocking green. Her hair is extremely long and bright, lime green. She adorns the typical armor of a wood elf: lightweight clothes that allow her to move nimbly from tree to tree.

In real life, Brynn is the quiet, nerdy type. She spends most of her time studying and reading books for pleasure. She's quite shy and exhibits some signs of social anxiety, becoming uncomfortable in large groups. Most people would describe her as intense, and even scary at times when she gets really into something. She is extremely committed to her goals, and will let little get in her way. In the game, Brynn is less shy because she feels like she can be someone else, a nimble and powerful wood elf. She is very clever and resourceful in difficult situations. She sometimes comes off as somewhat of a know-it-all, and can be very stubborn, insisting that her way is the right way. However, she is a truly lonely person, so she is making efforts to reach out to others through the game and befriend them.
This sounds fun! Reserve me a spot? I'll have a CS up shortly!
Yeaaah... this RP is stone cold dead... :(
Ethir said
I don't mean to be slow. I've jus taken one of my final three exams and they're the most important ones, so my time is spent revising these days. I'll try to get a post up by the end of the week for those of you who are still posting (despite there only being a few of you left)

Oh, no it's not your fault at all! I feel like a lot of the others aren't posting for various reasons. And I'm not trying to imply that their excuses aren't good ones, just that it's slowing things down a bit. Please don't feel rushed :)
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