Avatar of Rosalind
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  • Old Guild Username: Ice
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    1. Rosalind 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Just a heads up I had the Oxford jab last week and the flu side effects kicked my arse. Replies are coming I’m just exhausted
9 yrs ago
My interest can be short lived. Slow moving stories do not last long with me.
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Maddie had hoped the girl hadn’t noticed, she hated trying to explain what was wrong whenever she had one of these visions. People would think she was crazy if she told them that she saw things! They always came true though, whatever she saw had happened. So what on earth did that mean? Red eyes were only seen in films and the sun had yet to make an appearance here in Forks, it left her confused and a little unsteady. But she had no time to dwell as Risa was in front of her, a familiar look of concern etched on her face as she looked to Maddie.

But the blonde offered a smile and tried to brush off what had happened, cursing this condition she had. It had been useful sometimes; it had gotten her out of a few dangerous or troublesome situations, and had saved her backside more than once. But when she looked like an absent freak clutching her head in public, she could have gone without it.

“I get these headaches sometimes” Maddie lied reaching into her bag and pulling out a bottle of water. “They come and go really quickly” She added, downing half the bottle in once before making her way again. “Oh, and I’m Madison… Maddie” she said introducing herself.

It took sometime but eventually the pair found their lockers, and she was thankful it wasn’t at the other end of the building, but rather situated close to the cafeteria. Off-loading half her bag and hanging her coat in the locker, she checked down her schedule once more and was a little disappointed to learn they wouldn’t be sharing a class until Gym. With a promise made to meet up on break, Maddie made off for the English building.

The English building was quite the distance away and it took Maddie some time to find which room she was supposed to be in. Although she was quickly accosted by some of the regular Forks students who were in awe of her and kept asking questions, something she managed to get out of when she finally found the English room she needed. Maddie made her way into the class, still trying to make heads or tails of that vision as she handed a piece of paper to the teacher before being directed to a seat at the back of the classroom.


The message was sent and Edward did not have to wait long for a reply. Carlisle phoned straight back and Edward hid behind a row of lockers, and told Carlisle everything. The senior Vampire sounded concerned, and told Edward he would look into all that he could, and that Edward was to tell the others of his problem with the smell, so that they could keep an eye on him. Edward refused of course, he hated the thought of being babied but he was certain Carlisle would inform the others anyway. He would not act out of malice but rather protection for his adoptive son. Edward had a deep respect and fondness for Carlisle, and could not carry disfavour for anything he did in the interest of others.

With the phone call ended he continued on his way to the history block, and was thankful to learn upon arrival that he was seated towards the back once more. Edward was already advanced in his education, having taken school several times already. But as he did not sleep he spent his forever expanding his knowledge. He was well versed in all subjects, both practical and theory. Edward had to often ignore the urge to correct teachers when they distributed incorrect information. He knew it was the same for Jasper when they learnt about the Civil War. Jasper had actually served in it and knew more than anyone alive today.

Placing his bag on the table he pulled out the notebook and pen, though any notes he took would be for show only. He’d taken history numerous times and always excelled, receiving perfect grades on all his work and exams. Once he used to make errors on purpose just to look more human, but out of habit he just wrote what he knew. The Cullen clan all help perfect grades, despite occasionally having to miss school, like when it was sunny. Rosalie spread the rumour that when the sun was out they all went hiking or camping, and no one ever questioned it. They couldn’t risk coming to school when the sun was out, the shimmering skin would give them up as something not quite human.

Edward remembered he had been too still too long and he moved his shoulders and moved his chest, following the routine of actions to make himself look more human.
This dead then?
Most sorry for that delay, was having Internet issues.

“Honestly don’t worry about it” Maddie replied. “To be fair it was only a matter of time before I walked into something, haven’t got a clue where anything is here” she added a slight saddened frown as she pushed her hair back from her face. When Maddie asked about the locker she instantly saw the hesitation in the other girl, and for a moment Maddie felt a little awkward. She knew from her own time back in England at school that showing around the new kid wasn’t exactly a desired job. But her ill ease was quickly quashed when the girl explained that she was one of the other new kids she was told about. Suddenly Maddie felt relief and she couldn’t help but smile.

“Yeah, the admin lot told me about the merge when I signed up” she said. “I got to confess, I am a little relieved. I really didn’t want to be the new kid” Maddie added with a light chuckle, as now she was one of twenty odd new kids here. When her company said that her locker was right next door, the blonde’s sense of relief increased and she felt almost hopeful about the first day. Maddie did not want to become one of those desperate sorts, and she had never had trouble making friends, but there had been a sense of gloom about this day. She was in a real non touristy part of America and she was English, she had been warned people would both be enthralled and in awe of her. The fact that she was on route to making friends with someone, she felt silly for being happy.

So Maddie agreed, and shared a joke about their lockers being down some dank corridor as they walked. But a little less than five steps in, Maddie froze and her eyes creased. Something about the blonde which no one knew was that she had vision, premonitions about the future. They were never set in stone and were always a little blurry, and once Maddie had been terrified of them. But she tried to ignore it, putting it down to weird symptoms of a headache. She placed her fingers to her forehead as the foggy image flooded her mind, and she saw a pair of honey coloured eyes and a set of the most perfectly white teeth, and an image of the sun. It lasted only a few seconds and the blonde shook it off, pretending nothing had happened.


“Yeah, until it’s time to head back to Alaska and start again” Edward said somewhat grimly, thinking about the continuous cycle of their lives. They could only stay here so long before people would start to question why Carlisle was not aging. Carlisle loved his job and he was a remarkable doctor, and he had been at hospitals all over the country. But for the teen looking Vampires in his family they would have to go back to school and play the role of students once more. Edward loved to learn, but the curriculum hadn’t changed much. And he grew tired of the same old teenage drama that riddled schools. And not to mention the admiration all the Cullen’s received.

They were just inside the threshold of the school and someone’s mind hit him, a new one. It was different, it was seeing something, and there was a supernatural element to what she was thinking. And the subject of her thoughts caused Edward to feel alarmed, more so than that delicious scent that had hit him earlier. This mind was looking on Jasper, though she did not know it due to the foggy blur. But she saw both amber eyes and glittering sun, and there was a content feel about it. Edward’s hand tightened around the straps of his bag and he looked back to Jasper. Was this mind having a vision? Was that possible? Well, Aro had visions of sorts, although his more relied on contact before he could read every thought of the subject. This was more an image of the future, or so Edward believed.

“Things are changing here” Edward warned, and he departed company from Jasper and headed to his history lesson, whipping out his phone and texting Carlisle quickly on his way.
So sorry for the delay. I will be replying today.

It was only once inside that Maddie made to take her hood down. She really had once thought that America was warm and sunny, yet the constant downpour of rain showed no signs of easing off. She was already miserable when she made to reach into her bag for the wad of papers when someone knocked into her, causing her bag to fall from her hands. “Wonderful” she groaned, bending down quickly to scoop up her belongings and stuff them back into her bag before they got kicked about the soaked floor. “I am fine… It’s fine” she said to the perpetrator, yanking back her hood and shaking out her curled hair.

Once composure was regained, Maddie looked to her company and she smiled. There had been no intent to come across as rude, and she smiled, slotting back into her usual happy ways. “It’s fine, honestly” She said with a sincere smile and unfolded the paperwork and looked to her allotted locker and its code. At her old school they had had lockers, but they were all key operated. She remembered having a locker right down the back end of the school, and it had taken a great deal of begging to get herself moved to the main part of school. But she already knew that this school was completely different to her last school. For one thing, she would have finished school back home, compulsory education stopping at sixteen. Being back in an educational establishment when she was supposed to be finished wasn’t exactly the most heart-warming matter.

“Hey, don’t suppose you know where locker 216 is do you?” She asked looking up to the girl as she peeled her own hood back. Although it was more than clear by her English accent, she continued to say “You can probably tell that I am new here… and I haven’t even stopped to look at this map they gave me” she added, stepping away from the entrance to the school, not missing the looks of all the students as they poured inside.


“I’m sure it was nothing” Edward said, forcing himself to compose. He looked down the length of his arm to his car and to the folded metal beneath his knuckles. He growled in frustration as he straightened his arm out, flexing his fingers. They didn’t hurt, he couldn’t feel physical pain. But under the guise of being human he rubbed his fingers and looked back around, and the smell had gone.

That smell had been like nothing else; in all his years as a Vampire he had not smelt anything as delicious as that. It was what the word euphoria would smell like if it had a scent, it was almost intoxicating. It had taken every inch of his resolve not to follow his hunter’s nose and kill this person, his humane side winning only by an inch. Edward was usually the most composed, was able to distract himself away from the blood lure and focus on enough things, and eventually that desire would fade away.

But for some reason today something broke through, a scent appealed to him more than anything before. He needed to speak to Carlisle about this, but knew the man was in surgery this morning. Hoping it was just a one off due to the influx of students; Edward looked to Jasper and shook his head. “It’s nothing” he said as he pushed off from the car, doing his best to act calm so that Jasper could not read his anxious mood.
And done.

Seclusion, the lifestyle seemed to suit her so well. It wasn’t one she’d have chosen for herself, she remembered a time when she had dreams of happiness and adventure, as with any youngster. Wanda wanted so much to smile and be the charming girl she once was, but she was constantly plagued by the hardships of her past. It was something else those within the Avengers helped her with. Every one of them had a past, they all came with their own demons, but they worked towards putting them to rest. Wanda had been able to move on and focus all the while she had Pietro, but the loss of him was still too recent in her grief to be moved on from. She was sick of living in the cycle of misery and wanted so much for it to end.

There was one, he who liberated her spirits from that cavern of darkness, who brought warmth to her heart and a smile to her face. He who understood more than any what she battled, who seemed to be able to look upon it all with a wise head. Perhaps it was his longevity that blessed him with such an outlook. His love of earth was not unknown, and his title as defender of the nine realms. Wanda was fascinated by everything to do with Thor, and often succumbed to giddiness when in his company.

After the dealings with Sokovia, Thor had left on his quest for knowledge of the Infinity Stones. He had returned to the facility a few weeks later with Dr Banner, and whilst most had questioned Bruce on his vanishing act, Thor had come to her. From then it had been almost daily that they took time out to speak, Wanda questioning him all about the worlds beyond this one. It was a nice break from the gruelling training. But beyond the almost fantastical stories there was the man himself, and what a man she had discovered him to be. Though mighty and proud, there was a goodness within him, one which sought out her own gentility, and one that comforted her. Thor had done what the others persistently failed at. Everyone treated her like a bomb ready to explode, carefully monitoring her and afraid that she would destruct. But Thor had treated her like a normal woman, looked beyond the infinite power within and to Wanda the person. Though she shared a common status with Vis, in that she was as new to this life as him, it was with Thor that she truly allied.

Trying to eradicate thoughts of him from her mind, Wanda headed into her room to change from the training clothes she had worn. Pulling her hair free from the scruffy top knot and tossing the training Lycra into the washing bin, the blonde pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and vest. Pausing by the mirror on the vanity desk, her eyes lingered on the picture of her and Pietro, and a knot formed inside of her. Her jaw tightened again as she looked to her late brother, and she sucked in her bottom lip, swallowing back that rising ache.

But a knock from the door sounded and pulled her from her silent lament, and the voice that followed once more sent butterflies through her body. She smiled, pulling open the bedroom door and looking up to the deliciously handsome Asgardian. “Hello, Thor” she replied with a most sincere smile as she stepped back and welcomed him in, working hard to keep her knees from failing her.


Swirling the iced drink around the tumbler, Clint was so absent of reality he failed to notice the newcomer, something much frowned upon in his line of work. His reactions were fast, his sight infallible, yet there remained one who could cloud his mind. That one was she who disturbed his daydreaming’s, who leaned with such ease against the kitchen, the ever enigmatic Natasha. Clint looked up as she spoke, offering a brief and cheeky smirk of his own before lifting the tumbler up. “It’s medicinal” he quipped, before taking yet another generous mouthful of the drink, emptying it off all its contents.

“So, whose ass did you kick today?” Clint asked as he placed the glass into the sink and looked back. But the jovial air was quickly lost as he looked back to Natasha, concerned eyes quick to take into view the injury down the side of her face. He wasn’t foolish enough to rush concerned to her side and treat her like a wounded child; she’d likely punch him for the insult. But concern was quick to settle in; it was only in the most dangerous of fights that Natasha picked up injury. “Or rather who kicked your ass?” He replied instead with a playful flick of the eyebrows, and walked to her side.

Holding her chin in his hand he turned her face, studying the red welt on her cheek, the skin around it already taking on a nasty pink rawness to it. “Well, you’re a goner” he said with a shrug, walking past her towards the phone. “Any last requests?” He added as he clicked in two numbers and waited for the answer. He had a brief conversation with Helen Cho, keeping any tone of real concern from his voice before he hung up the phone. “Well, time for me to save your life again” He said guiding the female away from the kitchen, heading out from the private wing of the grand establishment. It was all of Stark’s design and funding, and it was ultra-modern in its display. Parts of it almost felt clinical, especially where the Agents were headed now. Clint and no doubt in Cho’s expertise, it was thanks to her that his side was now without marking and the wound completely healed.

There was one downside to the science labs here, and that had been the return of Bruce. Clint had nothing against the Doctor, other than a boyish rivalry. It was easy to see the way Bruce looked at Natasha, and the fact that she remained the only one who could calm the Hulk down and bring a sense of humanity to the beast. He would never admit he was jealous of their bond, but couldn’t help the territorial growl rumble through him. Clint had found himself unable to bear the man’s company alone of late. Something he was glad only Wanda was aware of.

"Think Tony is throwing one of his parties tonight... Since Pepper left I don't think I've seen him sober" Clint replied, trying to distract himself from the tight cut of her clothes, and the image of the goddess like curves that lay beneath.

Weather can't seem to make up its mind. Was going to go spend some of my birthday vouchers, but it's a day indoors watching Disney instead.

I'll start my reply now.
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