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    1. Roundabout 9 yrs ago


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Momentarily stunned by the sudden movement, and reflexes dulled by the mead, Tristan did barely react until the elf had already dragged him a few steps. This encounter really had taken an unexpected turn. "Hey!", he yelled, attempting to pry Ignaescious' fingers from his shirt and digging his heels into the floorboards, "Let me go! It's just confection; nothing to get - ngh! - angry about!" Tristan had sensed something off about the elf when he'd made the offer to show him the butchers' - you didn't survive long in court if you couldn't detect a false smile, drunk or not - but hadn't at all expected that he'd do something as drastic as public abduction. As they got closer to the door, Tristan's struggles increased, but with the way the room was spinning it didn't do him much good. Damn alcohol and its appealing properties. "Seriously, Iggy, let go!" He started to reach for the small knife he kept in his belt, but was hesitant to use it. Violence was a last resort, and Tristan didn't want to risk hurting anyone - even slightly deranged elfs - unless strictly necessary, and in his current state he lacked the coordination to be careful.
Tristan accepted the hand, shaking it maybe slightly more vigorously than what was necessary, "Wow, that really is a mouthful! Can I call you Iggy? I think I'll call you Iggy." he nodded to himself, decision made, "Oh, and you're an elf! That's wonderful! You'now, I met an elf once...or well, I've met several, but this one in particular was really nice and had these elvish confection that was really good. They were small, like this-" he held up his hand, indicating his the size with his thumb and forefinger, "-and really sweet! D'you know of them?" A voice in the back of his head warned him that rambling like this was a clear sign that a nasty hangover was waiting for him in the morning, but as it was he ignored it. Who knew when he'd get to just relax and enjoy himself next? Life was fickle that way, after all.
For just a second, Tristan's expression turned blank. Then, as if it had never been, it was replaced with a pout, "What, right now? But the music and all the people are here!" he protested, leaning his hip against the table, "Leaving would be a terrible shame! I'll have to save that offer for some other time. Because - no offence - I fail to see what a butchers' got to offer that's better than, well, being here." unnecessarily, he gestured to the rest of the hall where quite a few still kept up the celebrations despite the late hour, then offered the same hand to the hooded stranger, "I'm Tristan Trivillan, by the way. Pleasure to meet you, sir...?"
While being encouraged by a few nearby villagers with cheers and whistles, Tristan downed what was left of his mead in one go. His head was spinning afterwards, and the world around him had gained a funny tilt. Turning his head, he suddenly spotted a hooded figure sitting all by their self, away from the rest of the people in the hall. Tristan frowned. That just wouldn't do! With all the grace and agility of a three legged rhino, Tristan jumped down from the table. After being steadied by a helpful woman and thanking her, he made his way over to the hooded figure. "Why, this is no time for sitting alone, my gloomy friend!" he stated, standing in front of the other, then offered his empty tankard, "Here! Drink, Drink! Or...no, wait, this's empty." Tristan frowned down into the tankard, as if noticing this for the first time. He then burst out laughing, "No matter! How'bout this; you come with me over to the bar, and I'll buy you a drink!" Tristan gestured to the bar, smiling expectantly.
Tristan stood by the bar, clapping along to the music and mimicking the few parts he'd caught on to - mostly the part going 'yup, yup, yup!'. But what he lacked in knowledge, he made up for in enthusiasm. The bar keeper came over with the second tankard of mead he'd ordered that night, and Tristan took a large mouthful of it before handing over a few coins. He surveyed the hall, looking for a suitable table to sit down. As he'd only been at the colony for no more than a month, and most of that time had been spent indoors unpacking, writing letters and doing all sorts of paper work, he hadn't had the time to socialize much. He squinted, spotting the Governor General himself farther into the room. Tristan had made sure to introduce himself to the man the moment he arrived, and had had the chance to talk briefly to him a few times since then. Smiling broadly, he made his way closer to the platform. When he was close enough, he rose his tankard in greeting, unaware the man was already occupied in another conversation. "A very good evening to you, Governor!", Tristan had to almost scream to be heard over music and cheering, and he had no idea if the Governor would even recognize him. Not that it really mattered; he was just being polite. He then laughs as his attention was pulled to the dwarf drunkenly crawling onto the table again, almost tipping over the other musicians in the process. In a fit of euphoria and intoxication, Tristan then climbed onto the table next to the dwarves and rose his arms in the air, spilling mead this way and that, "And a very good evening to every last one of you all fine folks!" His exclamation was met with more cheering. Oh Atal, if his father could see him now, Tristan though. Despite only being on his second tankard, he was well on his way to becoming thoroughly wasted. The fine wines he was accustomed to was nowhere near as strong as the stuff they served here.
Tristan stretched his arms over his head as he walked, relishing in the pleasant burn in his muscles. Today had been quite eventful, what with the fields being harvested and the subsequent merry-making that was now taking place. He found it all very interesting and amusing, as he'd only ever witnessed similar events from afar before. The fields and among the commoners wasn't a place for a prince, after all. But here there were no servants, advisors or family members to tell him what he could or couldn't do, so he was enjoying this new found freedom to the fullest. Sure, he hadn't really been able to help much with the harvesting, as his knowledge of such things were few and purely theoretical, but he'd still had a good time just observing and occasionally offering to help with simpler tasks. Many gave his more expensive clothing a skeptical look, to which Tristan smiled sheepishly and gave a slight shrug. So it was with light feet and a grin on his face that Tristan entered The Lost Minstrel, intent on drinking and socializing as long as he could keep his eyes open - or until the mead hall emptied of people willing to keep him company. Whatever came first. Tristan passed an elf on his way in, but didn't pay him much mind except nodding his head once as he went by.
@Klaudus Are there any guidelines for how long each character have been in the colony? Are we talking days? Weeks? More than a month? Just so I know which level of familiarity I would already have with the area.
Likewise, I can't wait to love you all! I feel like our characters will get along really well, Casso. Aah, I'm so exited!
I second gowia's question, how many characters do we want before we start?
Name: Tristan III of house Trivillan Race: Human Age: 26 Sex: Male Appearance: Slim build, but with the muscles expected of one trained in swordsmanship. 5'6 feet tall. Profession: Prince/Ambassador Social Ranking: Higher than a villager, but despite his skills with a sword and the fact that he's mostly there as an envoy, people might look at him as a 'spoiled brat' because of his royal background. Talents: Sword fighting and knowing which utensil to use when at fancy dinners. Personality: Positive, loyal and outgoing, Tristan could easily be compared to a golden retriever. He always tries to give everyone – and everything - the chance to prove that there's some good in each living being. Though seemingly naive, he often intentionally exaggerate those traits. He's noticed that people are often much easier to handle when they think he's stupid and gullible. Recent history: With five elder siblings all doing something productive with their lives, Tristan was pleased when his lord father informed him that he was to be sent as an ambassador to the new colony, despite the dangers this would surely put him in.
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