Avatar of Rowdyruff
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: EternusVita
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 82 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Rowdyruff 10 yrs ago


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Shannon took a deep breath of what was a mixture of relief and worry. The relieving side of things was that the door had been opened, the worrying side was that the room was pitch black. She could hear the wavering in her breath as she stepped further into the room. It made absolutely no sense to her why she thought it was sensible to keep moving but her feet had taken their own initiative and guided her into the room. She had never actually been in this room before, she only really knew where it was because of how she had a hospital map on the desk beside her whilst she was working. The layout of the interior was completely unknown to her. It was... slightly terrifying.

Her eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness and her hands were tightened around the oxygen tank. She was trying to follow the absurd "whirring" noise, which she assumed was coming from the machine that she had seen the doctors use to refill oxygen tanks on the lower floors. What if Ryland's already dead?. Her hands trembled a little as she continued to edge towards the whirring. She continued walking - quite quickly as she was overwhelmed with urgency - until she felt her face pressed quite harshly against cold metal and a whirring noise drilled into her skull. She'd reached the contraption. She set the oxygen tank beneath her feet and made sure it was firmly held by both of her ankles. She started to feel against the wall and machine, trying to find a light switch or the nozzle that she'd have to hook the machine up to. She felt an odd shape and after groping it quite a bit she discovered it was the wall light. Her eyes stung now that she'd become accustomed to the dark and the light had rudely invaded again. She attempted to spin her body around, leaving the oxygen tank where it is so she can see around the room. As soon as she spun, there was a loud snarling noise; Shannon's first impulse was to cry out in panic. The cry in panic was within reason however, as a mutilated and disgusting - but still functioning - corpse threw himself at her. She stumbled, knocking a foot against the oxygen tank and a sharp pain stabbed into her ankle. She fell, and struggled wildly against the floor to make some distance between herself and the corpse - who was still stood. There was no way she would be able to get to the exit without the corpse being on her within seconds - she just tried her best to stay away from the "zombie" in hope that the cry she had made and the noise of her foot against the oxygen tank had been loud enough to alert Travis and the others.
i'll have a post up at some point; too tired right now.
Aria had gotten a little distracted in the kitchen - one of the new cooks had made a mistake on one of the stoves and nearly caused an outrageous gas fire and set the whole place alight. After giving the young defenseless boy a scolding for his stupidity, she realized that she'd abandoned both Marian and Allan. She had overheard them briefly talking about Marian's fangirl crush, and Aria had smirked when she had. She knew Marian had this crush for a while, though she was unsure if Marian even knew that she knew. Either way, she'd always intended to arrange a meeting with them both but had always ended up being distracted and remembering that was what she aimed to do as soon as she arrived back home. Allan would be a better candidate for making these arrangements, because he was - although not successful in the area for himself - a good "matchmaker" for love. Aria could even call him Cupid if he actually looked at all similar to a stone baby wearing only a diaper. The idea of Marian's love life made Aria realize that she had a very pathetic one. She'd never really "flirted" or "seduced" a male - not really seeing a purpose to - unless it was online and for another motive. Though the idea of a boyfriend intrigued Aria, she'd always wondered why people believed that it "helped" you. Perhaps experiencing one would allow her to understand or at least disagree.

The long awaited coffee was finally prepared for Allan and ready for delivery and as Aria stepped through the kitchen doors Marian confronted her with a supposed proposition. Whatever it was, it was sure to be something of interest to the Merry Men and Aria would absolutely definitely agree to the idea. However, Aria had to keep up her usual personality otherwise it'd just come across as odd.
"As long as it doesn't sound too hilariously dull." She smirked as she approached and set the coffee down in front of Allan. "So, what is it?" She slid up next to Allan, albeit a little closer than expected just to playfully irritate dear Allan, and questioned Marian further on what this proposition involved. Allan could even come with them, just to keep Aria sane from all the madness.
oh i was actually waiting for you!

i'll get a post up a bit later though
I forgot to reply at the fact that no one answered my request on what to do with Shannon.
Should she encounter trouble while finding help for Ryland or not?
no one answered my ask for input on shannon's journey :(
she's a teen and surrounded by other teens - then theres a 32 year old

she didnt call you elderly, she called you old

anyway, any input on whether she's going to discover trouble or not?
Mornings. Pandora didn't love or detest them.
Of course, she hated waking up in the morning and trying to sleep once more; and failing miserably. She hated how the weather was abnormally cold and she shivered even when buried in bedsheets. However, she enjoyed having some time to herself before she was barraged by everybody and everything. So now she'd spring out of bed (with a rough 10 minute space between waking up and the bed-springing), get herself dressed and go jogging.

She usually circled the whole academy, not minding the small obstacles in her path and just phase through them. Well, that's what Professor Pryde calls what she does, phasing. Pandora wanted a unique name however, as she was constantly pestered about being a "Kitty Pryde" wannabe. It's like everyone believes she chose her mutation. Idiots.

She'd circle the academy roughly ten times and it'd take her an hour and a half before she'd finish. By now students are already flowing out onto the patches of grass in the school gardens, and that was Pandora's cue to leave. Although she wasn't aware that she recieved any male attention, it didn't make her any less self-conscious about being caked in her own sweat. It grossed her out.

She'd jump in a shower and initiate a hardcore procrastination session. Even though she had decided she hated the morning chill she strangely always submitted herself to an equally as cold chill in the shower. She tried to reason that it was because she needed it, whilst when waking up she doesn't. At all. The shower usually takes 30 minutes but that morning Pandora really exerted herself to 45.

Her next stop on her morning routine would be the kitchen, where she'd usually eat light. Snacks like chocolate, chips, cookies, and drinks like soda, water, and milk. It varied depending on her mood. She never normally lingered long there and was heading back to her dorm when she passed Ororo's - otherwise known as Storm - office and saw the two troublesome twins. She sometimes saw them about but from the top of her head couldn't recall ever having a actual conversation with them. She stopped to observe them pressing their ears up against the door anyway, and wondered if they had some absurd belief that Storm was naked. In her office. Then she realised that if this was the case the fact they were listening would be almost redundant.
"Do you mind telling me what you're doing?" She inquired with a brief five second delay that involved observation beforehand.
Who was called what, again?
The tank was thrust into her hands, as Travis more or less literally placed Ryland's life in her hands. It was a little heavier than expected and she stumbled a little; she'd expected a lot more guidance and support but no one volunteered to escort her to the room. What if more.. things, showed up?! She lingered a little longer in case there was a volunteer, before she twisted her body and tried to quickly and efficiently navigate herself down the hallway with a large heavy canister held in both hands.

The fact that she was trying to move quickly resulted in her being unable to move quietly, her feet landed quite heavily per footstep against the marble flooring and she was scared she was bringing obvious attention to herself. She heard a foreign language behind herself, and she wondered if the older man or Travis were foreign; the language used sounded definitely European, and neither of the two looked like they suited the bill. The way they spoke was urgent; despite it being impossible to translate, but Shannon couldn't go back and resolve the issue. She was already resolving Ryland's. Her inability to breathe.

It was a chore to get a hand to the handle without dropping the tank but Shannon accomplished the feat. She pushed downwards, and there was an abrupt clicking noise and a quiet "bleep". The door was locked. The only justifiable reasons she could think of for the locking is that someone left and didn't want anyone to go in, they were hiding in there, or they'd locked something else in. Shannon thought quite quickly on her feet and decided there was only one solution, she took a step back and raised the tank over her head. Taking a deep breath and a few moments to aim, she swung the tank as hard as she could against the doorhandle.
It made a dreadfully loud sound that probably travelled to Cael, Travis, and the Korean but once again she didn't have time to check. The handle had fallen from the door and there was a softer clicking noise which Shannon assumed was the door unlocking. Using her body to open the door, she entered the room that she believed could save Ryland.

(OOC: gonna leave it there for if people wish to come with Shannon and we can decide whether she encounters anything inside. Talk on OOC though I just thought this'd be easier to notice here.)
done that now, sorry.
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