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Well you know i'm in Death. :3

Edit: >.> <.<.... stay away from him Spartan. XD
Cool :D
Hope sighed, trekking up the mountain. The sun was shining, the birds were out, the bees were buzzing.... And she was in a horrible mood. Her cheeks turned red with anger, realizing she still had a ways to go. Hope stopped, catching her breath. She absentmindedly watched a butterfly flap from flower to flower, her anger at having to walk up the mountain fading a bit.
Hope walked into the guild, looking around. It was relatively empty, as most of the members were on their respective missions. It was early morning, and the sun was shining through the windows, illuminating certain spots here and there. Although most people hated mornings, Hope actually loved them. She always felt so refreshed waking up, although that was probably because of the permanent Beauty Sleep charm cast on her. She could sleep for ten minutes and feel like she'd slept for days. She also woke up perfect. Always. ALWAYS.
She headed over to the request board, scanning over the various jobs and such. There was a request for two wizards to make a cake... One to go after a wyvern... Hargeon trip... Suddenly, one caught her eye. Her beloved Aero had taken a quest. Any quest he had taken was one she had to be on. Forget doing work or getting the reward, she just wanted to spend time with him.... It was a request for three wizards to go... and pick flowers. Up on the Mountain Pass.

"THE MOUNTAIN PASS? OHNOOHNOOHONOOHNO!! They can't go up there. there's..."
Hope slowly made her way up the mountain, checking her surroundings every now and again for a sign of unwanted visitors. As a squirrel jumped out of the bushes, Hope squeaked and moved away. Seeing that it was just a squirrel, she relaxed a bit. She was right to be fearful, though. These mountains were notorious for their bandits, and one group in particular was just....
She shuddered, thinking of the implications if that group of wizards ran into them. They were bad news, and could spell trouble, even doom for the trio.
As she neared the peak, Hope's breath caught in her throat. What lay before her was the most beautiful, most magnificent sight she had ever seen. Fields upon fields of flowers, each more beautiful than the last. Roses, Tulips, Wildflowers, Partheneons, Pansies, Dafelites... They were all so pretty. Whoever requested for them to be picked obviously wanted to put on quite a display. These flowers alone could make any party or event into a bonanza.
Feeling incredibly inspired, Hope sat on a nearby rock, pulling out a pencil and paper. She had a weird quirk about her where no matter what danger or trouble she was in, or someone else was in, if she found something pretty enough, she had to sit and draw it. It had gotten her into serious trouble before, but she always managed to handle it. This time, though, there was no danger present, just the flowers.
She began to draw, her pencil flowing across paper with ease, perfectly capturing the likeness of the flowers. She would later study the picture and create a simple Love spell that would allow her to recreate the image around her. It was a power she adored, being able to show others the beauty of the things she saw.
She was so engrossed in her drawing, she failed to notice her surroundings. Dark figures started to rise from the ground, forming into people. As they materialized, the band of criminals slowly approached Hope...
Thanks! I'll post where needed, or just get some character dev in :3
Name: Hope Clearwater
Nickname/Alias: Succubus
Age : 21
DOB : 2/14
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Bisexual

Personality : Hope is a very sensuous, flirty girl. She uses her beauty and charm to get whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. This by no means causes her to be spoiled, and she only uses her charm in desperate situations. She often chases after boys, flirting nonstop, although she’s extremely loyal to any relationship she’s in.

She’s a sweet and kind girl, often sticking up for the weak and helpless, all in the name of Love. When challenged, her opposite side comes out. The side of Tough Love is brutal, although quite forgiving. Hope will show no mercy to her enemies, until they surrender, at which point she becomes very gracious and forgives easily.

Arsenal : Blades of Eternal Love: Hope carries two blades in her Requip slot. These blades are honed to strike with extreme precision, and cut through most any magical defense. One scratch from her sword causes all but the most willful of mages to be infatuated with her.

Eye of The Beholder: This is an item Hope herself imbued with love magic. When worn, it automatically causes anyone who looks upon her to see his or her heart’s desire, in a person.

Heart-Breaks Defense: This is a shield Hope carries, that blocks many different types of magic, if they are meant to harm her. Even the magic that makes it through is dulled, made friendly by the Love Magic.

Magic Type : (Holder, Caster) Love Magic
Mage Rank : Class B- Mage
Magic : Love Magic

Other : Hope is secretly in love with Aero, after having fought beside him during the raid. A bit like Juvia to Gray, her love borders on creepy, and she often follows him around, and staring at him.
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