Avatar of rtc143
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    1. rtc143 9 yrs ago


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Hi there. Name's Ryan. I've been off and on role-playing for a long time now and decided to get back on the saddle, so to speak. I am a big lover of anime-based RPs, especially Naruto, but I will basically join anything that sounds interesting. So yeah, that's me! Adios for now.

Most Recent Posts

Before I work on my "yes and" (Phew is that gonna be something..) I wanted to check in with @HeySeuss in regards to my edits.
<Snipped quote by rtc143>

Faerie magic in general; glamour/trickery/illusion, temporary boons and the ability to put people in geas'es and fog their mind. Charming and deceiving. The gamut of things faeries do.

Man I feel dumb. I can't believe I didn't think to put that in my talents section. I overlooked it because in my head, it was self-explanatory because I was a faerie, smh. Consider it added. :P
Well my character is nearly complete and posted. Just thinking on the "yes, and" thing now, lol.


Ah I see. Well I wasn't going for law enforcement as much as sidhe judge in training. Which just comes with the added necessity of catching a few bad guys. But I can try to change things around to fit a different perspective. Any suggestions?
Name: Karram Sylian
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Breed/Species/Type/Lineage: Seelie Sidhe (Faerie)

Physical Description:

-Flight: The ability to fly with proficient maneuverability for a long duration of time.

-Nature Magic: The ability to manipulate nature in various ways such as entangling creatures with branches or roots, concealing himself within the earth, or harnessing energy from plant life to strengthen his blade.

-Illusory Manipulation: Can use Illusion Magic to disguise himself or create minor sensory illusions against others.

-Sleep Inducing Magic: The ability to induce a narcoleptic state of sleep in targeted creatures. (Related: Karram also has the innate ability to create illusions or send messages to sentient beings in their dreams.)

-Empathy: The ability to perceive people's emotions and motives.

-Sword-fighting: He is a trained swordfighter.

The Sylian branch family is renowned in the faerie community of Ireland. For centuries they have served as judges in the Seelie Court, with the primary responsibility of doling out punishment for faeries who have committed crimes against the mortals or faerie brethren. Karram Sylian's family was different however. He was the unfortunate product of an unlawful relationship between a Seelie faerie and an Unseelie faerie. His father was pronounced a traitor to the community and both he and his forbidden lover were executed. Karram Sylian was to be banished from the Seelie Court and sent to the Ashen Pit where Unseelie miscreants lived. However his father's brother, Eromyr, was able to convince the council to spare the infant faerie and grant him 20 years of life to prove his usefulness to the community. The council gave in and allowed Eromyr to adopt Karram and teach him as his own.

For the next 15 years Karram grew up learning the ways of the Seelie Court, faerie magic, and other resourceful trades. He never learned about his past or birth parents until his 16th birthday. Eromyr sat him down and explained the scenario that lead to his birth. Astonished and heartbroken, Karram spent the next few weeks lazing in a deep depression. But eventually he came to his senses and decided his life's work would be to amend his family's honor and eventually become Seelie Grandmaster. On his 20th birthday Karram was brought before the council of elders and rigorously tested. His incredibly honed skills and vast faerie knowledge surprised the council, and so they let him live.

Five years later Karram was appointed as a Seelie Adviser, the same position his uncle Eromyr held. He and Eromyr were sent with several others to the United States to set up a new branch of the Seelie Court within the supernatural communities that exist there. Karram was especially excited to travel to a new place where he could make a name for himself without the past haunting his every move. For the last 31 years, Karram has served as an adviser in the courts. He is known for his ability to detect the emotions and motives of defendants as well as his overall intelligence and loyalty; even receiving a few nods from Count Caradoc in the past.

In the human world, Karram originally disguised himself as a young and ambitious David Rodgers. He took up a job as an attorney and excelled in the position for just over 20 years. However he was commanded by the courts to change both his disguise and persona due to skepticism in his office over his apparent lack of aging. So he adopted the name Karl Silverman and has since been working for the IRS at the request of the courts (presumably so he could look into some of the supernaturals who mingle with with the humans).

But now everything has changed. The resurrection of Nemsemet and the slaughter of the Count and his high council has caused chaos in the supernatural world, and the last thing Karram wants is for that chaos to spill into the mortal world. Because if it does, it could bring the whole world to its knees...

Psychological Profile:
Karram is unlike most faeries in many ways. Determined and courageous, Karram is always looking to prove himself useful to his community; and to himself. He hides his insecurities and depression by focusing entirely on work, and so he could easily be seen as a workaholic. He finds the usual rambunctious and mischievous nature of his fellow faeries to be immature; whereas he tends to focus on more serious matters. However he does share a deep distrust for Unseelie Sidhe due to his interactions with them in the courts as well as the indoctrination he experienced living with the Seelie Sidhe community in Ireland. Outside of combat or work, Karram is relatively quiet and often becomes entranced in his own thoughts. He also has trouble turning off his professionalism considering he doesn't harbor many actual friendships.

-Oakbane, a custom blade enchanted with earthen magic.
-Sylian Pendant, a necklace worn by members of the Sylian Branch Family.
-Faerie Dagger, a small dagger he keeps sheathed on his lower back as a secondary/defensive weapon.

Yes, and:
Karram was one of the presiding advisers during Antonio's preliminary hearing, where he briefly met Flint as well. He was the one that suggested his innocence after reading his emotions in the courtroom. Although initially ignored, Antonio was proven innocent anyway after the murders continued.

Flash forward several decades later, Karram, under his human guise of Karl Silverman, was asked by the IRS to audit the Horizon Foundation before their annual licensing renewal. It was apparent from the start that despite his disguise Antonio knew who he was, more than likely by scent. It was a moderately uncomfortable confrontation but nonetheless remained civil.

(^Can be amended or changed entirely if you don't think it fits.)
Sounds like a very complex world and intriguing storyline. Count me in.
Sorry to continue the sad train, but I added my backstory as well.
James Tyler "JT"


Age: 24

-Customized Glock 17 Handgun (Two fasteners applied to barrel to hold serrated blade firmly in place; effective for close range attacks)
-Spiked Baseball Bat

-Crafting (Makeshift weapons, minor repairs, small structures and/or housing)
-Lock picking

Positive Personality Traits:
-Calm in Stressful Situations
-Incredibly Honest

Negative Personality Traits:


JT never knew his mother; she died giving birth to him. His father, despite the heartbreak, tried his level best to be a good dad regardless. And he was. He taught JT a lot of different things, but he mostly shared his knowledge. So at a very young age JT began learning skills for carpentry, crafting and mechanical repairing. He also went to school, as most other children did, but he dropped out before finishing high school because his father became terminally ill. For the next three years JT buried himself in textbooks to continue learning on his own time while he performed trade jobs for the locals to make money for medical costs. However, the day finally came when his father passed away. Distraught, and desperately wishing for a change of pace, JT left his hometown and aimlessly drifted from city to city for awhile. A year has passed since he first journeyed out into the world. And since, freakish things have been occurring; humans growing incredibly large and sightings of cannibalistic humanoids. JT has been trying to avoid all of that and just survive, living day to day. Well, until now...
Posted my CS. Hopefully it works out. :P
Name: Chase

Age: 23

Personality: Chase was once a generally likable young man. He was a smart guy who was known for being friendly and personable, albeit often cynical as well. After all hell broke loose however, he became more reclusive and receded into a loner lifestyle. He stays relatively quiet unless provoked and has trouble opening up to others due to the carnage traumatizing his emotional side. Maybe one day he'll be able to break away from his depressive outlook, but not while his focus is on this new f***ed up world.

History: Chase Elders grew up in a typical suburban neighborhood, with two generally loving parents and plenty of childhood friends. Eventually, as is often the case, his parents decided to split up. Chase was disappointed, but considering he was already 18 when it happened, he understood where his parents were coming from and accepted things for what they were. However it did push him to make the decision to leave his hometown and traverse to a another state to attend university. There, he made new friends and was trying his hardest to earn a degree in Engineering before the world went to sh**. Now he's just living day to day trying to survive, and secretly wishing he had some companionship...


Interactive HUD- He woke up one day with a mini map in the corner of his view, the time written out above that, and a status display in the opposite corner. It has since become more advanced, bolstering a small equipment window in the lower left corner of his vision that seems to coincide with what actual equipment he is wielding. (Most games, really. Some examples: Halo, DFO, Ghost Recon, World of Warcraft, Skyrim, etc.)

Top-down view- In addition to his normal sight line, he has the ability to view areas from an aerial perspective as well. (Diablo, Dota, Warcraft, etc.)

Outsider Powers- Over time, realized he possessed new supernatural abilities, similar to those of Corvo Attano from the critically acclaimed "Dishonored". Using these powers too frequently fatigues him and he has to rest in order to regain use of the abilities.
Supernatural abilities:
Blink II (Can move medium distances in in any direction in an instant without being detected.)
Dark Vision I (Can see through objects and spot living beings as well as highlighting their field of vision as a cone of light.)
Windblast I (Creates a gust of wind that can break wooden doors and blow back enemies, generally knocking them down.)


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