Avatar of SadSongs
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: SadSongs
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 71 (0.02 / day)
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    1. SadSongs 10 yrs ago


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My name is Patricia, and I have this page, I guess!

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Her head leaned to the side a bit as Muse explained what was going on and the other person recapped. "Makes enough sense to me," Jacklyn replied before clutching her rabbit against her chest. I guess we're going to be with this lot for a while.... she thought.

"So.... can I tag along with you guys then?" She wondered if, as a character, she would have more power in the "story," though it seemed a silly thought, and so she dismissed it. "Would someone happen to know what the plot is? I mean, if this is an rp then what is the plot?"
I;m sorry if anyone felt unacknowledged by my last post, there were too many people saying hi to my character at once, but she did notice everyone.
Jacklyn analyzed the group for a moment, trying to decide what her first move was... So far they all seemed friendly, and if anything just as confused as she was. Did ginger boy just say something about npc's? She thought, her grip tightening on the rabbit, completely disregarding the awkward teen who spoke to her first.
[b] I guess this really is a roleplay after all... they must be like you...
Her eyes went wide, "Girls dorm? Well that explains a lot of things..." she mumbled, looking over her shoulder at the long hallways behind her. "And I guess we're in a similar position then..."
All of the boys looked to be younger then her, at least for the most part, though according the bathroom mirror she still looked as young as ever. Jacklyn was eighteen going on nineteen but she came across as sixteen by anyone who didn't know better... and carrying around a stuffed rabbit didn't help her case.
"I'm Jacklyn..." he looked at them, "and I'm afraid I'm the wrong person to give you a tour, though perhaps you guys could me out?"

If they were bad news Jacklyn was confident in her ability to defend herself... sure she was wearing a lolita dress and healed combats, but BunBun was more then a toy, and he contained pepper spray as well as utility knife if things got bad.
Bump... O.O
They were trying to get into the girls dorms, my character woke up inside the girls dorm. This doesn't mean the characters need to go inside, I wouldn't be surprised if at first they think she might be an npc and not another role player like themselves.
And posted >> sorry for just throwing my character at everyone like that, I just wanted to get involved as soon as possible.
BunBun....why am I so cold?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're laying on a tile floor gorgeous.

"What!" Jacklyn's eyes shot open, jutting upwards only to crash her head into the bottom of sink. "Oh~ my 'ead..." she moaned, slowly looking around her current location, disoriented. "Where are we BunBun," she whimpered, picking up her stuffed rabbit from the floor and clutching it to her body, looking about nervously; dark green stalls, soap and paper towel dispensers... "How did we get into a public restroom?"
Why are you asking me? I know about as much as you... maybe we should find someone and ask.
Jacklyn didn't respond, in general she considered herself a tough cookie, but this was enough to make her cry. Questions raced through her mind, when did she get here and how?! The girl was so worked up that she didn't even notice that her head was bleeding from before. And then it hit her... the pm, that was the last thing she remembered before everything went black.
You don't got a choice here fruitcake... let's move!
"I Know," she scolded the rabbit, her voice echoing through the small room. She took a deep sigh, "I just need to time to come to terms with all this is all..."

And so, after a few minutes of deep breathing, Jacklyn cautiously left to examine the building. We're just going to have to make the best of this BunBun... it looks like a dorm of some sorts...
No Shit, Sherlock...
You can just shut it... do you hear that?
You mean the ominous whispers coming from around that corner? No, no I did not.

Having nothing to loose, Jacklyn took a deep breath, peaking around the bend at a back door... maybe the owners of the voices were lost too. It was time to put on her big girl panties and socialize. Standing up straight, Jacklyn put a smile on her face and confidently walked towards the door. Fijiting with the handle before slowly pulling it open and looking out at them.

"Um...Hi?" What an odd group this was, what were they all doing here?
I'm a bit pinched for time, and despite reading the last two pages of the rp immensely confused. Would someone quickly tell me the positions of all the characters and quick summary? It would be much appreciated and help me to get into the rp smoothly. Thanks ^^ I'll be on to make my first post later tonight.
Name~ Jacklyn J. Chambers

Age~ 18

History~ All of her life Jacklyn had always been the odd one out, her ways of thinking different from the children in her class; as a child she was bullied and didn't have many friends (at least none that other people could see), and so she turned to writing and drawing as an outlet. It wasn't until Junior year in high school that she was introduced to the concept of role play, and she took to it quite nicely.
Having been on the guild for well over a year, Jacklyn originally assumed that the crash of 2013 was but a glitch and would repair itself after a few hours. Days went by, weeks before she learned of the knew site that was up and recreated her account. Those months without a proper role playing game had left her anxious and ready to get back in the groove again, and after setting up an interest check the girl wasn't too surprised by a pm in her inbox, it could be a knew friend. Clutching her stuffed rabbit close, Jacklyn clicked on the link out of curiosity perhaps...

Personality~ Jacklyn has been described by her friend as "eccentric in a good way" and "just a little bit crazy," not that she really cares about what they think of her. The teen has mixed feelings about a lot of things, and so often her opinions contradict each other. Though she comes across as confident and happy in general, she tends to look about anxiously during conversations and zone out randomly.
All and all she hates being a bother, and so she keeps her secrets and issues bottled up, only truly being herself around the select few that she trusts...

Roleplaying Preferences~ Casual level Fantasy, One on Ones, Steampunk Settings, Action, Romance, Blood and Gore...

Other:~ The rabbit, BunBun, is a toy of sentimental value to Jacklyn that she has had since she was three years old. There are two zipper compartments where she keeps odds and ends as well as money, a small clock, and basic make up. By turning him into a purse of shorts Jacklyn is able to carry BunBun everywhere, and her parents cannot object. BunBun, to an extent, is a voice in her head that she can talk to though the only one that has a form outside her head, and no one else can hear what he is saying.
Euclid said
Well. Welcome to the party.

Thank you for having me...

nautilusmp said
Well, even by Guild standards, I guess I'm still weird, aren't I? Sorry for the gender mistakes though. I'm on my mobile and not loading images on my Opera, so I have no clues to your gender. Looking to see you joining the roleplay.

I've never met a boy named Jacklyn.... I introduce myself as such as Jackie is for both genders, and to clear up any confusion.
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