Avatar of SaintJackal
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.02 / day)
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    1. SaintJackal 9 yrs ago


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Young parent/old time roleplayer

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I'm really interested to see how he captures the character of the god; as with 6 variable personality components and all the different combinations of swords he could potentially be a slightly different incarnation every time he materialises.
Durandal, you're approved so post into characters whenever you wish.
Cyclone, I like what I'm reading so far.
Durandal there are indeed still spaces open, feel free to apply.
As for your two, a move from honourable combat to chivalry is satisfactory, and in regards to the strength of his men, he has stated they are few and far between; and even with above average armour and tower shields would be susceptible to blunt trauma and superior numbers. Every nation will have it strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day if he tries to overstate the effectiveness of his armour above reasonable thought it will have to be retconned. But as a forge based nation in a fantasy setting he is probably going to have commonplace low-magic suits of plate. For now accept it and if you turn out to be right in the future feel free to say you told me so. Consider this issue closed, if you have more to say pm me.
I usually operate on a first come first served policy; so I'm afraid Klomster I'll have to ask you to revoke honour. Feel free to replace it with anything else that hasn't already been used. This is my fault for not picking up on it earlier, I'll try and not let something like this happen again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Luc agreed with the two younger boys, and despite his own strength he knew he wouldn't be able to protect everyone by himself from the possible dangers out in the world.
"Some should wait with the sleepers."
With less bodies to watch he could make sure to protect every child effectively.
Yeah I've kinda been thinking some of your dominions are pretty similar, would either of you be willing to concede honour as a dominion? I hate writing on a phone too.
Just to clarify if someone is behaving in a meta or power playing in any way during ic they will face consequences, and if the behaviour continues they will be removed; so I'm putting my trust in you all as a player base, so let's play fair and all have fun.
Looking forward to what you have for us Cyclone, and it's a pleasure Rhymer.
Zelorm, I'm afraid your application doesn't currently meet the criteria for this roleplay; I understand you might just be using your post as a placeholder for you to edit and add to, but if that's not the case pm me and I'd be happy to advise you on what to add/change to qualify.
That'll do nicely Klomster, post it in characters when you want.
Advertise away my friend, no such thing as bad publicity.
Damn that's a cool concept, I love it; consider yourself approved and welcome to put your application in the character section. If we find 2/3 more players I'll create a rudimentary map and locations can be worked out among us.
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