Avatar of sanquin
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sanquin
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 932 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. sanquin 10 yrs ago


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I have been actively roleplaying for around 18 years now, since age 15. Which, as you might have guessed, makes me 33. I've done most of my rping on forums, averaging 2 to 4 paragraphs. Though I also LARP, and have played D&D for about 17 years. Real life has become a larger part of my life though, so my activity has lessened. Even so, I don't think I'll ever stop rping. :)

Most Recent Posts

1: Black Desert Online. I had my aversions since release, but recently it was on sale for 5 euro, so I decided to buy it. And I'm actually liking it quite a bit. But not because of the levelling...because of everything else you do in the game. Fishing, trading, crafting, stuff like that.

2: Overwatch. Mostly when I can play it with friends. As solo it's not nearly as fun and often even a lot more frustrating to me.

3: Binding of Isaac; Afterbirth+. What can I say? I really liked the original, then the expansion only made things better. Granted I don't like this last expansion AS much, but it's still a lot of fun.

4: Mass Effect 1: I had that itch again... The Mass Effect series remains one of my favourites to this day, even with the flaws each game had. I just...generally stop before heading up the final elevator to get the ending in ME3, as that still sucks.

Games that are on the back-burner for now but I will continue playing at some point: Witcher 3, Subnautica, Divinity: Original Sin, Space Engineers.
Guess you're still not up to posting. ^^;;
Ansel jerked awake at Taunie's voice. He had dozed off to sleep a bit longer, but she had other plans. He grumbled a little, turning around and letting out a long yawn. "Why'z it godda be zo ea'ly..." He mumbled through the door, though there was no answer. Taunie had probably already started preparing for their trip. It took the man the full ten minutes to even leave his room. The first five were spent still in bed, then another two sitting on the edge, and finally the last three getting dressed and making sure his hair was still nice and spiky. Bed hair, for him, meant it would stick flat against his head. Valier on the other hand didn't need any time to prepare. So he stayed in bed for the full 10 minutes before stretching, jumping off and putting on his vest.

Soon the two were sitting in the train. Ansel didn't like it, but not because of anything like car sickness. He just didn't like the atmosphere in trains. It made him a little jittery. So to try to keep his mind off he looked out the window. For a while they stayed like that, though then Taunie spoke up. A question about his dragon parent. Something he wasn't used to. Most people just went 'dragon slayer means powerful destructive magic!' never wanting to know more about the subject.

"Hm? Oh...well, most people don't ask so I didn't think of talking about Galzra." He began. "But I don't mind talking about him. He was great you know." A small smile apeared on Ansel's lips as his thoughts went back to the time with his stepfather. "He was strict and unyielding. Yet at the same time he could be very aloof and lazy. For instance, one of his motto's was that mornings were for sleeping and eating, and nothing more. So he only trained me in the afternoon and evening, and we always slept until 10 or 11 am before even thinking about breakfast." He grinned widely. "I guess I still have problems with mornings because of that." Returning to a normal smile he continued, his eyes turning to the window again to look at the scenery. "As for how we met, well...I was four years old I believe. And my parents were attacked by something or other while travelling between towns. Apparently they were traders. But I don't remember anything of the attack or much of what happened before that. I just have some vague memories of my original parents left. Anyway Galzra found me and raised me like his own son from that time on."

The man sighed, still smiling a little at the memories he had from his time with the dragon. "Well, I tend not to dwell on my original parents. I think they were great people, but in the end I barely knew them. I kinda see Galzra more as my parent than them."
"Heh, I'm sure you'll be the best healer in this world in no time. You're not entirely right about levelling faster when in a larger party though." Alakai mused, deciding a short explanation was in order. "You can kill monsters faster. But the exp gets shared evenly between everyone. So unless the entire team works together efficiently, things will actually be slower. The two of us are doing great now, but together with people we've never partied with before..." He thought for a few moments and then nodded. "Well, we can party up for a few hours anyway. With a bit of luck it'll mean the dungeon will go faster as well. Which in turn means we can possibly farm the dungeon a few times, which will give more exp than just the two of us together." He would have to change his carefully thought out plan a little, but if they could level faster in the end it would be a good thing. "As for joining the guild, well...I guess we can give it a try. See how things go. Having a guild to call on for group quests and dungeons will speed things up in the future. If the guild becomes too big or if I start getting too much attention I'm leaving again though." Not that he expected to become the center of attention. He just really disliked it when it did happen.

Alakai took another few sips from his drink that had to pass for coffee and sighed again. "Well, I'll go get dressed and we'll go and ask the others if they're up for some partying with me as leader." Since Joan knew about Alakai's exploits in his previous mmo he would probably be all for it. The others probably wouldn't mind. But still, they had to ask first.


After announcing that they would give the guild a try Alakai and Kali talked to the guild members for a while. Or at least, Kali did. Alakai listened more than talking. Even so there was still a lot of useful information to be gained. Eventually someone asked them a question that had been avoided up until now to be respectful. But the guild was still quite curious. "So I'm sure we're all dying to know, especially now that you're joining the guild, what are your levels anyway?" Someone asked, though it sounded like he didn't really expect a straight answer. For the first time though, Alakai didn't mind answering. They would find out once they created a party for the dungeon anyway. Since the party window showed ones level as well. "We're level 28 and 26." Alakai answered plainly.

"Whaaat?!" Several of the guild members exclaimed. "You two are both higher than our guild's highest members?!" "H-heh...y-yea..." Alakai muttered, quickly starting to feel nervous again. "Please don't tell this to people outside of the guild though. I'd like to avoid getting too much attention." He didn't even know why he was levelling so diligently, apart from that it was fun for him. To be the strongest, to discover new things first. That's what new mmorpg's were all about after all right? Maybe he didn't need any more reason than that. He wondered if Kali thought the same though. She had followed his guidance without question up until now. But he wondered if she was fine with it all, as they barely ever relaxed. And there was plenty to do outside of levelling in this world.
Was already wondering what was going on. :P
I started reading the light novel of Overlord by the way. (The thing this rp is partly based on) And it's giving me plenty of idea's. :P Like some things the npc's are up to while they're not in the presence of Oliver or Sanguine. And how the servants act towards their two masters and such.
If you need some idea on what to post, you can put in your post that once they head to the notice board some higher classed adventurers decide to cause trouble. Like, your typical bully type bumping into you then pretending you bumped into them and wanting compensation or something. I intend to have that start a small chain of events for the future, but it doesn't have to be in my post. :)
"Even cities have a game feel to them." Sanguine commented as they arrived at the plaza. "I used to play a game where you'd also get quests at an adventurer's guild. Kinda brings me back. Anyway, let's go." She then added, just wanting to voice her thoughts as they headed to their destination.

Once inside the large building it was everything Sanguine had expected and hoped it would be. A bar to get some simple food, drinks, or apply for jobs. A large notice board filled with notes, wanted posters and other such things to take on as quests, and the rest of the ground floor space being occupied by tables and chairs. If her guess was right, the first floor would probably have things along the lines of sleeping rooms, private rooms, or the place where the guild leader or leaders would go to. As the two walked in immediately a dozen or so eyes pointed to their direction. Some of them looked more like thugs than adventurers, so the vampiress figured the quests didn't consist of entirely legal ones. But those kinds of quests were unimportant for their goals anyway.

At the bar a very short, yet rough and strong looking man looked at them curiously as he saw them. "Newcom'rs eh?" He spoke. "If yer 'ere te sign up it'll cost 10 silv'r each an' I'll grab some forms. If yer 'ere te put up a quest it be 2 silv'r." Sanguine stared at the man for a brief moment, surprised at them running into of all races a dwarf already. She had expected they would live near mines or underground, yet this man was clearly a dwarf! "Oh! Yes...we're here to sign up. Bartholmew Burgresh said he'd recommend us." She finally spoke. "We don't have any money, but we can pay you in actual silver." The woman reached inside her bag of holding and took out a rather cheap silver ring with a small gemstone in it. One of the many items she had randomly looted while the two of them were playing the game a bit before it shut down. In the game she would have sold it to a random vendor for 15 to 20 silver depending on where she would have sold it. But right now it might come in handy as a bargaining tool.

The dwarf was definitely immediately interested. So it looked like dwarves in this world liked metals and gemstones quite a bit too. Looking over the ring carefully for ten seconds or so the dwarf decided it would suffice for their payment. In truth the ring was of high enough quality that it could be sold for at least 24 silver if you knew the right buyer, so the man saw a this as a way to make a little profit. "Bartholmew eh? I'll hav' te confirm tha' la'er. But fer now it'll do." He spoke. "Name's Caddoc Blackcarbon. I deal wit' th' standard guild stuff so ye'll be dealin' wit' me fer questin'. I'll go get yet forms." Not exactly the friendliest of types. Straight to the point, to say the least. But at least it looked like there wouldn't be any problem in them joining the guild, even if that was possibly only because she had mentioned Bartholmew's name.

(( Caddoc: pre00.deviantart.net/b511/th/pre/f/201.. ))
Yea, I kinda noticed it, though didn't realise it yet. And it's one of the reasons why I wanted to move through the 'downtime' parts a bit more quickly. Since being on the road adventuring and fighting is easier to write for and get inspiration for in my experience. Plus I think it's a shame that we generally don't get past the beginning parts of roleplays before we move on to another.

Right now though, you don't have to post about much. The city has large main roads leading from the 3 gates (north-east, north-west and south) to the center with more specialised shops here and there on either side. (luxury clothing, sweets, jewellery, furniture, some bars etc) The center is a very large circular plaza with the more important buildings surrounding it. (church, adventurer's guild, blacksmith, general store, grocery store, etc) You could incorporate that into your post and get us to the adventurer's guild.
When Kali returned Alakai was sitting upright in his bed, still trying to fight off his sleepiness. When he was handed his cup of coffee he quickly took it and took a few sips. The taste was just as he expected. Hot water. He sighed a little bit, mentally noting that he should maybe try to make real coffee. It luckily wasn't that hard. You just needed the right type of seeds, crush them, and pour hot water over them. Now if he could only find the right seed...

"Thanks... Tastes like water, but at least it's coffee." He spoke with a smile. Kali asked what they were going to do for the day, and in truth, Alakai wasn't sure. There were plans to start grinding again, him wanting to always be at the top. But he was also curious about the guild. They hadn't really talked to half the members yet, and he wanted to discuss about going to the dungeon in the very near future. "Let's see...I kind of want to start levelling again, but I also want to know more about this guild. Maybe we can do both? First we can take it easy and find out about the guild a bit more, and then we can go out to level a bit more later in the afternoon? In truth...I think some levelling will help me sort out my thoughts as well. I haven't even considered joining a guild in quite a while..."
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