Avatar of sanquin
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sanquin
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 932 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. sanquin 10 yrs ago


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I have been actively roleplaying for around 18 years now, since age 15. Which, as you might have guessed, makes me 33. I've done most of my rping on forums, averaging 2 to 4 paragraphs. Though I also LARP, and have played D&D for about 17 years. Real life has become a larger part of my life though, so my activity has lessened. Even so, I don't think I'll ever stop rping. :)

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"I'd rather not..." Alakai muttered at Kali's suggestion. Even now he still got a bit nervous and distracted whenever she sat behind him. And they had already been travelling together for over a week. Plus, for some reason he didn't like the idea of someone else riding with him. Like that spot was owned by Kali or something. Joan had decided to ride beside them though, and decided to try and make conversation. "Well...I'm sure a few others have it. It came with the game's limited edition." He answered. "And we're not really that much higher..." He added, feeling like the praise was undeserved. Clearly he and the two girls had been putting a lot of time into levelling as well, since they were pretty high. Alakai and Kali just had the advantage of Alakai having the early levels until at least 50 already planned out with spots and quests that gave the best exp per hour.

Alakai smiled when the subject changed to exploring. He definitely agreed to that. "I'm the same. I always wondered what it was like to travel lands like these. With all the fantastical things you could encounter, and all the beautiful landscapes you could see. I want to see the elven forests in the west, and meet the beast-kin in the north-west, which require level 50. And if the box art is accurate, the floating islands above the isle of Kalis to the south-east will be amazing. Those isles require level 75 though. But we as players are stuck in these hills and the nearby coast. So yea...I want to level up fast."
Jailed for blinding people by means of neon-coloured everything.
Instead of throwing him to the side, Oliver decided to start a full on fight right there and then. Well, more like Oliver beating the crap out of the other guy than a real fight. As expected the man didn't stand even the slightest chance. Sanguine wanted to just stand on the sidelines, letting the cleric do what he wanted. But it didn't take long for his three cronies to stand up, wanting to join the fight. Clearly they hadn't realised yet whom they were dealing with. Simply raising her hand, two of the three were surrounded by a wall of ice. It was pretty weak, but there wasn't enough space inside to put proper force behind breaking it. So they would be trapped for a little while. The third one decided Sanguine was the better target of the two, her looking quite a bit weaker. However when he tried to grab her, she grabbed him by the arm instead.

"Bad boy, go to the corner." She spoke teasingly, holding out her other hand to aim at his torso. A large ball of ice formed in her hands in a split second, then crashed into the man the vampiress was holding. It sent him flying back quite a distance, followed by a satisfying crash in said corner as he landed on top of a table. Sanguine didn't even pay attention to him any more, making it clear that they didn't matter in her eyes.

Now that the fight was settled both on her and Oliver's side, the woman quickly scanned the room with her eyes. They had caused quite a bit of commotion after all. No one seemed to do anything though. They all either averted their gaze or were whispering among themselves. That is, apart from a single person. "You bitch!" A woman now fast-walking straight towards Sanguine yelled. "You broke my potion! It took me a full year of saving up to buy it and you just broke it! Pay me back, now!" The other woman had fairly short and spiky brown hair. Her muscular, slightly broad body was covered in full studded leather armour. Not to mention the long sword and and dagger at her side and the iron plate around her neck. The appearance of a seasoned warrior, surely. And though she showed plenty of hostility, there didn't seem to be any signs of her attacking Sanguine. She just wanted her payment for an apparently expensive potion.

Sanguine in the mean time was a bit taken aback by the sudden appearance of this woman in front of her. She wasn't entirely sure what to do. It was easy to either to ignore her or use violence, but she felt that either option would only make the situation worse right now. After all, she technically did break that woman's potion by throwing that man in her direction. But neither she or Oliver probably had enough of this world's currency to pay it's costs...
"Standard day huh?" Ansel mused, wondering what to say. His days weren't that interesting back then. And the other dragonslayers probably had similar stories. "Just your basic life I guess? We travelled a lot, though never crossed the desert. And when we stayed at some place for a month or two Galzra just created a cave for us to live in. We never really visited towns or cities though, which probably doesn't surprise you." Having a dragon suddenly show up at your town would scare the shit out of most people after all. "As for in between travelling. Just training a lot, playing and sightseeing quite often as well." There wasn't much else to say really. Even though he missed Galzra quite a bit he had to admit that life had become more interesting since he started travelling on his own. At first he didn't even know there were more countries past the desert for instance.

Ansel turned his gaze to Taunie, getting just a bit curious himself as well. A strong girl like her surely had an interesting life right? "What about you?" He asked. "How's your life been? And what's every day life like in the guild?"
"Going by logic, it would be that notice board." Sanguine replied, pointing towards where it was. They started walking to it right away. However on their way there a guy suddenly passed them, and bumped into Oliver 'by accident'. "Ow! Hey, watch where you're going newbie! That hurt you know?! And I'm not just gonna take a simple apology." The man turned around, facing the two angrily. Just like most adventurers here, there was a small plate hanging from a necklace around his neck. His was silver, and she had seen iron, copper, and even a gold plate as well. So it was likely some kind of ranking system, and this man was likely higher rank. It was obviously his fault, but the way people in the room were staring at them made it clear that the man himself, and pretty much everyone there knew that already. Plus three more guys had turned to the two of them, as if readying themselves to step in as well if needed. Sanguine audibly sighed at the little display. She didn't want to deal with this kind of thing as there was a quest waiting to be taken by them.

"Tell you what, you let that girlie of yours stay and drink with us for a while and we'll call it quits." The man grinned deviously as he looked at Sanguine. Though she in turn didn't show any interest or worry towards the man's words. In fact, she looked a little disgusted by him. "Really now...I thought this stuff only happened in movies." The vampiress muttered softly, only Oliver and the man being in range to hear. "Oliver, this man seems to be bothering us. Could you toss him aside or something?" Of course she could likely do just that as well. The man looked quite muscular, and was almost as tall as Oliver. But considering how she could stop a huge mace from a summoned angel with brute strength alone, this man was probably pretty easy to pick up. But he was talking to the paladin and it would probably be weird for a woman dressed as a mage to toss around a grown and fairly big man like that.
It's fine as long as I know what's going on. Have fun! :)
Well...I don't know how successful the party will be. The sorcerer likes to mess with people from what I've heard. xD And he's one of the guys that has D&D experience. And the other slightly experienced one is the dual wield rogue. He might start messing around a little as well. :P

But at least the foundation for a good party is there!
We were all together, I helped them create their characters, and I made sure it was a decently balanced party. Starting at level 1 of course, since 5 out of the 6~7 man party are total newbies. :P (yup, I have a large party on my hands.) Though I still let them pick whatever they wanted to play of course. The 6~7 part is because one rogue can probably not join often.

My party consists of 1 warrior shield + sword, 1 cleric mace + sword, 2 rogues one dual wield one crossbow, a druid with spear, a bard with a crossbow backup and a sorcerer.
Ahh, so that's how it is. No need to always apologise like that for not being able to post. I'd just appreciate it if I know that you can't instead of wondering what's going on. ^^;;

On the pathfinder note. My friends and I got together and started a pathfinder group as well, with me as DM. :P Had 2 character creation meetings now since most are D&D newbies. And the 20th is our first real session.
It's already been a month, what's going on man? Talk to me. ^^;;
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