Avatar of sanquin
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sanquin
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 932 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. sanquin 10 yrs ago


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I have been actively roleplaying for around 18 years now, since age 15. Which, as you might have guessed, makes me 33. I've done most of my rping on forums, averaging 2 to 4 paragraphs. Though I also LARP, and have played D&D for about 17 years. Real life has become a larger part of my life though, so my activity has lessened. Even so, I don't think I'll ever stop rping. :)

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Will see to a post after work today. ^^ (I hate working on Saturdays. >.>)
My inspiration isn't back yet, but I'm starting to get a bit interested in rping again. So that's a good sign. ^^; Hopefully I'll start posting again soon.
Aww man, that sucks...the not together any more part I mean. Good that you're doing 'okay' though I guess. ^^;;
Sorry to say, but I've lost inspiration for rping lately... That doesn't mean I want to stop. I just need some time to get my muse back. :)
So, just wondering...how're you doing now? Girlfriend okay?
Anzel landed, on the ground again, the fist quickly crumbling into normal rocks. He looked up to see that his attack had been enough, maybe even a bit too much to destroy the cannon. He grinned, though there was no time for celebration. The whole place was shaking now. So he had probably pulled rock towards him from load-bearing spots or something. "Shit...this is bad..." He grumbled, turning towards Taunie. "I know! I have an idea! We can leave through the hole the barrel of the cannon left. You pull us up with a chain, I'll worry about the landing okay?" Valier was still outside. So with any luck he could pick up Taunie as they fell and bring her to the back of the fight. She was bleeding after all, so needed to be bandaged at the very least. And he could just land in the water, get himself out and right into the fight with his magic.

He rushed over, picking up Taunie off the ground, putting her in front of him, and wrapping his arms around her waist. Once she did her thing it was a bit hard to hold on. Her chains had quite a bit of force behind them to say the least. But it was only for a few seconds before he could let go again. "Valier!" He shouted once they were catapulted out of the hole in the wall. "Grab Taunie and get her treated!" There was no answer. But a quick look down towards where they had entered showed that Valier was already on his way. He couldn't fly for long, but bringing one person a hundred of two meters was no problem. And for that short time he could fly, he was pretty damn fast. "Taunie, get yourself bandaged! I'm gonna mess up some bad guys in the mean time!" He called to the woman with a wide grin on his lips. Smashing structures just wasn't any fun, even if it happened a lot just by accident. Fighting actual people was far more interesting, so he was looking forward to having a bit of fun now.
Well, I'm also starting work today. So there's that. xD I haven't worked in the past 10 years or so. So my mind has been pre-occupied with that a lot. I'll try re-reading some stuff later today and see if that helps.
I have no real excuse for why I haven't posted yet. I think I kind of lost my muse a little. :< I promise I'll try to keep on posting, but I think It'll be a bit more irregular for a while until I can find my inspiration for roleplaying again. ^^;;
Alakai had also noticed how fast his hp was going down. Kali of course managed to keep up quite easily. But it still cost her 1/4 of her mana. If they kept going like this, they wouldn't even be through this first cave before she had to regenerate. That wasn't too rare a thing in dungeon, and he had plenty of food with him. But he'd rather not have even the regular enemies be this dangerous. "Guess we'll have to change it up a little bit..." He muttered after their first pair of crabs was dead. "I'm going to focus on dodging more, and do a bit less damage. Everyone be sure to pay close attention to how much damage you do. If someone pulls aggro I'll use my taunt. And if that happens, try doing a bit less damage okay?" Everyone agreed. This was all fairly basic stuff for the more difficult mmo's. Most people were used to just being able to dps as much as they wanted, so it would take a bit of getting used to.

"Okay, guess we're taking a second group. June, since you now have earthen grasp, use it to root that fishman over there. I'll first pull the two crabs he's with, and we'll deal with the fishman once they're dead." Like that, Alakai explained the tactics for each group. Once they got more used to each other and the dungeon these explanations wouldn't be needed any more. But for now this would keep them going at the most efficient pace. Alakai also called out for certain skills to be used at certain times. Like telling Joan to use his taunt on one crab when Kali started getting low on mana. At the same time he told Kali to only heal either of them when they were below half health.

After that final fight a path was finally cleared towards the second area's entrance. Kali was now low on mana, Josie had taken one hit, and both Alakai and Joan had about half their health left. It had taken them half an hour to get this far, but they had made it without anyone getting too injured, so that was definitely good. "Phew...we made it..." Alakai spoke, moving to one side of the entrance and sitting down on a rock. "Let's take a short break. I have green tea for everyone. It just recovers mana, but I think everyone could use a break right?" He took a bottle out of his inventory together with a set of cups, then started pouring tea for everyone.

"And in the mean time, this is also the point where we're going to encounter the first boss." The man spoke, pointing towards the large pool of water right across from the entrance gate that was still closed. "We're going to be fighting a large crab, so let me explain tactics. It's only the first dungeon and first boss so he only has two mechanics. First one is that he sometimes spits acid towards the tank. So I'll be tanking him with his back towards you guys, and will dodge when he spits. Second one is that he summons one of the crabs we've been fighting from that same pool to help him. Joan, at that time I want you to taunt it so it comes to you. You will have to tank those adds whenever they spawn. Hopefully not more than two or three will spawn before the boss dies. Kali, I want you to mostly focus on Joan with healing when he's tanking the add. And of course everyone should focus on the add to kill it first while I keep the boss busy." Joan raised a hand. "Wait, what if the boss acts differently from the game?" Alakai looked down for a moment. It was something he was worrying about as well. "It's possible... If that happens I'll give orders on the spot. Though I think the boss will at least be very similar to the game. Since all enemies have been similar or exactly the same so far."
Taunie started leading the way into the machine. Though there were still traps to deal with. A magical turret was mounted on a wall, and immediately started shooting at them when they went around a corner. Luckily Taunie was quick to take a step back, and use her chains to destroy it. It was a bit surprising that that was the only opposition they encountered though. Anzel had expected that there would be some people defending their main weapon, or that there would at least be several times more traps. Maybe the 'monkey brains' comment wasn't just an insult but an observation. As they didn't look to be too smart with their defences.

Finally they reached the large machine. An enormous sphere with a huge barrel attached to it. The barrel going outside through a hatch. Anzel wondered where the mana came from to fire it, but that didn't matter as long as the cannon itself was destroyed. "Smash it." Taunie told him, at which the man grinned widely. "Finally..." He put his first to the floor as a magic circle appeared below it. "I guess they didn't expect someone with my magic to come along. Putting me in a building made mostly of stone is like putting me in an enormous weapon for me to use!" As he pulled back his first again, the rock below it was pulled along. And out of the magic circle came a huge fist mage of stone, with Anzel's own fist as a base. "Time to wreck this gun!" The man ran towards the turret, dragging the huge fist made of stone with him. Then he jumped up, readying his strike to hit right at the center of the giant sphere. "Earth Dragon's two ton crash!" His father could strike with 15 tons if he was serious. Some day, Anzel wanted to be able to do that too.
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