Avatar of Satsuki
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    1. Satsuki 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Lets try this again, Once more into the rapids that are group rps. Perhaps I will find the one that doesn't end a waterfall.
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Life is strange....
@Tendo making me buy games
Subject 768: Andarta

"Follow your voice?"

She thought about it, could she sound. Is that something people can do? Her eyes grow wide, it is a metaphor?! No wait an idiom! Whatever the word it is not a literal meaning! A nod of her head confirmed it within. Right so she wants her to match it right? Or was she wanting her to lean all the way down there.....

Wow she was so tiny. Everyone was small though. So tiny. Tiny is a tiny word. A toothy grin appeared on her face briefly at the thought of the way tiny looked. Alex's voice however would make her feel a new emotion. Irritation. She may not be the sharpest scalpel in the cadaver but she understood that she didn't like his phrase.

"You pick'n a fight?! If I didn't think you didn't know that I know that you....Wait....Just don't be so...." She lost her point somewhere in her confusion of sentence structure. It was like she was trying to correct it after her mouth said it....She could think faster than she could speak?! The revelation made her contemplate a challenge. How fast can she think! What if she could think about other things at the same time. She decided to do an experiment.

Her hand reached up to pat her head, her other began to rub her stomach, whilst she stood on one foot....No not hard, hum what could it mean. "Stars belong in the sky. You should call him Fallen star! It sounds cooler Sony!" Woooow she remembered the name of someone whom she had not spoken too, and then interjected. Interjection is a fun word to see in your head. Her eyes where noticing things all around her without focus.

Her list of accomplishments and achievements are staggering she had only been awake for mere....time. As the concept started to form Doc did some very educational things. For a reason unbeknownst to her, Andarta leaned down to whisper (Which was more like talking considering her decibel levels at the moment.) "Doc is a prince. Fables suggest that is how they greet their....Red is a princess! They fornicate to make the royalty!"

She didn't wait for her little friends response as Red grabs her attention with the call to move. Red's constant strange behavior suggested that she was in fact a proper princess that did not enjoy public displays of affection. These trivial thoughts where brought to a close when the violence began. Violence. Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. Generally used to protect or sustain one in a natural situation. This. Was not one of those. This was cruelty.

"You two gunna think about disrespecting us again, you dont speak to us unless spoken to you little shits. You think you're all strong because you got powers?"

A feeling of heat filled her head. She could feel her blood moving faster as her heart pumped faster, each beat resonated throughout her. Her muscles spasmed and contracted as they flexed for the first time. A vein ran down her forehead as her teeth bared her breathing started to hasten. Each strike Red received intensified the effects. She was unaware but she had stepped in front of Parkinson despite the smirk of a guard who put one in the chamber at the action, nor was she aware of the sounds of her joints popping into her freshly made fist.

Reds retaliation was watched with a feeling of both justification at the same time regret. Andarta wanted to do it. She wanted it so bad. A longing for combat, was almost sadness. So many words are being said now, but not a one interested her. She really wanted to hurt something. She had begun panting, those doctors need to die. Her hand reached up and pulled at her collar as if it was uncomfortable, and she swallowed so thirsty. Dr.Oshimi is a threat. Her skull is small, her throat bare and exposed, she could crush it. She would crus-The Crack of the gun shot jars her thoughts.-

A cold sweat rolls over her, and her dumb founded demeanor returns with it. She glances about to make sure Parkinson is still there, and then does a literal head count...Counting their heads on her hands. Nodding happily when they are all there. She went as far as to try and pat Parkinson on the head before stating. "I could'a done that with the collar on." Wait new feeling! "Oh that was confidence! Confidence feels great!"

"I am sorry you had to witness that...Doc do you mind?"

I will await a shift in time before I try another post. I am a little confused with what time it is in the ic.
Ah, would you like me to redact?
Subject 768: Andarta

"Shut. UP! Just... We got it. I can hear you, she can hear you... I think? Ugh. Sorry..."

Andarta turned to see the source of the strange sounds, the words made sense but the accent made her stumble in thought. In addition it started out hostile and ended with regret, what could it mean. Is there something else hidden in this little person. Her thoughts where derailed by a new notion. This is another person! Andarta is a person! Righhht It makes sense now. The amazonian woman nodded her head as she reached her conclusion.

And as for you Ms.Charisma, you must come down, you're hitting them with your hair alright?"

If not for her eye contact Andarta would have missed that she was being addressed as Ms.Charisma. Then she made a notion of her having hair, and that she was hitting others with it. But much to Andarta's surprise she did! she grasp a long lock of her hair, her eyes went wide at the revelation. It felt so smooth, smooth is nice!

"what might these questions entice? I can only answer so many before you have to experience them yourself"

Andarta nodded and inhaled deeply. "......" wait what was her question. She had a lot of them she knew that much. Damn it! What was it. Her brow would furrow and her teeth bared themselves, why is remembering things so hard! Her eyes searched the room, perhaps something could remind her! She spied a doctor, then she looked to Sony. Sony was small, everyone is small. Wait small doesn't matter.

She would put her fist into her open palm, as if it she had passed judgement. "I forgot!" Despite forgetting her question knowing the word forgot was an achievement in and of itself! How many other words did she know!

No sooner had she had her epiphany had she been exposed to the new element. Another group of people. Males. Their musculature would suggest them capable of sustaining denser muscle mass. But their bodies limit their flexibility thus creating points of weakness, and even blind spots. Whoooooa how did she know that. Trapezius, deltoids, pectoralis, her thoughts continued to list every muscle while another thought string was going over the bones and ligaments that granted them motion. She grabbed both sides of her head with a look of shock. "They tiny! Men are supposed to be bigger! Are they boys! Holy Hell! I can hear my voice in my head!"

It just occurred to her that things can occur! Thoughts are thoughts! Your inner voice is the same sound as your voice without a voice! She began to smile as she looked to her fellows, "Hey can you hear your voice in your head too! I sound Awesome! I can even see pictures in my head." As her eyes looked at Parkinson she covered her mouth. "Oh shit! You don't like loud right! Wait I...Don't be mad! I didn't mean to....Shit I am still doing it. My 'b'!"
The dorms are divided yes? Or is it co-ed?
Subject 768: Andarta

I could go for a run right about now. The first thoughts that popped into the head of the freshly awoken subject. She started to rationalize what was going on. When did she get on the floor? Better still how did she know that was a floor? It was almost dream like, being awake for the first time. Her body felt as if it was locked in position, only small movements where happening in her fingers and toes. Even her eye lids fought her when she tried to open them.

"These collars, they keep us "normal" so to speak. You see, all of you have unique...lets say "traits", and you're all different from each other. My trait is" she bit her finger and blood appeared from her finger "I can control my own blood and have it do what I want it to, for instance"

An irritated look was on Subject 768's face. She was trying to figure out why she could figure out! This girl just keeps making noises that she can understand, thus making her think about the noises instead of...wait what? The blood snake ended that derailed train of thought. A toothy grin grew when it turned into a spear. Andarta's eyes no longer struggled they where wide watching the ability be recalled.

"So that is all I can give you for now, are there any questions?"

Andarta wasted no time, her hand was eight feet in the air as she literally jumped from her initial position to her tip toes! Her balance was a little shaky but she adjusted with only a few wobbles. The sounds of her joints popping as they settled made it seem like the Andarta had just gone through some horrible transformation, but the rather pleased look that took her face for a moment suggested it felt rather good. She shook off her physical bliss and began to exclaim "Pick me! Pick me! Commmmonnnnn! I got alota' questions!" One hand became two as she was not instantly answered "Cooooomon! Pllllllease! I gotta know!" She rocked back and forth from big toe to big toe while she waited, her hair echoed her movement, whipping her nearby fellows. (@karamonnom@tendo)

Lady Withers was more than a little out of her element. So many bodies around her, and their blood's of varying purity, just what had she done to deserve such treatment. The area was unsettling, similar to her issue with the number of people the number of buildings was far greater than she was used to, the area reminded her of a hornets nest...The registration process was the worst of it, her full name written upon a card with no respect to her status! They even expected her to smile at their behest? A bright flash almost made her frown, "what a rude device" she had thought. The most horrid part was the nameless person who handed her these things did not even introduce themselves, he prattled on about dollars and maps, and just as quickly moved onto the next poor soul that had stepped up behind her.

As if to add insult to injury she had arrived in the daylight hours. It was not as if she was going to burst into flames, but it was just off putting, the sun is so much harsher than the sweet moon. She glanced down at her map, before allowing a frown to tug at her lips. She recalled that she was to head to the dorms first, then to a...morning class. The building that she arrived at made her cold heart contract "....I..It is a dungeon."

Upon her entry she looked about, and though it lacked torches and screams, her initial assessment had not changed.

"Please, excuse my interruption and allow me Da pleasure of introducing myself. I am Demetri Gio. Where might I find da rooms for students?"

Accent aside, she figured this another unfortunate soul, who had a very similar question to her own. Since he had already asked she would wait to hear how he was answered....As she waited she noticed he carried his own things. Her belongings where brought here for her correct? Surely this place had at least enough culture to carry a ladies bags...

As the man introduced himself, a feeling of relief dared to climb over her. At least chivalry had its place. A small curtsy led into a quiet introduction."I am Aisly Verona Withers. A pleasure Sir Gio. I would be honored if you would aid me with my things." She gestured to her rather ornate large traveling case. His look was more becoming than the others she had seen, clearly he had been taught proper behavior.

Name: Aisly Verona Withers

Age: 19

Reputation: She is known as a doll, showing little expression and doing exactly as she is told. Her Grandfather dotes on her, generally treating her as a princess, meaning none have gotten within arms reach of her. On top of this, she is from a rather large but secluded area near the Yorkshire Dales. Leaving those that have had the privilege of speaking with her are in the single digits, and they found her rather cold.

History:A long lived linage of vampires, The withers have been about for roughly 700 years. Their crimson history has steadily been forgiven over the last two centuries thanks to the actions of the acting head of the home, Lord Lucan. The grandfather of Aisly, he has worked to wash his blood stained family crest going as far as to donate large sums of personal wealth to the betterment of Man. Prior to Lucan, both the former lords treated any who stepped onto their lands as enemies and not only killed them but made examples of them, skulls can still be found in the walls around the estate.

Lord Lucan aside, her father Ingram is a relevant face in the world of entertainment acting as a rather powerful producer, and her mother Lynette works as a director. The reason that this is important means they are never home, and Lucan may dote on his granddaughter her social circle is only her butler and body guard, who also acted as her instructors. It was a jarring shock for her when she found that she was going to be moving to an academy, she had believed that she had some how angered her grand father.

Her being sent to the academy is actually an idea to ensure that his grand daughter would be able to garner both contacts and influence. Grooming her to be a proper educated and informed head of the house, this would make sure that the Withers would be be able to be seen as the noble home that it has become.

Secrets:Her natural inclination for illusion and frost tends to lead her to create a small fairy to speak with. While nothing impressive her fairy friend is generally her subconscious need to voice her concerns, at times she will even have small spats with it.[/i]
She has almost no experience with any technology outside of a television.
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