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    1. Serra_angel 10 yrs ago


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Asta you forgot to put my character up in the CS section....and I have a pic for her now...would you add it when you put her in the character section? I had to go a little older than her current age.

I'll try and get a post up tomorrow with Serra in a action...also Jollan I'm confused...is there a problem with his dad the blacksmith? (other than being gone naturally)
Serra had become accustomed to sore muscles, tired feet, and fish. Still it wasn’t all that bad, certainly better than scullery work which she absolutely loathed. Of course she wasn’t all that fond of the weird places Aiden had chosen for them to sleep, but she had no idea what to do and left all that up to him. She just had to trust him. She wasn’t sure why she did, maybe because he was about her age. Of course lots in her old gang were her age but she didn’t trust them; in a gang everyone was looking out for themselves first and the thief lord kept order.

Here she actually felt a little more relaxed than normal. Maybe because it was because there wasn’t really anything she could do to alter her fate at the moment. She just didn’t know enough in this situation to be of any use. She could walk and carry things though; she had done that all her life. So that’s what she did. She also refused to eat raw fish; fish was bad enough but raw was terrible so she helped with the cooking when the stopped to eat dinner.

They walked in silence. For Serra’s part its because all of her energy was being taken just to keep going. She was very tired, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world but it didn’t make her inclined to chatter either. She just followed Aiden and tried not to think about when they would stop next.

She caught the sound of peoples voices carried on the breeze and halted in her steps. She had no idea if they were friend, foe, or worse. Her wide eyes darted instinctively to the brush on the side of the road but she could tell right away if she tried to push through it she would be heard. It was thick and somewhat dry, there was no way she could clamber through that without leaving a trail so obvious a blind deaf man could follow.

She looked to Aiden hoping he would know what to do next; this walking on and on forever was his department after all. She hoped he would know if what lay ahead was dangerous or not. She would take her cues from him.
Serra felt a bit out of place, far from everything she knew and this town was obviously not at all like her own. That much could be evidenced in what sort of “things” these people owned. Still the idea of a town that was empty of people but full of stuff was a wonderful idea, if it didn’t seem so ghostly.

She introduced herself to Aiden, barely. She was more comfortable around him than she might have been around an adult, but he wasn’t of the same lifestyle as herself. It was plain he didn’t have to scrape and steal for another just to survive. So she said little until she was more familiar with him. But when they settled down for the evening her attitude shifted.

She was still nervous being in what she determined as a ‘ghost town’…as in a town filled with ghosts. Even though she had actually seen a ghost.

“I guess that will work” said Serra when Adien gave her a chance to speak. “Not really sure about this whole thing, traveling here I just packed what people told me to. I hope you know what we need to take.”

She hesitated, fighting shyness for a moment.

“I’d like to go back to Llorkh.” She didn’t say what she was afraid of, that she wouldn’t make it back that way without help. Or that she would be sold into slavery as soon as she got back there. It was just the only home she had ever known.

“Oh and I found something odd outside the walls, well actually it was about half a days walk from the town on the road. I found it on my way into town, I hid it and kept it incase it could be useful.”

She laid a knife of the table but a knife unlike any that either of them had seen. The handle was of wood but blackened in a fire and hard as stone, the blade was of glassy black stone and the tip was broken off.

“If you know about knives from your family maybe you know about this one? I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m no expert though.”
The soft spongy soil of the moors was surprisingly comfortable, Serra was actually surprised. She had spent zero time outside of a city well except recently on her enforced slavery and forced travel. But even then she was in a whole passel of folk so many you could trip over them. Her duties were just as they were in the inn, scullery duties and they kept her busy. She had little time to notice anything. But here, on the moors, the soft ground was easy on her body. Oh sure there were sticks and twigs and bushes but compared to her ordinary life they were no less comfortable than sleeping in a pile of flee infested rags, being woken by kicks to the head, and trekking in all weather hither and yon.

She curled into a ball in a hollow, burrowed herself under a bush, and hid. She didn’t know what happened or what was going on behind her, only that she had a chance to hide. The strange ground she was now hid her tracks, though she didn’t really know it. Barefoot her tracks would have been easily visible on the dusty and muddy road. Here she was safe from her human captors but it would take an extraordinary bit of luck to survive the night on the moors. Serra didn’t know that however; She only knew she had escaped and she was, for the moment, hidden.

The sun, warmed the ground under her, and trickled through the bush under which she was hiding. It made Serra cozy and warm, far more comfortable than she had been in some time. She was soon fast asleep. She slept through the bulk of the day, and woke at sundown. Something told her to stay where she was. The dusk on the moor was beyond weird and she was too far from the village to make it back before true dark. She was hungry and cold, but she had been hungry and cold for most of her life. She just tucked herself into a tighter ball, closed her eyes, and tried to sleep.

Sleep came patchy at best. She was so terrified by the end of the night she was exhausted enough to finally sleep. Genuine sleep. It was noon by the time she awoke, cramped and miserable, and crawled from under the thick bush she was hiding under. She had no idea of the dangers that she escaped that night, mostly because she was too terrified to move and because she was too small to be interesting to anything.

When she woke she made her way back to town, completely floored that it appeared abandoned. Actually she was elated at first. There was plenty left behind, and no one to stop her from helping herself. By late afternoon she was starting to get spooked. It was creepy here in the silent village. She started to worry that maybe they had become ghosts and would come to haunt her in the dark.

It was only because Serra was such a generally uncertain girl that she had managed not to run into anyone else. But when dark was coming again and she was alone, again, this time in some place that was as spooky as the abandoned village she was extra careful. Packing her pockets full of easily pocketed consumables, a blanket over one arm, she slipped outside the same way she had come in. Over the village wall. It was easy enough to retrace her steps and find the hollow where she had slept before. This time, armed with a blanket and food she was much more comfortable. She still didn’t sleep however. Not till just around dawn. It was less spooky here but there was stuff out on the moors, Serra could hear it, and she knew she dared not move or anything. That long night she pondered her options and decided her best bet was to get back to Loudwater. She would fill up on food from the abandoned village and try and make her way back down the road.

So the next day she woke after her morning sleep, once again around noon, and made her way back to the village. She had planned to slip over the wall at the rear but the presence of a figure in the distance changed her mind. Uncertain, but deciding there was only one, she picked up her pace to see who was left. As far as she could tell everyone had abandoned the village, she hadn’t seen a person in nearly two days. She gripped her stolen blanket tighter in an effort to hide her nervousness and continued forward to see just who it was that had been left behind.
looks good to me. one serra thief coming up shortly.
sorry for the delay. And yeah...lets rock this joint!!

here we go Asta. Sorry for the delay.

Name: Serra Angel

Age: 13

Gender: female

Race: half-half ling/half-human

Class: street rat/classic thief

Life on the streets as a sub-human taught Serra everything she needed to know. She was ganged up, and her thief lord put her on the worst most demeaning jobs he could. He only wanted her in his gang for her size, smaller than most she could get into extremely tiny areas and few ever noticed the small girl as she moved among the crowd.

Brief Biography: Serra never knew either of her parents, she assumed her mother abandoned her at her first chance. Serra’s first memories were of working in the kitchen at a large inn in Loudwater. She was a scullery maid and received nothing for her hours of work each day save a tiny pile of blankets in a corner of the attic and enough food that she survived, though not well. When she was 8 she “ran away” and joined a gang of street rats. It was no more difficult than scullery work and in many ways much easier. It was plain she wasn’t fully human though since she never knew her parents she really didn’t know what she was. She was treated as sub human, but she had more food and her bed was more comfortable. It was a worthwhile trade off. She learned a lot on the streets, and while she envied all the happy well fed children she saw she didn’t ever expect more for herself. She was a good thief, and her half ling nature meant she was small and looked very young and innocent. Everyone underestimated her. She pulled her weight in the gang. She never got treated very well but she got beaten rarely and that was a step up from working in the inn as well.

When she was finally nicked for stealing she figured her gang would help her. That’s when the realities of trusting others hit home. You couldn’t trust them. That was the plain truth of it. She was convicted of stealing in short order and sold to a passing trade caravan to pay for the stolen goods. The slavers were headed into the desert and Serra was put to work on scullery duties and beaten regularly. All things she was used to. The constant travel, the fear of being away from what she knew, that was what broke her down. By the time they put into Twiddledale to resupply, it was the last town before hitting the desert, she was submissive and reserved. Even so when the bells rang she took the opportunity to run amid the chaos. She had no idea what they meant, all she knew was that she didn’t want to be captured. So she was out of her ropes, up and over the wall, scampering down the other side and off into the moors, unaware of the danger only that she had the chance to get away.

Serra knows no one from Twiddledale, and few people from Loudwater.

Equipment: dirty shirt, much patched breeches, a tatty leather belt, and a pair of very good quality lock picks (her prized possession).

Class Skills:
Climbing walls
Picking locks
Picking pockets
Hiding in shadows

Villager Skills:
Scullery work (laundry, scrubbing pots, making beds, etc)
Physical endurance
I'm here! I had to register on a mobile device of all the stupid things. I don't have one myself but I borrowed one. When I tried to register on my laptop it gave me only errors. Will try and get character tonight.
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