Avatar of Sharyxe
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 729 (0.21 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sharyxe 10 yrs ago


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You can call me any variation of Sharyxe or Shaf, the latter being part of my real name. Also, I'm a pretty friendly person, so feel free to just say hi or PM me :)

The lengthier bio that will waste your time:
I'm a fifteen year-old student whose hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, math and sports. Yes, weird combination, but it happens.

I mainly enjoy Fantasy RPs in the Casual section. However, if I see anything that piques me, then I'll be keeping an eye out for it. I'm a fan of anime and manga, by the way, and am in certain fandoms.

You might see me lurking around in forums but never comment, ayee that happens too. Which would probably explain why you're reading this line right now.(No?) I applaud you for reading till here. Have a nice day.

  • If I don't reply to you or an RP but you see me online, poke me.
    (I might have forgotten or I'm unsure what to reply with)
    (But the poke will force me to reply so ye just poke)
  • If I don't reply to you or an RP in more than two/three weeks, then I'm on an unspoken hiatus.
  • If I am on a hiatus, then I'm too busy with real life shit. Or I'm too lazy.
  • My hiatus periods vary in length. The longest so far has been 5 months.

This P.S section is also in my sig by the way.

Most Recent Posts

Carrying a rather large--though not too large that it would restrict her movements--bag full of prizes that she had won from the different games, Akane was fairly enjoying the candy apple she held in her right hand. She was dressed in plain, simple, casual clothing-- long baggy jeans and a plain black shirt. It matched her tastes, but made her bright red hair that was tied up in a ponytail stand out more in contrast to the dark clothing. Not opting to wear a yukata further proved that she needed full mobility--the bag was getting heavier and bulkier with each item added.

The cheery aura that the festival had made her feel at ease, added to the fact that she was sauntering the area alone. It started becoming much too boring for the redhead, who had pretty much rounded the place lots of times, continually musing about what else she could possibly do to pass the time before the festival's end. She sighed as she took the final finishing bite from the candy apple, then with the same hand that carried the bag, she brought it up --eliciting movement from the contents of the bag as they shifted around-- to adjust the commonly found mask with an overused fox design adorning the left side of her face as she surveyed the scene around her. The thinning amount of people meant only one thing.

Its sudden loud explosions alerted Akane, making her perk up and face the sky.
About time.
She watched as the fireworks brightly illuminated the night sky. However, a dull, purple one stood out from the rest, and she noticed the palpable trail it led from the shrine. She felt like checking it out. Then again, it wasn't any of her business. Not that she had anything better to do.

Thus, the girl headed for the shrine--after buying another candy apple, that is. She might as well have been hooked.
Guys, I really apologize for not telling you I'd be gone for weeks ><
I had tons of homework, plus mid years, and hadn't the time to tell you, but that's all now over soo sorry ><
I've been gone long, sorry ><
Had exams and homework and-//slapped
Okay, well um, am I still in the RP?
Working on my CS.
Is Nothingness Manipulation alright for my OC?
The redhead fought back a smirk tugging up the corners of her mouth. The upperclassman putting up a friendly front despite his distaste of her even being there was rather amusing for her. She knew about the president's need of help, and had put it as an afterthought to help with her booths in the festival, but hadn't confirmed the decision yet till then. Her approach on the archer was only to observe his reaction. In doing so, now the kendoka achieved a mental note of the two-faced personality of Minase Hideaki. And the fact that not many came to the pres' aid like she expected to. That she didn't know.

Deciding to play along, Akane kept a straight face, waiting a second or two before the archer finally gave his suggestion, index finger pointing upwards to illustrate the fact that it was 'new'.

"Will do then, senpai," she replied with a small smile, still fighting the urge for it to turn to a smirk. The girl felt quite two-faced herself, though she usually isn't as such. "I better hurry home to prepare. See you later." and with a wave of her right hand, she went her separate way.

@Sharyxe I got a separate arc planned for Aria and the rest. Stay tuned. It is a side arc like what Akashi and j8cob are having.

Alright, sounds fun. XD
Okay. Noted, Haru.
She did notice the pretense of a cheery attitude the archer had on. The insincere smile, the false front and deceitful facade. It had the air that it seemed as if he'd been already accustomed to it, however. That much she knew, for socialization was an everyday thing the kendoka was exposed to, and also a rather vital part of her role in her family. Akane shrugged off the observation. To each his own, she thought.

"Good afternoon, Minase-senpai. I do have my outfit ready at home too, but am rather lost as to what I may do to help with at the festival. I hadn't any plans, after all. So I thought I'd approach you on this. If it doesn't bother you, would you mind suggesting some things?" the girl replied with a smile, preparing herself for whatever answer she'd receive. What she said was... partly true, though. Seeing as Minase was the first person she spotted, Akane thought of inquiring him about that. She knew she should've done things like this earlier, but procrastination had gotten the better of her. Typical.

The archer did mention of himself helping with the student council president's booths. That was an option too. Any thing to help, as she wasn't going to wander around aimlessly without a cause.
Laying down interest.
Mine ent, but someone already has yellow. That being said I would be up for making Demon Co-GM if you needed one Hasayo, after all a co GM can help keep a game running.

I just took yellow XD
It's different from LemonChiffon, right? Right? More neon-esque... Hope you don't mind, Lesli?

Also, I third the suggestion of Demon being Co-GM.
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