Avatar of Shawdus
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    1. Shawdus 8 yrs ago


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@Seed If I remember correctly, there were "no rules to war". I also remember you saying "bring everyone you can". Does that just stop now that we're in a bit of a different setting? Not to mention, you literally have a whole levy of clones for SEED that made it a 9v2, which I find to be particularly unfair. So then why is it so terrible when I, a person you don't even know, a person you don't know is worthy or not of your precious Seed, want to join this war?

To be honest, though, I'll respect your opinion either way.
The man stood within the shadows, stagnant in nature as he looked straight at the two men in the center of the room. His twin sons stood clad in their suits--One that had a large 'X' on the side of his face, the other with a gargantuan 'Y' enscribed on the chest plate. The man in the shadows chuckled a bit, "look after your mother," he said softly over the sounds of weeping in the next room over, "she can be very...emotional, when I go away for too long without her."

The twin boys nodded before turning away, marching in the opposite direction. He had heard of the battle going on, and knew that he had to join. To be God, he had to defeat the Lucifers. A magnificent plan that would soon come to fruition--Stomping the heads of his enemies had become a great pass time. The man stood there for a few more moments before suddenly dematerializing, becoming one with the shadows.


He came during the flash of light. The split second that would blind his opponents and grant him larger shadows to pick from when the objects emitted long shadows in response to the flashing light befalling them. When he appeared, he was sure to make his presence known to the unfortunate, temporarily blind.

He's got the whooooole world...in his hands.

When he sang, it was melodic, yet slowed and malevolent. His voice carried across the waste of the desert, putting up the facade that he was whispering in the ears of his opponent. His lullaby was beautiful, albeit terrifying.

He's got the whole wide world...in his hands

He's got the whole world in his hands...

He stood next to the man of light and the other simply known as Gun. A red coat hung over his shoulders, brought together by golden buckles. Beside his waist sat a sword, sheathed and unseen. At his legs swirled the shadows he had gathered, acting like a mini tornado that kicked up the occasional sand.

His face was partially covered by his shoulder length black hair, however it neglected to cover his greatest features. Eyes of pure black stared into the souls of the other two opposite of himself, his lips curved into a knowing grin. The elongated scar that ran from beside his right eye all the way to the jawline was what people remembered most about the Nightshade King, second only to the shadows surrounding his frame.

He chuckled lightly, clenching his fists. His whisper once more carried over to his enemies, although this time his words were seeping with venom, "I'm here"
Just coming here to say I will be battling on behalf of Desperado. Will have my character sheet up within the hour.
This will be my character dump--And there's quite a few of them, so be mindful of that. I'm adding any characters I've used in my short stories or roleplays that I really like and want to pursue.

TAKE NOTE: The first couple of these characters are related to each other in some sort of way and their backstories intertwine greatly with one another.

ALSO TAKE NOTE: This probably is absolutely unlike most character sheets you see, as most of them aren't too fleshed out. If this becomes a problem, I'll flesh out the powers as best I can.

The Nightshade Family

Sirius Nightshade

Appearance: He has dark Black eyes and is frail as can be, looking almost sickly. His most defining feature is a long scar running from just beside his eye all the way to his jawline. His hair is shoulder length and smooth.

Powers: His shadow manipulation powers are one of great magnitude. He has mastered the darkness throughout his many years of life and considers it something like his home. He is able to teleport around when in the darkness, make clones of himself if necessary, and of course turn the shadows into a solid form and manipulate it to his will. Although his frail figure says otherwise, Sirius is actually extremely strong and fast, giving himself great power in hand to hand combat.

Weapons: He only carries a sword made of an unknown solid black material. It is razor sharp and when it cuts into skin, begins necrosis in that area. Depending on how deep the gash is tells how fast the necrosis will spread.

Personality: Sirius is an egotistical asshole. He believes that he is the best, and when he doesn't get his way, he usually tries for cheap shots. He wants to be recognized as a God among men and firmly believes that he SHOULD be recognized as that way. Sirius is extremely psychopathic, going as far as singing to terrify his opponents with his soft voice that can grow jagged and demonic within a moment's notice. Harming and scaring people gives him the equivalent good vibes of a drug induced high.

Backstory: Sirius Nightshade probably has one of the more prolific lives in modern history. His adolescense has been expunged from all records, and the first time he is documented at all is when he first began to lead a disfigured cult known simply as "The Court of Nightshade". At this time, he had no shadow manipulation powers--He was simply a devilish human. The cult ran rampant until Sirius was unceremoniously murdered at the hands of a member of a vigilante group. He was brought back to life years later by a menacing beast with no name and inflicted with the powers of shadow manipulation.

Upon his return, he began to invoke havoc wherever he went--Which had become especially easy given that the Fraysans, an alien race of beings (They will be mentioned more later), had invaded the Earth. He chose no side, fighting both the Fraysan beasts and the heroes fighting them in an attempt to become the king, the Earth's God. He ripped people to pieces, desecrated their graves, raped a woman and nearly got his wish before being brought down at the hands of a bounty hunter known as Nikolai Alec. Once again, Sirius Nightshade was thrown into the depths of hell.

However, unlike last time, he got out himself. It took him a good 40+ years to do it, but one day he crawled right out from the magma caverns below the Earth and scratched his way through the dirt and stone until he emerged back on the surface. Only this time, he had realized that the Fraysan invasion had ended. It was a few days after his return that he met Valkyrie, and they sparred for a while, showing a strength that nearly equalled Sirius' own. Intrigued and desiring to keep the woman at his side only, he proceeded to kidnap her and torture her until she agreed to loyally stand by him. What resulted from this was the birth of twins--Marcus and Viktor Nightshade--Or so Sirius thought. As Sirius was inducting his two boys into the Court with a long scar on their infant faces, Valkyrie unexpectedly had a third child--Zeta. Fearing that Sirius would kill the girl, she left her at somebody's home and Sirius never heard about her until 20 years later.

And it was from that moment that he trained his sons to be killers, just as he is now. Due to his times in Hell, he has ceased to age for some reason, leaving him still with the looks of a 30 year old (Albeit sick) man. He still goes on his crusade to recruit members of the Court of Nightshade, while simultaneously trying to be recognized as the true God he is.

TAKE NOTE: This backstory is merely flavoring for my larger stories/RPs that I've already made. Sirius is still killable and isn't actually a God. He's completely human aside from not aging and manipulating shadows extremely well. I can tweak his powers and backstories depending on the roleplay.

Valkyrie Nightshade (Won't be used, here for description):

She is the wife of Sirius Nightshade and the mother of Viktor, Marcus and Zeta. She passed this down from generation to generation. She will not be used as a character simply because the character isn't actually mine (I've roleplayed it with a friend who has this character). Because of this, she's only getting an honorable mention, and may be mentioned a few times in RPs

Viktor "X" Nightshade and Marcus "Y" Nightshade:

Appearance: Both of them tend to wear sleek, black suits that cover their faces. The reason for their nicknames come from these suits--Viktor has an X on the side of his helmet, while Marcus has a Y on the chest of his suit. Outside of the suit, the both of them are average height and weight. X has pale red eyes like his mother, however Y has one pitch black eye and another that is a fiery crimson. Their faces both have scars on them.

Powers: Both boys have similar powers in that their shadows manipulation is great, although not nearly as much as their father. They both can usually be found in their suits, which enhances their powers slightly and allows for them to be seen less in the shadows (Although they can teleport as well). They are typically deemed "The Twins of Nightshade", because they can fuse together to make a gargantuan shadow beast that doesn't use shadow manipulation, instead replacing it with brute strength and size.


X: X is very soft-spoken and is a momma's boy. Unlike his father, he's barely psychopathic at all. He is very emotional and only wants to keep his parents happy, and if that means going out and killing people, then that's what he would do. He doesn't like his brother's way of thinking, and actively goes against Y's desires.

Y: Most definitely a daddy's boy, Y is an outspoken maniac, taunting his opponents and making every attempt to destroy them mentally before attacking them physically (If you need a bit of a reference, think about Handsome Jack and he's a lot like Y).

Backstory: Not much is known regarding their childhood, although it is known that they were inducted into the Court mere hours after they were born. They were trained in the art of shadow manipulation and sent out to do the dirty work Sirius didnt quite feel like doing anymore.

Zeta Nightshade:

Appearance: Zeta is short (5'7) but curvy, with pale white hair and a set of light red eyes she got from her mother. She's usually seen carrying around a whole lot of weaponry. Because she wasn't with Sirius when she was born, she is the only Nightshade family member without a scar (yet)

Powers: Shadow Manipulation (see above characters for specifics). She also has a special power--She can inflict fear onto people with her words, but only when she wants to and only if they're weak minded.

Weaponry: She has a levy of different knives in her boot, calves and waist. She also has a pistol at her waist. On her back is a giant weapon that shoots off energy blasts.

Personality: Zeta is blunt and serious. She doesn't like to play mind games and only wants to get down to the business at hand. She also aligns with her father later in her life, but she keeps her montra, denying his teachings of inflicting mental fear.

Backstory: After being left by her mother at a young age, she was raised under human parents. She eventually left the house after deciding she needed to figure out what was going on with her abilities. She met Jackson Alec, who she would later find out to be her nephew (more on that later), and worked under him for a while. Eventually, her mother started to visit her again, and introduced her to her father. At first she was skeptical, but then she began to work with him and became the ultimate daddy's girl. She now works under her father with her twin brothers, neither of which like her presence and sometimes ignore her.

Sidnee Nightshade:

Appearance: She looks the most like her father in terms of figure, very frail and almost sickly.

Powers: [See Above for Shadow Manipulation]

Weaponry: None

Personality: Sidnee is the odd girl out. She doesn't want to kill people, nor does she want to appease her father (She didnt even meet him until she was in her mid 40s). She wants to do good for the world, and will kill her own family if that's what needs to be done.

Backstory: Remember that woman that was mentioned to have been raped by Sirius during the Fraysan Invasion? Yeah, well, that woman gave birth to Sidnee. At first, their relationship was good. However, as Sidnee developed along with her powers, her mother began to despise her greatly, eventually selling her to a local freak show. She was saved by Nikolai's son, Nikolai Jr (Unoriginal name, I know), and they became close friends, eventually lovers. She ended up giving birth to Jackson and Dakota Alec, and it wasn't until she was growing older that she met her father. He tried to get her to join him, but she instead refused and stayed with Nikolai Jr. This angered Sirius, specifically because Nikolai Alec was the man who had killed him. It was from that point on that Sidnee and Sirius became bitter enemies, father and daughter, and one day Sidnee plans to stop her father.
[Insert trash talk here]

seriously, though, this whole war should be a lot of fun
@Shawdus So its going to be either a 3v3(chaos) or 3 1v1's. Well probably leave it to a vote.

I think 3 1v1s would be more fun to be honest, cuz the former might get pretty chaotic (which i guess is why it's called chaos)

Let's just all war against each other, guys. Fight to the death--Literally. Get your addresses ready.
Ah, so the war is now in place?

Good--Now Desperado can actually make an appearance
Not here, of course--I'm new to this site. It was recommended by a good ol' buddy Gun, actually. I roleplay story line on a consistent basis, but I haven't really done anything in a community specifically for roleplaying/battle in about a year and a half. Needless to say, this should be a lot of fun if I manage to keep the attention span for this (Which I hopefully will). I'll most likely have a sheet of some sort up soon.
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