Avatar of Shizuochan
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    1. Shizuochan 6 yrs ago


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Expressing interest here! I also can't possibly tell you how much the Amegakure backdrop tantalizes me.
M i f u n e

Personal Dossier

Uchimura Mifune


Kawasaki, Kanagawa.

Physical Description
Mifune stands at 5’9, an impressive height given his age, and is the owner of a lean, compact strength and wiry musculature. Somewhat unfortunately is his tendency to mitigate both traits with his general comportment, preferring to carry himself in a ‘nonchalant’ (read: consciously maintained) slouch. His complexion is fair, visage possessed of sharp features rendered dim and almost ghoulish by the prominent bags and sleep-lines that underscore his otherwise striking violet eyes. His hair is a noticeably abrasive pinkish hue, a side-effect of his quirk, and he prefers to style it with the mantra of ‘no-style-at-all’, unkempt and ruffled; within the confines of Ishin Academy, however, he keeps it patted down and tame.

His expression typically cycles throughout three states; a disdainful sneer, a barely composed stone-face that twitches as Mifune begins to lose his composure, or all the outright contortion of unbridled fury.

Mifune’s general temperament is as the thin layer that rests atop kettle-water, fluctuating as the brew boils. Perpetually annoyed, and anxious in equal measure (and a fair bit socially awkward and self-conscious), his genuine struggles to maintain a facade of cool tranquility are inevitably short-lived. He fumes at the slightest of annoyances, as if convinced that every detail that doesn’t subscribe to his whims will be the end of him if he doesn’t eradicate it with extreme force. Short-sighted and impulsive, Mifune is brash and almost certainly a bit dim socially, although is rather successful in bookish endeavors, and behaves appropriately in the presence of authority - not a total idiot, to be fair. This is perhaps because his fiery disposition conceals a surprisingly deliberative soul, eminently aware of his weakness and that his overall lack of influence in the universe might very well amount to nothing.

Furthermore, Mifune is a bonafide busybody. His paranoia that the troubles of others will fester and come to affect him are symptoms of a textbook control freak, culminating in perhaps the world’s most socially awkward hero complex. His mantra is rather concerning: He’ll resolve to stomp out whatever it is that ails you, and then he’ll stomp you too if you don’t cut that shit out.

(List Form: Anxious, Awkward, Temperamental, Studious, Irritable, Unconfident)

Personal History
Born and raised a good wholesome Christian in Kawasaki, Mifune was taught by his parents, two respected members of clergy, to subscribe to two particular, foundational tenets of life, the combination of which, in hindsight, gave him no small degree of anxiety; one) good things happen to good people and two) if bad things happened to good people, it happened for some special reason. Everywhere Mifune looked, however, was empirical evidence that something was horrifically wrong about those twin pillars.

The kind, smiling girl who spilled her coffee upon her book-of-the-week. The lady priest who broke her leg falling to the brook during prayer. The myriad property damages and injuries inflicted by villainy and all its collateral damage. It occurred to Mifune that his parents must have left some third tenet out, something to make sense of the arbitrary nature of ‘bad things’. Young Mifune dreaded the day-to-day, plagued by the thought that he was no more or less likely than anybody else to fall prey to calamity. He found that, in his waking moments, the world spun around him, every person and object around him a risk, a chance - factors he couldn't control. Factors that endangered him, themselves, everything.

And so, Mifune resolved himself to being in a position where he could do battle with that cruel, whimsical probability; he’d be a hero.

Character Development & Conceptualization
At the base level, he was initially conceived as very much the tropey Japanese delinquent character; sneering, temperamental, argumentative, combative and more than a little anti-social. While a slight set of those traits (namely, irritable, anti-social) has been retained over a day or two of brainstorming, his core motivation is now a sort of deconstruction of the hero complex (in this context, likely a tendency to meddle with everybody’s affairs, as ‘hero complex’ sort of has a different meaning to it in a hero roleplay), with Mifune being kind of… this socially awkward control freak and busybody that’s consumed with the notion that every single bad thing in the world will lead to catastrophe if not nipped in the bud.

Conceptually, he’s framed through this near-crippling anxiety, where the world seems to move too fast around him and even words of kindness strike him as this painfully abrasive static. He struggles to maintain a certain control in this world of unbearable tempo, attempting to do so with a readily raised fist and short fuse.

As the character develops, the idealized route will be for him to embrace the way of the world; to be comfortable in doing the best he can, yet also knowing that there’s a time for him to accept ceding control. With less specificity, as it’d be a bit presumptuous to assume how things will unfold but, the general theme will be: how to get by, more or less, without going crazy (and with, ostensibly, a little help from his friends; being able to transition from a not entirely personable dude to a real, tight friend with some semblance of nuance is a particular goal here).

The quirk, and my intent to develop the quirk (and the way he uses it) will likely serve as a bit of a microcosm of his overall character development. The quirk lends itself to a manner of subduing villains that isn’t near as a violent as a closed-fist smackdown; Mifune will likely transition from hooligan-level beat-down brawling to a more ‘zen’, ‘open palm, gentle-fist’ kind of martial arts. Eventually being able to go ‘full cowl’ and envelop himself fully in his pink feathers will be some very general, typical depiction of him being fully comfortable, of blossoming in the world, should that indeed come to pass.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Quirk Description
Mifune possesses a Transformation-quirk known as [Feather Boa], and is able to morph his hair into feathers of pink, and also grow said feathers from his numerous follicles. The feathers are coated with an agent that incites sensations of tickling, provided it makes contact with exposed skin. Said sensations begin as a light, if incessant, feeling (like the constant running of a feather over one’s skin), and increases given prolonged or repeated contact, to the point of debilitating. Mifune is himself immune to the effects of the agent, and is thus able to handle his feathers if he so chooses, being able to remove them from his person.

Currently, he lacks a certain degree of fine control with his transformation, being primarily limited as a matter of breadth and fluidity. He is able to manifest, through a short but telegraphed sequence of exertion, up to two patches of feathers (each with roughly the surface area of a limb) at a time, with the generation of a new patch causing the previous ones to revert or recede. It is also known that he needs to remain well hydrated in order to make the most of his quirk; failure to do so decreases the potency of the agent, and, at times, may cause the feathers to emerge bereft of the substance.

Other Talents & Attributes
Uchimura Mifune is a decent enough ‘brawler’, which is more simply to say he’s above-par for his age when it comes to size, strength, coordination and athleticism, enough to make up for his lack of technique or training when against middling competition.

Otherwise, Mifune is rather adept at rout memorization, which carries him in most of his more bookish endeavors. He is also incredibly handy, almost prodigious when it comes tasks like furniture assembly and quick plumbing fixes.
In Helno 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I like butt jokes

but you never tell me any butt jokes???


Apologies if posting my submission in the OOC section is out-of-whack or something, but I gathered that it seemed like correct procedure. Enjoy (hopefully)!

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