Avatar of Shotgun Bear
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 31 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Shotgun Bear 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Just because you can use one-dollar words doesn't mean you know how to make change.
9 yrs ago
Talk QWERTY to me.
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9 yrs ago
I bleed Mountain Dew and angst.
9 yrs ago
Fuck bitches, get punny.
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My real name is Axel Valholm, and I do things. For starters, I'm a college student majoring in Business Administration. I'm terminally poisoned by my teenage weeaboo phase, and as such, all my art has turned to desu.

I also write novels and do voiceovers.

I tend to roleplay as female characters, and I'd define myself as 'advanced' even at the worst of times. If you've a sense of humor, or are relatively open-minded, I'm perfectly willing to play with stranger or otherwise sketchier characters; in fact, I revel in absurdity.

I'd share my art, but unless you want a literal cavalcade of boobs or really dull-looking characters (I do commissions), my aesthete isn't your thing.

Most Recent Posts

I've got my reservations about the character, too. There's not enough buffer between you and being absurdly overpowered because you... Sort of removed them all, for yourself, so we just have to trust you. I don't know you, GM--I can't do that yet. Only thing I can trust is the setting you laid out, which has a lot of writing and research gone into it.

Currently, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt, but if it starts turning fishy in here, I'm out.
I posted, since @Tuujaimaa was like 'post IC, man.'

Sorry if I popped this cherry like a wuss, didn't want to overset the scene because I wasn't quite sure on, like, things.

It was always trains.

The rhythmic, almost soothing 'rhudd-rhudd-rhudd' of the locomotive resounded throughout its relatively few cabins, accompanied by the stifled, staccatoed tones of hushed voices, incessant dining-cabin babble turning to a watery, thrumming murmur. The pitch of night surrounded the train, wrapping it in its leathery, opaque folds. The moon hung like a great hole in the sky, a violent, stinging white light at the end of the tunnel. Midnight rains toned in tinny symphony, smearing moonlight paint across the windows. The train car itself left much to be desired, as did its occupants; a portly fellow sat squarely in Bryn's view, which, given the lack of one eye, was twice the irritant it should be. She'd spent most of the day observing the occupants and the bottom of a cocktail glass. Her breath reeked of sugary cola and that ineffable rummy undertone, tongue adhering to the back of her throat. The alcohol had done something to soothe her general discontent, leaving her a touch giggly and a few shades of randy.

A drunken breath oozed out of Bryn's mouth, burning the tip of her tongue with the last dregs of booze. Her leg had been irritating her more than usual, lately, which meant everything irritated her more than usual. Snips and quips fell like the outdoor raindrops in her mind, and the length of the train ride did not help keep the acid between her teeth. Her weapons were locked up with her luggage; they didn't even allow her to keep her prosthesis, meaning she had to switch to her peg. This caused her some irritation, given that the peg cared little for her comfort; the only thing separating her stump from the wooden stick was a thin layer of padding, which still gave with every footfall, causing the pegleg to poke her directly beneath her kneecap. Already having run up a tab she never intended to pay back, Bryn kept to the seat assigned to her, wishing she'd shelled out the extra money for a personal room. She spent the next hour nose-deep in a trashy romance novel, struggling with the pretentious, ill-suited vocabulary of the struggling author.

"Fuckin'--'She gesticulated wildly, his throbbing mass 'twixt her nethers!?' What is this horseshit?" Punctuating her irritated statement, Bryn threw the novel across the cabin, landing squarely in one of the trashcans that littered the aisle. The resounding 'whudd' startled the portly male across from her to wakedness, doing nothing for Bryn's mood.

"Wh...What's wrong, there, Br--" He began, words slurred by grogginess.

"Shut the fuck up, Jimothy."

It was sunrise by the time the train pulled into 'station.' Bryn's stop was more precaution than installment, as stopping in the town itself would be a deathwish. With a yawn, she and a few other bounty hunters like her stepped out of their respective doorways, all of their luggage tossed surreptitiously out the back before the train departed once more. Staggering over to her duffel bag, Bryn pulled out her very favorite prosthesis, Crowsfoot. Its immaculate, well-polished surface hooked nicely beneath her stump, the padding made for suction so that it wouldn't come off unless she wanted it to.

Helter and Skelter sat in their holsters, waiting to be used, with Bryn's favorite among all her belongings: Jersey, the glowing skull. Strange that they allowed her to keep his wing, but not the skull itself, but Bryn never mused about the small consolations.

When all was said and done, she stepped out into the badlands, which reeked of cinder and flesh. The ravaged town lay in the near distance, only a couple of miles away. Bile scratched at her throat, she was a little thirsty, and had only eaten a piece of toast and an egg...

...But at this moment, Bryn couldn't be more excited. Trudging past the tiny puddles, not minding the muddy trail, she set out, ready for whatever might come.
Yeah, I concur with the two before me.

But, uh, I'll probably be a short while with my sheet, since I'm hitting snags. Fine line between making a character design interesting and believable, and I tend to hit the former more often than not, so my bio tends to have to pick up the slack. Actively working on it, though.
I'll bite. Give me some time, though; I'll probably have to make a character ground-up for this, which means I have to concept it out, and do designs, and such.

I'll probably hurry if this gets a lot of traffic, though.
Character Theme - Whiskey Saga--The Fratellis

【Full Name】
Brynnet Elaine Schene




Heterosexual; Questionably Aromantic

Nobody ever seems to ask her opinion, but she always seems to be giving it. Loud and sarcastic, Bryn is a study in bombast and bravado. She has little regard for her own safety, poor social skills, and a tendency to boot first and ask questions halfway up their ass. She isn't easily stressed, but her anxiety shows when it finally does percolate; she'll often rub her stump when she's nervous. When overwrought, she often dives into a bottle or busts out a pack of cigarettes; her vices, at times, almost define her. Taking the 'kiss with a fist' approach to romance, Bryn plays hard even when playing around.

As opposition, she is tenacious and acerbic, throwing insults like acid-tinged confetti. She fights like a man possessed, refusing to falter until either she falls or the opponent does. Or, often, both. She finds easy reasons to hate or otherwise dislike people, and as such, she's usually the cause of every barfight she's been in.

That being said, though, she's far from a bad person; determined and loyal, if you've paid her, you'll get what you wanted and possibly a little extra. People who are willing to put up with her cacophonous, sardonic ways for long periods of time often find a friend in her, and, moreover, a confidant. Bryn is an excellent secret-keeper, and will not part with the words of those she trusts. While her sense of right and wrong is, at its core, a touch skewed, she doesn't just mindlessly rage against the machine; she makes stands when it's for the good of the people... Or her wallet. Bryn has an eye for money, followed closely by her bloodlust.

In private, she's intensely self-aware, often checking herself in reflective surfaces to make sure she maintains her 'mysterious' and 'powerful' persona. A natural introvert, her veneer of aggressiveness and lance-tongued wit disappears in privacy, replaced by a more clever, introspective, brusque version of herself. Bryn has only ever met one person with which she could be alone together, and as such, it has soured her on romance.

She sincerely enjoys good jokes, too.

In short, Bryn is feisty, aggressive, and alpha down to the core.

Brynnet Schene should've gotten the same upbringing as her sister, but life never turns out that way. With an absentee, hunter father and a mother who died in childbirth, her first few years were spent in the nursery of a backwater hospital, taken care of by a gruff, older gentleman who she faintly remembers but strongly resembles in personality. While her twin--Lio Schene--was taken into the care of an affluent family residing in Capital, the well-heeled to-be-parents found that an only child was preferable to a pair, and left Bryn to her lonesome.

By the time she'd learned to walk and talk, tragedy struck. The doctor who had been taking care of her died suddenly of cardiac arrest, a sign of his old age. As such, Bryn was forced onto the streets, too young to really know how to work and too old to be taken in by chance.

That was when she learned the tenet that would define her as a woman:

Money buys happiness.

At first, she begged. Begged, begged, and begged, stuck in the same rut, wasting away for years. Three weeks after her 12th birthday, a man came into town. Well, men. Many, many men. A roving band of ex-hunters who'd formed a gang, using their superior skills to their advantage by way of raping and pillaging the countryside. One of the underlings saw promise in Brynnet, the waifish, spiteful girl. As such, she stole her away, her frail form unable to resist--though the broken English she spouted resisted in force.

This woman she would come to know as 'Mum,' but to others, her name was Irene Skelter. The two of them looked nothing alike; Irene was, by many standards, cute, slim in frame and coy in countenance, dusky and round-eyed. Bryn, however, was boyish, harsh, and angular, her emaciated form cold and angry. Even so, Irene would teach Bryn the intricacies of language, how to read, and, most important to the girl herself, economic arithmetic.

As Bryn developed into a young woman, she put on weight--in both fat and muscle. For a short time, she could've been described as tubby--during a terribly self-conscious time of her life, she took to stress eating, but the band of hunters--and her Mum especially--took exception to her habit and put a hard stop to it. To this day, she's deathly afraid of eating too much, recollecting the beatings both switch and brow. She put on more muscle, becoming fairly self-conscious in the progress.

Her schooling and training continued until she turned 19.

Bryn found the head of the gang dead in his tent, beside a note scrawled in barely-legible, half-chickenscratch cursive.

"You are hunters, not gangsters.

We hunt demons, not innocents.

Besmirch the name further and similar fates shall come to each and every one of you.

-- A.

This note would be Irene's wake-up call. In a fit of fear and rage, she forced Bryn out on her own, parting ways in a violent, tear-struck argument.

And so, Bryn hunted. Alone, but by choice, this time. Her first few hunts would prove fruitless, either failing to find demons or getting there too late, but on her 7th hunt, she found purchase.

The demon was massive. A brutal, horrific creature, standing on hackneyed legs too thick-yet-too-long, bent like the joints of a hound. Its teeth were so numerous that they fought for purchase inside its mouth, some falling cockeyed out of its jaw, pointing at terrible, threatening angles. The hulkish creature saw her before she saw it.

Before Bryn knew what was going on, her leg was crushed under the beast's impossibly large form, its stomach skewered on the edge of her blade. Instinct took over, adrenaline pumped, fight-or-flight kicked in.

Bullets and screams rang out in the middle of the wasteland.

The next thing Bryn saw was the bed of a tented infirmary. A doctor and her nurse craned over the bed, worried--and curious--about her survival. Moving the bedsheet, mind muddled by painkillers, shock hit Bryn like a bus.

Her left leg was gone from the knee down. The nurse implored that he had done everything he could, having found her while travelling--scouting--ahead of his superior. The leg had gone gangrenous, and bone was practically falling out of her calf. Bryn roared in protest, wrapping her hands around his throat. Then, silence--the doctor tranquilized her.

Ophelia Jakkart and Koden Neils. For the next two years, the three of them roamed the continent, with Bryn hunting bounties for their clinic in return for free service, which she found herself needing often. During these years, her trademark shoulder-to-hip scar would be accrued, among a variety of smaller, less visible cuts and scratches.

They were relatively successful, the three of them. That is, until a demon caught them in the dead of night, in the middle of their camp. It was Koden's turn to keep watch.

He'd been drowsy since the day before, thanks to a particularly nasty cut that would've been prone to infection, thanks to Bryn catching the flu almost a week before.

Bryn awoke to the sound of Neils's death knell, bounding outside, gun in hand, stump in its stilt rather than her custom blade. This demon was sly; slim, clever, its eyes betrayed its intelligence. In moments, it was upon her; she plugged the creature full of holes, but it kept coming. Pushing her unstable form easily to the ground, it went for the deathblow; Bryn dodged away from its claws, long, sharp tines, but they made purchase on her eye socket.

Milliseconds passed before she realized the demon was no longer moving. Its head was perforated with the largest hole she'd ever seen, made by an egregiously large magnum. Turning her head, eyes tinted bloody, she saw Ophelia, her savior.

After that event, Bryn couldn't bear to so much as look at Ophelia, blaming herself for what happened to her nurse. As such, she took to the only road she knew--the open thoroughfare, setting out on her own once more.

That is how Bryn, the hunter, came to be. She searches to make reparations with Irene, and for revenge on every demon out there--

Especially the demons clothed in the guise of man.

【Weapons/Tools and Magic】

Helter-- Her pistol. Not magical, just very reliable. It's a modified facsimile of a Glock-17, holding 20 rounds in a slightly extended magazine.

Skelter-- Her blade. This saber is an inch shorter than regulation, and a touch thicker than most longswords. The blade is inscribed heavily, and uses the blade's copper core to generate absurd amounts of friction, creating an unstable battery and electrocuting the blade. The hilt and guard is rubberized, as Bryn is a poor mage and tends to err on the side of caution when using anything magical. The outer blade is tempered steel, welded with the copper at the tang, surrounding the core entirely.

Crowsfoot-- This strangely designed leg blade is ever-attached to Bryn. Curved and bisected at the end, the lower end of the prosthesis is punctuated by a small knife, allowing Bryn to use her still-working knee to apply enough force to dig into sandstone and grip onto steep inclines. It is inscribed such that it can also provide small spurts of energy, fired out of three cones on the back of the prosthetic. While nothing incredible, it can help Bryn balance in air, and increase the length of her jumps. This thrust is achieved by creating a temporary vaccuum in the tubes, and then rapidly venting its intake. It repeats this process as many times as Bryn needs it to, providing rapid minimal thrust. This is used in conjunction with the claws and hook of her boot, allowing her to climb sheer surfaces.

Jersey-- The skull of the first demon she'd ever killed. With the help of Irene, she had it cleaned and inscribed--the runes do nothing more than glow ominously, using the marrow like phosphor. It's really spooky though, for real.
I was told to post it!

So I did.

It's posted.

The drawing's old and shit so I'm going to fix it later. Not now though. Finals.

I'm interested, working on a character now.
The actual tabletop is kind of a mess. However, the world concept's neat--which is what I'm getting at. Far as I recall, the balance of character classes is pretty much watered down 3.0 with less options, so... Archaic. Archaic's a good word for Shadowrun rules. Don't recommend them.

Plus, dice pools. Dice pools are gross. I'd recommend just playing the modified d20 Modern, like you suggested. There's no skill check for fluency in Korean.
Screw it, I'll bite. I'm stupidly new here, but I've always been a fan of cyberpunk and pretty much anything that's -punk.

I'd be able to DM if no one else even remotely wants to, because I'd really rather not run something when I've only just gotten here.

...And, you know. I suck at DMing. Much better at writing characters than I am at guiding them.

I'd like to see what other people's takes on a setting like this would be, and if we start implementing Shadowrunny world styles, hey, that'd be neat. Playing with magic in cyberpunk always seems to make some really neat character dichotomies.
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