Avatar of Sierra
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 639 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Sierra 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current For those wondering where I fucked off to ... the apple iphone 14 pre-order launch is this thursday and I work software dev for a cell carrier. Been a lil slammed.
2 yrs ago
As someone who once unironically used grey-on-black text .... don't. Its impossible to read on OLED screens, which include most modern phones.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Sometimes I feel like this site is a Thai buffet. I'm sure there's delicious things here, but for the life of my I can't find anything that really speaks to me right now.
2 yrs ago
When not prepping for my D&D table, I should spruce up some of my stuff here. Not all of my old content is the garbage I presumed it was. But some things I wrote we won't talk about ....
2 yrs ago
Reflections on characters past: "Adi really was a spoiled brat. How did I ever think her motivations were compelling?"


Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Most Recent Posts

Normally enigmatic posts bother me. I feel like I should know what I'm getting into quite clearly. Yet, I am not just unbothered, I am intrigued. I desire to read more.
There were at least two additional RPs that did not make the cut for this check due to being even less complete than Salem is.

I'll also take this update to mention I generally GM entry-level advanced RPs and I am reasonably committed to that for the two better-built ideas on display here. Others like Salem might be run a bit looser.
I kinda wish I could nuke my own threads. I've rolled this idea into a composite check located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/175307-fou…

Please redirect questions & commentary accordingly.
Welcome one and all to my carefully curated collection. Feast your eyes upon a multitude of ideas I wish to pursue and cast your vote on which you want to see available sometime soon! You may enjoy and discuss as many of them as you like, but please cast only one vote. As enjoyable as it is to be asked for all of them, I can only prepare one at a time. Enjoy!

(cyberpunk rebellion)
R. E. S. E. T.

(fantasy apocalyptic)
H E L L ' S A N G E L S

(western dieselpunk outlaws)

(historical fantasy)

This looks all well and good and I like most of what I see on main page and I've been following since close to post time ... but this has blown up way too big. It gets really uncomfortable trying to squeeze in and keep up with, at current count, as many as 14 people all chomping at the bit. Sorry.
H E L L ' S A N G E L S

God has forsaken them. The humans ... left to burn at the hands of our unsacred enemy. Truth, they are not without fault. The give into temptation, mortal desires, and violent tendencies. They are far from sacred, but the mortal sins of the few do not condemn the many. So we fall. So we fight. ‘Till our last breath we stand ready to do what the Great Creator refuses: protect and defend the innocent.
-- Archangel Vincent

Our world is at war. Us who know of this are but few. The immortals come to do battle in our realm of existence. Angels and demons clash in the shadows out of sight. The armies of Hell march in the dead of night. The few from above stand against the many from below. And we who have seen ... we stand at their shoulder against the fiery foe. For our brothers and sisters in unknowing bliss, we do battle in the dark to preserve the light.
-- Paladin Kallistus

They call to us. Their creator has cast them aside as a failure. Precious few among them seek the ancient ways. They beckon us to cleanse their realm of nonbelievers; to grant them the knowledge they seek. Some will resist us. Some from God’s holy ranks will not stand aside. Let them. Our legions will smother the land and blot out the sun. The basest urges of the humans fuel our strength. Lucifer’s reign comes.
-- Lord Mulogxath

The very being which created the world and all things has laid that creation to rest. The legions of divine beings once tasked with protecting, influencing, and guiding the world God built are now told to leave it lie. The hounds of Hell bark at the gates, waiting for the opportune moment to sweep over the land and sea like a fiery plague. Armageddon is nigh. Advance parties of Hell’s demons stalk the shadows, razing towns and sowing chaos ahead of the coming apocalypse.
Dutiful few among Heaven’s holy warriors have abandoned their posts to uphold their charge: protect the humans. Few among said humans have bore witness to the truth of demons. Among them come the bravest warriors ever to grace mankind who stand strong in the face of Hell’s eldritch forms. Beings of two different realms stand shoulder to shoulder against the coming evil: Hell’s seemingly infinite armies. Defeat seems inevitable. Failure is not an option.

This is the story of those of Heaven and Earth who do battle with the monstrosities of Hell in a desperate struggle to protect the mortal realm. Player characters are confronted with the harsh reality of attempting to forestall Armageddon itself as Hell inches ever closer. There will be betrayers and sympathizers among mankind. Root them out before they summon powerful demonic forms into the world! Every pocket of civilization will need your help fighting for their very survival. You cannot save them all. Choose your battles wisely, because one miscalculation could very well bring about the End of Days...

Magic will be expanded upon in time. The fundamentals are that each immortal realm (Heaven and Hell) have their respective arcane powers. The magic of Heaven is the magic of Light. Those imbued with it appear brilliantly radiant. When wielded in its simplest form (e.g. by a mortal acolyte) it manifests as lightning. The magic of Hell is the magic of Dark. Its wielders appear as smoky, unnerving apparitions barely held within this plane of existence. Its most basic form appears as raging fire.

This thread serves primarily as a preliminary interest gauge while I further develop materials in preparation for proper recruitment. If this concept speaks to you on a spiritual level, then please shout it out at me to give me motivation as I prepare detailed materials. Formal recruitment will likely being after the holiday break in order to avoid losing all interested parties for many days and killing the momentum.

The basic realm structure of Earth and Heaven and Hell is primarily drawn from christian-judean writings, mostly as a matter of simplicity. As a disclaimer, this is a work of fiction regardless of any real-world religious influences and references thereto are not expressed endorsement or belief.
Tempting. Could we get a bit more OOC information regarding the present state of the world (factions, locales, etc.)?
Do they think misspellings and the use of 420 is some kind of ward against a banhammer?


It isn't ... it really isn't.
I hope nobody is holding up on my account. There is only one person I should be holding up right now and we're handling that behind the scenes.

Please, carry on.

Same text, same bot, new name. Memey name too all things considered.
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