Avatar of Skinner35
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1124 (0.40 / day)
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    1. Skinner35 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Hello all! I have returned, after an unexcused abcense. Now, let's have a hell of a time.
7 yrs ago
Sup turd-nuggets
7 yrs ago
I don't really care anymore. If I can't find a RP that won't fall apart in a week, I'm probably going to leave this site. So, let's hope for fun.
7 yrs ago
All RP groups that I'm in, I will be gone until the 4th. GM's, control my characters until then.
7 yrs ago
I need a 1x1 RP with no romance, but a metric-fucking-ton of action. Anything but romance.


What makes a man? Not his muscles or speed. But his courage, intellect, and morals.

Most Recent Posts

If there are spots left, I am certainly down for this.
"Well, not everything is meant to be controlled by some sort of Order. Chaos is what governs this city, so let it go." He said to her, guessing that it was okay to just keep Charlie at his side. Learning that this was a town of criminals, he kept a hand by his side, ready to draw if needed. "Besides, worse case scenario, we kill a few criminals on the way to the crew." He was excited for the fight.
As his steed kicked back up, he gained an persistent sense of anxiety, since he was being kept from the tome. But, he couldn't steal it from Jen, even if he tried. But he would get it... Soon enough...
"Whoa whoa. You can't hold it, your Light interferes with its power." He said to her as he stared at its smoke.
Once he realized that he didn't have the tome, he rushed to get Charlie to stop. "Jen! Where is the tome?!" He yells, hoping that she didn't do anything stupid.
He mounts Charlie quickly and he begins to follow. "Right behind you." He calls out to Jen.
He mounts Charlie quickly and he begins to follow. "Right behind you." He calls out to Jen.
"I fear for him because he is quite honestly, very weak." He says, seeing Charlie. "Plant Snake! Hello!" He says rather excitedly, since he of course wanted one of his own.
"Good good. By the way, you'll have to show your true colors eventually." He said to her as they entered the stables. "I have faith in Maggie and Brock. It's Gobbo that I worry for."
As many people were talking at the same time, then the squire running in, he decided to listen to the confirmation order. "You said Threeson? We should head there first." He said, as looking at Jen. "She reminds me of Gobbo."
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