Avatar of Skinner35
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1124 (0.40 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Skinner35 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Hello all! I have returned, after an unexcused abcense. Now, let's have a hell of a time.
7 yrs ago
Sup turd-nuggets
7 yrs ago
I don't really care anymore. If I can't find a RP that won't fall apart in a week, I'm probably going to leave this site. So, let's hope for fun.
7 yrs ago
All RP groups that I'm in, I will be gone until the 4th. GM's, control my characters until then.
7 yrs ago
I need a 1x1 RP with no romance, but a metric-fucking-ton of action. Anything but romance.


What makes a man? Not his muscles or speed. But his courage, intellect, and morals.

Most Recent Posts

"Well, from what I can tell, you are more of a physical form of emotion. You are unlike anything that I have ever seen." He says as he continues to look at the sword. "I would guess that you being formed in Purgatory was the beginning of all this madness. You being created may have unlocked a chain of events that we are living out right now."
"Fair point. There's food, just take what you need." He says reassuringly, he was kind of glad that Xerc found the sword. He felt like it was finally a step in the right direction.
"Enchanted. Some kind of spell. I don't know much besides that. I say that we keep it, just to keep it safe." He says as he carefully moves the sword to a workbench.
"You need rest. I will look at the sword and see what I can find." He says as he walks to the table, looking at the sword, but not picking it up. "There doesn't seem to be anything special about it. Hm..."
"No matter how time moves, you found information. Now we have something to work from." He says as Xerc collapses. Athe then proceeds to move Xerc to the back of the store, which, oddly enough, looks the same as the last Vendors store.
"Back so soon?" He says as he turns around, as if nothing happened. "So it's not just Earth... Oh boy." He says as he thinks. "Normally the powers never touch Limbo... We have some work to do."
"Yea yea. Don't get too hurt. I will still need help when you get back." He says as the portal closes.

Now... The adventure begins... What now?
"Then you can travel unscathed. I, on the other hand, will not leave this plane. I am a Protector. I have a duty to uphold here. Since no other Protectors are present, the threat is high." He says, looking at the hole. This "Protector" continues to amaze Athe. Something new happens every time they speak. "While I refuse to enter Purgatory... I may be able to... Provide assistance to you while you're there."
"Yea... That may very well be true." He says, trying to come up with a plan. "If that is true, then you should be able to travel through that plane. But I am not. If I go there, I don't come back."
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