Avatar of SlamJamcity
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    1. SlamJamcity 10 yrs ago


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How does this posting order even work? When am I allowed to post?
How many times was it now? Six? Seven? Yes, Seven times now Leo had completely demolished a building with his destructive experiments. It was a complete mystery as to why he hadn't died in one of the explosions. "L..looks like it worked" He managed to cough out from beneath the rubble of the building. At that moment, he could not help but wonder if this would be where he died. He was trapped under a heavy wooden beam. One far to heavy for him to lift himself. He tried his hardest to lift the beam but couldn't even manage to move it an inch. The air beneath the rubble was beginning to thicken with dust. If no one came along soon, he would surely die.

Just as he was about to give up hope, an angelic voice rang out from above. "Is that you god?" Leo said quietly as the bar was lifted from his chest. Who he was greeted by was not god, but a young girl who could have easily passed for one of the village people. "What are you doing here village girl? Didn't your folk say they weren't going to help me if I blew myself up?" Leo suddenly jumped up out of the rubble and stuck his face as close as he could to the girl without poking her eyes out. "Wait, you can't be one of the village people. You don't look like you're completely miserable." Pulling away from the girl's face, Leo just now realized the amount destruction he had caused. "Wow! I really blew this place sky high. It's a miracle the blast didn't kill me. Also, I assume that you want some sort of payment for rescuing me? Will a kiss do?" Gently, Leo leaned in and poked her on the cheek with the beak of his mask. "There's your payment. Don't say I never gave you anything." The girl was most likely completely confused by Leo's actions. Leo took this opportunity to gather his things and attempt to sneak out of the ruins without her noticing.
So am I in the barn or not? The post from the GM implies that I'm not. I kind of need to be there for the summoning ritual since my character is acting as a secondary magical energy supplier.
@Spriggs27 You can't get addicted to weed.

edit: Nevermind I'm stupid. I was thinking of physical addiction. You can still get mentally addicted.
@Spriggs27 Did I just read that? Did you say addicted to weed?
I'll make my app sometime soon. I've been caught up with other things.
The city of Iredele was more like a village than a city. There was a small commercial district that you could visit to acquire goods and a large temple at the center of town. Other than that there wasn't much to see. It was a pitiful place to say the least. The townspeople were like zombies. They went about their business and pretended like everything was fine, but on the inside their were all dead. They were shells of what you would call human. Almost everyday the same events occurred, but today something out of the ordinary would happen. Something that no one would suspect.

On the far edge of town there was a slum area that was almost completely abandoned. Lurking in the basement of one of the buildings was an insane man by the name of Leo. He is a mad scientist who came to this land not too long ago. Ever since he has been performing experiments that disrupt the daily lives of the villages. The only reason they haven't taken up arms and chased him out of town is because of his skills in the field of alchemy. He is unlike any other. No alchemist in the entire world could match his skill. Almost daily he comes up with a new invention. Most of the time they're extremely destructive, but every once in a while he invents something that improves the lives of the villagers. If it wasn't for that, they would be more than eager to get rid of him.


"Yes! Just a little bit further and it'll be done!" The mad scientist dashed across the damp cellar with a vial in hand. Inside was a light green liquid that appeared to be extremely volatile. As he reached the other side of the room he grabbed a jar off of a table and dumped the contents of the vial inside. He then grabbed another jar that was filled with a mysterious black powder and dumped it into the jar holding the liquid. There was a flash of light and a large puff of black smoke arose from the jar. Any sane person would have ran for their life, but not the scientist. Instead he began to laugh maniacally as the cloud of smoke began to rise. "YES, IT'S FINISHED! THE FRUIT OF MY LABORS!" He began to jump up and down giddily with the jar in hand. He was like a school girl who had just received a love letter. "Now it's time to test to see if it works." With the speed of a bullet he darted up the stairs of the cellar in an attempt to make his way out side. If only he had walked he could have avoided what was about to happen. When he reached the top of the steps one of the loose boards gave way causing him to trip. The jar went flying out of his hands and crashing onto the floor. At this point you're probably wondering what it was that he made. The secret was that he made a high power explosive that detonated on impact. As the jar made contact with the ground there was a bright flash of light. Across the town the ground began to shake as a building on the other side of town began to collapse. What from? No one knows.
It could be. You'll have to find out. *sound of crowd murmuring in the background*
I posted my application! I hope it is good enough.

Name: Leo

Age: 26

Magic: Unlike other hunters Leo does not employ the use of magic. This is because he is completely incapable of doing so. This in itself is a mystery. Why is he not able to use magic when literally everyone else can?

Weapons: Leo is not your average doctor, what lines the inside of his jacket is not medicine, but poison. Along with his arsenal of homemade concoctions, Leo also wields both a cutlass and a set of flintlock pistols.

Personality: A scholar among the common folk, Leo holds much knowledge that is unknown to the people of the land. Where did he receive such knowledge? This is unknown even to him. Preferring to be alone, Leo often locks himself away from the world in order to focus on his studies. Despite the fact that he dresses as if he was a doctor, Leo has little experience in the field of medicine. What he excels in is chemistry, or what this world would call alchemy. He is a scientist, a mad one at that. Performing experiments that often lead to an explosive conclusion, it is a miracle that no one has lost a limb as a result.

Those that encounter Leo say that he gives off a somewhat mysterious aura. He is weird, to say the least. An odd man who more often than not makes little to no sense. You'd have to be insane to understand what was going on inside of his head. No matter how close to understanding him you seem to get, your only further away then when you first started. No one even knows what he looks like, the mask that he wears to conceal his face has not once came off in front of others. This has caused some to wonder if he is even human. Everything about him is strange, even the way he talks. The way he carries himself is completely foreign, almost as if he didn't belong in this world.

Bio: Leo has no recollection of his past whatsoever, up until recently it was as if he didn't even exist. Despite this, his head is filled with knowledge completely new to this world. Chemical formulas, complex equations, they come to him as if they were second nature. After some time a single memory from prior to his awakening surfaced. The memory was of a blinding light that was followed by complete and utter darkness. It wasn't much, but it was something to go on. This memory confirmed that he did exist and that this all wasn't just a dream.

Other: I'll post a picture of his face when the mask comes off.
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