Avatar of Solemn
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Solemn
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 112 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Solemn 10 yrs ago


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CrimsonWarrior55 said
So... what would you say Aya is? She sounds schizophrenic in that she has multiple distinct personalities, each with various emotional states, however she isn't delusional, hallucinatory, or paranoid.I guess it's more "Hollywood" schizophrenia. I don't know. Point is, she has rapid and unpredictable mood changes. Almost like she gets bored with one personality and thus switches to another.

With multiple distinct personalities (in reality) you "lose" time. She would have no memory of what she'd done while in another personality and they would be COMPLETELY different. A different cadence, different tone, different style. This would also make her dangerous on a level that she wouldn't be able to be an X-Man unless she was heavily medicated - and maybe not even then.

The personalities are not aware of each other with schizophrenia and they act independent of one another. With DID they can be made aware of each other (which is how you treat it). She seems more like she's in a manic or hypomanic state. Which also needs to be treated with medication. Like I said, do whatever you like.
CrimsonWarrior55 said
My bad. Didn't mean anything deragatory. Come to think of it, I don't think it's the right term anyways. If I'm not mistaken, schizophrenia denotes Dissociative Identity Disorder, or multiple people in one body. Aya's condition is more random personality alterations..

DID is different than schizophrenia. DID, like Borderline Personality Disorder, is a defense mechanism in reaction to trauma. You create different "personalities" to compartmentalize for your own safety and they tend to take the place of various emotional states. i.e.: One is a protector and/or angry/very aggressive, one is extremely (insanely) happy, one is extremely depressed, and there's one that's you floating around in the middle of it, a neutral party etc. Unlike Schizophrenia DID (and BPD, too) are both completely "curable" with therapy and being made aware of it. Schizophrenia is permanent, your brain never "heals". You can treat it with medication if the person wants to be helped and/or is forced to be "helped" and they can still function; bipolar disorders are similar in that. Though bipolar disorders can be caused by trauma (and are often accompanied by a dual-diagnosis, but not always).

A person with schizophrenia is delusional, hallucinates in all manner of ways, can become extremely paranoid, and often doesn't make sense when they talk because their brain orders things different. They exist, essentially, in a completely different reality.
Haven't been feeling well. Working a post albeit slowly.

Additionally, can you please not use 'schizo' and/or schizophrenia in such a way? I mean do whatever you want, just asking for that courtesy. Her behavior is more of a mania than anything, but that's neither here nor there.
Laura took in every little gesture and the pieces of slang. She'd never been that good with slang, but perhaps it wasn't too late to start. Besides, she figured, pirate slang was way more fun than your garden variety American slang.

The wind carried them closer and closer to the smaller ship, Laura's grip in the holographic wheel tightened with anticipation - she noted her heartbeat's slight increase. Being a leader wasn't something she was that accustomed to, though she had grown into the role in simply being one of the senior X-Men, but...perhaps that was why this sort of simulation could help her training.

It's true, she was gifted with a mind for war and strategy - gifted being a very strong word in that scenario - but she always felt more comfortable receiving orders. Understandably so, she thought to herself. This little pirate simulation could help her gain some manner of confidence in leading, a pensive smile drew across her lips around the same time Sarah mentioned flashing the holographs.

"Hrm..." She thought to herself, looking down at her own set for a moment before looking back at Sarah, "If they did not pause for your breasts, they certainly would not pause for mine." She pondered what a breast-noticing algorithm may even begin to look like in coding before tilting her head, somewhat lost in thought. This lead to a brief inner-discussion about the potential merits of breasts in combat and assassination in general before leading her to another question.

"Sarah, why do you dress in such a way if it does not hold a tactical advantage?" Her voice was free of judgment and filled with genuine curiosity. Who was she to tell the woman what she should and shouldn't wear? Besides Sarah was obviously comfortable enough with herself and, truly, didn't seem to be embarrassed by Laura seeing her 'hanging out'.

There wasn't anything to be embarrassed about anyway, X thought to herself as she began the first part of her little plan - coming around on the starboard side of the other ship before swinging around.
CrimsonWarrior55 said
Hey, Assalya? Can I get some exposition here. I am a hundred and pi percent confused by your last post. What is going on? And more importantly, why is it going on?

They are secondary characters passing by and adding life to the mansion.

Days of Future Past was awesome and I'm very pleasantly surprised by it. Subsequently, and a lot less relevantly, Watch Dogs is also awesome. Which, you know, may also be the reason for my procrastination.
I'm like a day behind for everything.
Laura gave the air a few practice slashes with the rapier, to test the length and heft. Her emerald eyes locked hawk-like onto the aforementioned schooner, boarding strategies ticked off one by one in her head. The calculated processes slipping away and continued on as she glanced back to the Cap-- Sarah.

"I will do my best," she stated with a curt nod, replacing the rapier carefully into its sheath. She would have felt more comfortable with a dagger, but somehow the sword instilled a sense of adventure rather than the comfort of a shorter blade. Like a lithe little spider she pulled herself up the netting on the aft mast, at least part of the way. It was a bit of an odd sensation knowing that, truly, she was floating in mid-air on something that weighed virtually nothing, but the tactile sensation was nearly flawless.

Laura let herself forget, for the moment, that she was in the danger room. Her heart embraced the whimsy and urged her to climb on just a short way. She could see the schooner almost clearly from there, no need for a telescope. Her expression was that of concentration, hard eyes locked on the target ahead.

With little warning she changed her hand position the rope, grasping the side awkwardly before swinging around and hurling herself back to the center of the Poop deck. Her little display of athleticism was clearly unneeded, but it made her feel good. In no small fashion she realized that's what this whole thing was about. Feeling good. And training, of course, but for now the anticipation of the hunt was on her. Training could wait.

She gave an awkward nod to Sarah, as if apologizing for her little stunt - a "sorry, but I'm not sorry" sort of gesture. "How do you repair the damage to your ship?" She queried with due curiosity. One would assume you'd have to sail the thing into a port, but this was a different animal altogether, perhaps there was another way to do it from the sea? It wasn't really appealing to sail a ship full of cannon holes simulation or not. Not that it would dictate her strategy too much.

A cautious hand graced one spoke of the wheel and her heart beat slightly faster as if there was truly something on the line. "Thank you for showing this all to me, Ms. Covenry ," she glanced back at her teammate, feeling almost odd for remembering to say so while gearing up to steal a ship and masquerading as a pirate.

Assuming that Sarah meant for her to pilot the ship in stepping away Laura grasped the wheel firmly, staring to guide the ship towards the perilously hopeless schooner in the distance. Her plan, which may have been needlessly complicated, was to come around to the starboard of the other ship- or at least feign doing so. At the last moment she would cross the other ship's wake and give them a full blast of firepower from the rear, provided the canons could fire in order rather than all at once...
In the chaos of all that, she decided, that would be the perfect time to sidle up next to her and finish off the remaining crew.

"We are going to come around on the starboard, fire at the rear for as little damage to your ship as possible, and then peel to their port and finish off the...scoundrels," Laura summated with her eyes still locked on their prey and, subsequently, her first ship.
Busy couple of days. Our sister store got robbed, covering someone after my shift tomorrow so I'll be gone all day. Haven't stopped moving since I got up this mornin'. I am dead already, you guys. I'll post on Sunday. Also, Assallya, you've made me want to play Black Flag again.

And MC, I'll get back to you soon on that thing with the stuff.
Truthfully Laura didn't have to imagine what they said about her. Her or Sarah. Rumors spread through little cliques in the Mansion like any other gathering of people coming into the world, but it's pretty hard to hide such a thing from a person with supernatural senses. Still, even if she could hear it she never listened - to rumors about her or anyone else.

"I can see why you would..." Laura said softly, obviously uncomfortable about being portrayed in a dress - real or not. She made a quick search for said pistol, finding it wedged against her back via leather belt. The things weren't too accurate at range, but she was fairly certain she could figure out how to make use of it in close quarters.

Without much more provocation Laura hopped up onto the railing, rope in hand for balance, and drew her rapier. "Yes, Captain...LOOSE THE TOPS, ROYALS AND MAINS!" She shouted with a vigor clearly unseen, a genetic predisposition for barking orders. Laura paused for a moment, scanning her brain for something potentially inspiring, "TO A GLORIOUS VICTORY OR DEATH AS A FREE SOUL WE SAIL!"

The sailors leaped into action, shouting cheers in unison as they moved like one perfectly greased gear. For a moment she allowed herself to forget she was an X-Man and in that moment she completely understood the whole 'role playing'...thing. She didn't have to admit she was enjoying this one, dress or no, but it was clearly written across the 'quarter master's' entire demeanor. If she let herself drift any more, she might swear she could feel the heat of the sun bearing down on that pale skin, heating up her onyx-colored hair and warming her typically cold bones.
Laura's eyes moved from the edge of the roof and into the square to Sarah almost cautiously, her head turning slightly to face her teammate. Her sensitive nose, naturally, picked up on Sarah's arousal, but it was mostly met with confusion. X glanced down at herself for a moment and then quickly focused back on the square; scent is quite personal after all.

"Something I'd...enjoy?" She stood up straight as the world shifted and reformed around her; she retracted her claws and folded her arms across her stomach. Laura observed Sarah dancing about the ship, barely suppressing a grin and the urge to join her. There was something about being on a ship, real or not, that was almost freeing. It helped remind her of an old friend, whether or not that memory was surrounded in blood and confusion.

A moment of peace floating aimlessly in a sea of sanguine memories.

Laura folded her arm and placed her hand on her chin, pensively rubbing her jawline with her index finger. A rarely seen smile curled up on her lips. "I think that you are right. I could enjoy this," she spoke thoughtfully, taking a look around the deck, up the mast and across the sea. She sidled up to the edge and looked into the water, it was impossible to tell it wasn't real besides the smell and, truly, the heaviness of air that should have been present.

X wondered for a moment if she couldn't help design more realistic simulations by communicating the intricacies of scent and feeling for true immersion. The thought was filed away for later as she noticed what she was wearing. Her eyebrow arched. "A...dress?" she queried with an audible frown.

She stood there on the deck of a glorious pirate ship wearing a digistructed pale yellow dress, slightly dirtied and rather ragged with a slightly loosened corset. Though...on her hip rested a rather rusty-looking rapier, the program must have compensated for her atypical starting point and saw fit to grace her with a weapon regardless. It felt real enough, she noted, as she rested her hand on the hilt. That could be lived with.

"It's better to swim in the sea below, than to swing in the air and feed the crow," she quoted at Sarah with what could have passed for a sardonic grin.
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