Avatar of SoraShiunin
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 ( / day)
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Sora | 18 + | He/Him or She/Her are acceptable pronouns although They/Them are generally preferred.

My name is Sora, I've rped quite a bit but mostly in private with my friends.
I'm a very nervous and shy person so forgive me if I seem offstandish or mean, it's not intentional.
My specialty in terms of rp genre are angst and fluff, hurt/comfort basically. I'm typically game for any kind of rps but when it comes to rping with new people I have a hard time immersing myself into the world and into character.

I try to be friendly though so if you ever want to talk, about rp or anything else i'll likely be game for it.

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