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Devon suddenly looked up at the sound of voices, and the boy released a breath of pent-up air, his eyes suddenly returning to their dark crimson hue, instead of the glazed coal color they were before. He glanced at Luke, pushing off of the door, and mentally frowning at the feeling of a piece of wood - a splinter, sliding painlessly into the pale flesh that acted as his skin. "No, I'm the bogeyman." The child gave Luke a sarcastic grin, showcasing a row of pearly white teeth. Luke was a good friend - although they were basically like night and day. Luke was nice, kind, and considerate to others, while Devon was basically the opposite. Quiet, ominous, and sharp, preferring the solace of nighttime rather than the overbearing cheerfulness of the daily sun. But, regardless, they were friends, and Devon actually enjoyed their differing attitudes. It's what made Luke such a great friend.

He glanced to his left, half-lidded crimson eyes staring into the similar sharp eyes of his pure black crow friend. It opened it's odd white beak, releasing a soft 'caw' instead of the shrill yell most of the avian species released. Devon responded with a murmur, bringing his hand up and petting the bird on it's tiny head. Despite the fact that he hadn't petted a crow before in his life, which was odd, considering owls and crows seemed to have some sort of in-depth attraction to the boy, he wasn't afraid, nor hesitant when dealing with the little bird. To him, it felt like an actual pet, despite only 'knowing' it for a few minutes. "I'll call you Yami..." Devon whispered softly, so as to not allow the others to hear him being creepy and talking to a crow. It would be disastrous to any sort of intimidating or mystifying appearance he may have built up around himself, and he would die before embarrassing himself so hideously. The crow responded by, in a shower of pitch black feathers that seemingly didn't shed away from his body, flying from the boy's shoulder and smoothly perching itself on his head. Thankfully, his black hoodie was still on and zipped, so he only felt a comfortable gripping as the crow settled itself comfortably on the top of his hood.

"This is going to make me look like an idiot..." Devon muttered, walking from where he had been standing in the darkness, and closer to the others, who seemed to have taken residence on the dirty, torn furniture that belonged to the mansion. Nixie, Aidyn, Anwen, Luke, and Chris. Hearing Aidyn's question, and patiently listening to Nixie's answer, Devon finally made himself fully known, walking into the 'social circle' and sitting on the edge of a large, leathery brown lounge chair. Hide and Seek seemed a tad...childish and immature, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to pass the time.

"...I left my book at home." He scoffed at his own impudence, reaching into the pockets of his black shorts and grasping through the loose change, wallet...no mini-horror story. Dang it.

"I'm up for hide and seek." Quickly realizing how childish he may sound, Devon followed up, rather childishly, with a hurried, "Just because I'm bored." He stubbornly looked away, the crow that perched on top of his head following the boy's movements.
Alright, awesome, this all seems pretty solid.
I think it's because the whole cartoon is so cartoony, there's no death reports of actual Pokémon dying in battle, and there's no blood, but yeah, I see where you're coming from. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the IC post. Are you going to play every Wild Pokémon? Because I'm planning on having Ace catch a Nidoran (Male) pretty soon after he gets Charmander. Nidoking is on my 'permanent Pokémon Team' list for Ace~.
I like that decision as well, although I slightly worry at how 'realistic' this is going to be. It sort of goes back to my previous question of 'Why would young teenagers even take this quest if it's so bloody and dangerous'.
I think that we can use the whole 'Common Sense' rule on that one. Learning it as a Blastoise is understandable, or a Wartortle, but I doubt that a Squirtle could do it. But, the GM has the complete jury on it, so we can see what he thinks.
True enough, although I meant it in a more 'direct' way. Like, the common sense physical attacks (Double Slap, Low Kick, Growl, Leer, Tackle, Scratch) all of that should be free-reign - Every Pokémon can use it. But things that requires actual skill and 'Poke-Energy' (Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Fire Blast, Brine, Hydro Pump) should be learned normally
"or just let them use any attacks that they can learn or perhaps something in between."

That's what I'd prefer. I mean, I come up with pretty brutal, yet creative combos. Using Takedown and Double Slap should be something all Pokémon should be able to use instantly and stuff. So yeah, I'd rather the Moves be completely free and creative, as long as we use common sense. (I.E Having your Pokémon use Hydro Pump when they're a fire-type.)
It's definitely interesting. I just may not post constantly since I'm currently GMing two RP's, and my summer is starting. Sorry about that. ^^

I didn't notice any; nice post.
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