Avatar of SpazzyKat
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    1. SpazzyKat 9 yrs ago


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Ooo i loved this game, im in
Kyoko stretched as she woke up, wiping whatever drool was on her face, and looked around the room to see windows were bolted shut. She wasn't all to surprised by it, "hm, rehabilitation all over again," she muttered in a monotone voice. She reached down and felt through her jeans on her leg, her hidden knife was still there, so she was relieved of that. She was wearing simple clothing, a normal white T-shirt and dark jeans. She yawned and rose up from her seat, running her hand through her jet black hair and smacking her lips. She looked ahead at the board to read to be in the gym, thinking nothing of it, she just shrugged her shoulders and left the room.

Having her hands tucked in her pockets she looked in one room after another, "nope," she kept repeating after looking in the wrong rooms. "Where the hell is it," she was getting tired of wandering until she spotted something moving out of the corner of her eye. "Another student?," she figured this place to be empty but she followed whoever it was and she ended up in the right place, "Oh," she turned on her heels and made way to some bleachers as she took a seat at the very top.
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Saarebasyea u can
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Natalie just rolled her eyes and gestured her hand like he was talking to much, mocking him, "ok, ok your right that is true just hard to think when it's blaring through my wall knucklehead." Natalie eyed her brother as he went about his room and got dressed, her eyebrow lifted when he wiped off his sweat and threw on clean clothes. "You're not even going to shower after that?" She tilted her head slightly when he came next to her, "I mean I know you bro you're the big gruff guy who doesn't care what others think, but you can at least shower this once." She gave her brother a slight nudge with her shoulder and let out a small chuckle. She listened to her brother go on and replied when he was finished, "yea I'm sure there won't be one," she spoke sarcastically, "but I guess that's better then a freakish gigantic hellhound showing up am I right?" She straightened up and looked at her brother, "I'm going to go get dressed and start greeting people, someone has to do it around here."

As she walked she stopped at the doorway and looked back, "just do me a favor and try not to scare off so many people," she teased her brother and started walking down to her room, shutting his door behind her. She covered what she really wanted to say by some teasing remark to her brother, she just hoped someone keeps an eye on her so she doesn't get to overwhelmed, her family knows how she gets in a crowd of people and this ball won't do her any good.

She hopped in a suck shower and curled her red locks so she looked decent, finishing by changing into her party clothes and her mask, which was a simple black mask, looking herself once over in the mirror, "you can do this," she spoke to herself and taking a deep breath. She then painted a smile on her face and left her room, making her way down the hall hand to the main staircase that led down to the large room where the ball was taking place. As she descended the people already there were gawking and whispering among themselves. In her mind Natalie repeated that she can do this, with multiple maids and butlers around who would surely keep an eye on her. She bowed, courtesy and shook hands with people there, still keeping that smile, "thank you for attending," she repeated over and over and made way for the door while she greeted people as they came in.
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Did I mention I love this group -giggles-
Cause I doooo
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Saarebaswelcome back dewd :3
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Goooood morning everyone :3
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

"What the?" Natalie picked up her head again when she heard music blaring through her walls, although she wasn't surprised considering whose room was next to hers. She honestly didn't mind Dominics music, she actually liked it, but when she was trying to think it kind of annoyed her. Natalie rose from her bed and started pounding on the wall that adjacent to his room, "Dominic! Turn it down!" Even after she asked and pounded on her wall she got no response, dumb meathead can't even hear her. She just rolled her eye and let out a sigh while going to her closet and pilfering through all her clothes to see if she had something decent to wear.

Luckily she found something way back in her closet, a little blue dress she received a long time ago, but she never put it on. Natalie wasn't the type for frilly things, she was kind of tomboyish and liked jackets, pants, boots, chokers, not dresses that's for sure. "I guess this will have to do," she muttered to herself. She continued digging around her room and found a nice pair of black heels accompanied by a bow, a little bracelet and a black flowery choker. She laid the outfit out in front of her and sighed while running her hand through her red hair, "well I guess this will do," then she tapped her chin in thought, "although the eye patch isn't to attractive," honestly what would go with an eye patch that looked nice? Her hand raised up and her fingers brushed the eye patch on her left eye, taking it off wouldn't be as attractive either, under her eye patch her eye was sewn shut, because apparently her eye couldn't be saved.

She started hearing the doorbell ring more now, which means more guess were arriving and Dominics music was still pounding through her wall. She gave a bit of an aggravated sigh and barged out of her room and made way down to Dominics room, "hey meathead!" She shouted and pounded on his door, then again there was no point in that, so she just opened it and saw her brother was doing his workouts per usual. She didn't mind his attire since she has seen him walking around like that and made her way over to turn down his music so he could at least hear her. Her hands gripped a nearby dresser with her hands behind her back and leaning against it while balancing on the heels of her feet, "you do realize you have someone next door to you right?" She lifted her visible eyebrow and let out a slight chuckle, "shouldn't you be getting ready? There are already some people who arrived, probably dying to see what we look like," and at that her eye rolled, "although I am dreading this party to be honest."
In Beastly 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm gonna go ahead and post because 1 I know Yami is going to post so that's ok and not interacting with my character
2 you gaiz are free to do the same, so lets get this moving x3
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