Avatar of Spoo
  • Last Seen: 5 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: itzDrufus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 122 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Spoo 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
126 days until I'm 22 :D
8 yrs ago
Well that didn't take long.



I talk about meaningless crap on the internet. If you or a friend would like to talk about meaningless crap on the internet with me, I support you completely!

Most Recent Posts

I felt the Akame ga Kill vibes as well. Color me interested.
I'd like to reserve a position of town potter, if that's alright. I've got a CS started, so it should be complete tomorrow.

Also, I'm on -5 GMT, for future reference. I figure getting time zones out there will help establish post order better.
I dig Harvest Moon enough give this a shot. Interested.
Name: Antonio Esparza
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-Four


An untidy mop of curly hair partially obscures a somber face. Under that mess lie two bright eyes underscored by prominent sags -- indication of many sleepless nights. Protruding from this face is a long but thin nose, and under that nose is a perpetual frown sometimes used to speak and eat. Such is the face of Antonio Esparza, a 5'10", sunburned pillar of melancholic body language. Despite a fairly athletic build and healthy weight, Antonio manages to somehow look incredibly haggard via a slouching gait and rather ragged clothing. His well-worn work shirt is now more grease stain than white, and his jeans, similarly tarnished, sport several holes of varying sizes.

Occupation: Factory Maintenance Worker


  • Penlight
  • Small notepad, ink pen
  • Wallet, containing $34.42, driver's license, and an expired Wendy's coupon


The sadness that seemingly defines Antonio Esparza's life began three years ago with the sudden death of his older sister, Mari. A vehicle collision, in which he himself had been the driver. He escaped the accident with a scar on his shoulder; Mari had no such fortune. A guilt-ridden Antonio left the funeral and attempted to drown his sorrow in alcohol. It must have been a cruel joke played by god, then, that he found his attempts foiled by an abnormal tolerance to liquor. Following that, his next course of action was simply attempt to "move on" and hope forgiveness would come in time. That plan didn't work, either. That plan still isn't working.

I hope I did a good enough job on Appearance; I'm not much good at lengthy descriptions of a single thing.
Sounds cool. I'm interested.
I sent Oz a PM detailing some stuff I wanted to do but he hasn't yet responded. That was about a week ago now.
I'm still here. Just assuming the usual holiday season business is keeping most of us occupied.
Hey-O, I managed to post something, and as I learned, I'm off work until Monday, when I'm gonna be on first shift for a few days.

Also, we have a ridiculous number of white haired people in this school.
"Siblings? Yeah, I have a sister."

Izzy rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling. He hadn't seen his older sister in nearly two years now. She had left home a couple years before he had to begin her own journey into the world. Last he'd heard, she was in Unova researching something about the relationship between Pokemon and plants or something -- it was the sort of bookish snorefest she had always liked. The kind Izzy usually took measures to avoid.

"She's a few years older than me. We're not very much alike." Izzy spoke flatly. He didn't very much want to get into the details regarding his kin; that sort of conversation usually went down an awkward path of questions he couldn't answer. Frankly, he didn't get his sister, nor did he know a lot of the things about her most siblings should about each other. She was calculating and always focused on understanding every little thing about whatever. Instead of wanting to experience new things constantly, she would rather latch onto the object of her fancies until her curiosity was sated. Izzy loved his sister without a doubt, but he never "clicked" with her.

"What about you? You seem like you'd fit the "big sister" bill."
Sorry. I'm a bit stuck at the moment. I'll also have something in a few hours.
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