Avatar of Starmie
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 104 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Starmie 4 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I miss you, my friend.
4 yrs ago
I'm alive.
4 yrs ago
I have a few openings on my supernatural investigative RP if anyone's interested.
4 yrs ago
I want to remind everyone about the fundraiser, if anyone needs help financially during this time!
4 yrs ago
I'm gonna start working on the fundraiser banner, finally!


Most Recent Posts

This is a mix of a supernatural, slice-of-life, gorey and investigative RP. With no further ado, here's the plot for SEMA. It would follow the life of our characters, who are all members of SEMA or consultants to SEMA, while they fight to keep the world a better place, either on the field or behind a desk. And maybe something else lurking from the shadows.


The Supernatural Events Management Agency, or SEMA, is an organization that investigates supernatural threats. It was founded in London, in 1868, by Percy Abraham Wilde, and currently holds offices in ten other countries. The Supernatural Operations Unit is the unit that actively participates in the intervention and, if necessary, capture and execution of supernatural creatures that cause damage and ruptures, intentional or otherwise, to the standard functioning of the human society. This unit holds two divisions that together make this mission possible: the Analysis and Intelligence Division and the Field Division. The AID and FD agents work together in teams towards the eradication of these events and creatures.

tags: intermediate; supernatural; dark; gore?; who knows

Aaaaaand, here we are! Feel free to post your CS, me and @Magpie will let you know if it's accepted or if you need to update something! Plus, @Polymorpheus has agreed to give us a hand and work as our second Co-GM, so thanks Poly.
Here is the character sheet if anyone is interested in what it looks like. Don't let the size of the Character Sheet discourage you. It looks big, but if you look closely, it's just because we isolated a lot of things you most likely would add anyway. We did that so the character sheets would look like actual employee files. Well, we attempted that, at least. We'll have a set amount of character to be field agents and intelligence agents since we don't want all character to be field agents and vice-versa.

Name: Character's name. Don't include nicknames and aliases.​
Aliases: Aliases and/or nicknames, if any.​
Age: Self-explanatory.​
Date of Birth: Self-explanatory.​
Place of Birth: City, Country.​
Gender: Self-explanatory.​
Sexual Orientation: Self-explanatory.​
Ethnicity: Asian, Black/African, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, Pacific Islander, Multiethnic. Choose all that apply or write your own.​
Status: Marital status. Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed etc.​

Height: Self-explanatory.​
Weight: Self-explanatory. ​
Eye color: Self-explanatory. ​
Hair color: Self-explanatory. ​
Identifiable traits: Any physical markings that are unique to them. Include here tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, scars etc. ​

Current Position: Analysis and Intelligence Agent or Field Agent.​
Employed since: Month/year they were first employed by SEMA.​
Skills: All skills they possess, such as languages, knowledges (e.g., technology, myths, folklore, history, science etc.) and specialties (e.g., medicine, history, sociology, psychology etc.). Be creative, but don't be over powered.​

Strengths: Minimum of three.​
Weaknesses: Minimum of three.​
Hobbies: Self-explanatory.​

Personality. One paragraph minimum.​
Integer viverra, dui vel ultrices cursus, dolor tellus gravida libero, vitae iaculis tortor mi at metus. Sed at imperdiet ex. Sed hendrerit tempor sem, eu sagittis mauris mollis nec. Etiam nec elit auctor, feugiat orci eget, semper eros. Morbi at hendrerit augue. In ut erat efficitur, cursus eros at, vestibulum velit. Fusce dictum justo eu pharetra fringilla. Cras ut libero elementum, accumsan nulla sed, pulvinar lectus. Mauris mattis magna leo, id tempor eros faucibus non. ​

Background/Story. One paragraph minimum.​
Sed porta aliquet ante sed vehicula. Donec id purus neque. Praesent consequat non mauris a hendrerit. Etiam rutrum nec ipsum in mollis. Cras hendrerit bibendum eros eget sollicitudin. Quisque vitae libero ipsum. Pellentesque id libero malesuada, convallis nibh at, aliquet ex. Ut ornare erat massa, sit amet tristique nisi consequat a. Fusce eu felis vitae metus facilisis sagittis. Quisque ut dignissim dui. Mauris vestibulum vitae eros ut fringilla. Cras non lectus metus. ​

Anything you'd like to add that doesn't fit in the other fields.
Hello and welcome to our interest check! First and foremost, I would like to say that this is an old plot me and my friend, @Magpie, created and we've played this many times. Once again I have found myself itching to get back into this world and relive our characters, and we'd be happy to have more people on-board.

This is a mix of a supernatural, slice-of-life, gorey and investigative RP. With no further ado, here's the plot for SEMA. It would follow the life of our characters, who are all members of SEMA or consultants to SEMA, while they fight to keep the world a better place, either on the field or behind a desk. And maybe something else lurking from the shadows.


The Supernatural Events Management Agency, or SEMA, is an organization that investigates supernatural threats. It was founded in London, in 1868, by Percy Abraham Wilde, and currently holds offices in ten other countries. The Supernatural Operations Unit is the unit that actively participates in the intervention and, if necessary, capture and execution of supernatural creatures that cause damage and ruptures, intentional or otherwise, to the standard functioning of the human society. This unit holds two divisions that together make this mission possible: the Analysis and Intelligence Division and the Field Division. The AID and FD agents work together in teams towards the eradication of these events and creatures.

tags: intermediate; supernatural; dark; gore?; who knows
Hi Kay, I'm Star and I bid you welcome! I don't really role-play here, but I'm very active in the guild's discord server -- you're also very welcome to join us there. With so much free time now, it's the perfect opportunity to play more RPs and make new friends so feel free to explore everything the guild has to offer and ask us any questions or concerns you might have!
My fellow guildmates,

I know a lot of people are going through tough times because of this epidemic. Thousands of people are getting fired, laid off, or otherwise simply cannot work because of fear and government stated quarantine and social distancing. The guild has dozens of members, so I don't think it's a wild thought to assume that some of us might be severely struggling with rent, utilities, and food.

If there is a demand, me and other guild members would like to start a fundraiser to help people in need during the crisis. If you/your family needs money, please PM me or post here in this thread. If you feel uneasy taking money from your guildmates, know that we are going to be offering services in exchange of donations, such as proofreading and text editing, photo editing, coding or programming, RP banners, covers, dividers, signatures and custom character sheets, and character sketches and drawings.

Please be honest in what you need help with and we will help you. The purpose of this thread is to know if there is a demand for this fundraiser. If it's even just one person, we'll do it.

Thank you for reading and stay safe!

Update: Apr 28, 2020

We have started the GoFundMe for the fundraiser a few weeks ago. If no one on the guild needs financial help, we'd like to donate the money to a COVID-19 related charity.

Thanks again and take care!

Update: May 1, 2020

It is with great satisfaction that I say no one has requested help, and therefore I will end the fundraiser. I take it as a good thing since it means our members are doing relatively well and not struggling. Thank you everyone who supported the idea and helped me set it in motion. <3

Stay safe!
It was another day in the literal flaming hell known as Aussieland when Marianne Marin woke up late for work. As usual, she had gone to bed only two hours before the time she was supposed to wake up to open the restaurant.
"Puta merda," she mumbled to herself with a groan before falling out of bed and crawling into the bathroom. After a few minutes she crawled her way into the kitchen and only stood up so she could make ten cups of coffee. One would think she was making two cups for each of her family members but she wasn't that selfless. No, she needed all the ten cups for her survival. Her mom had injected her with coffee through her uterus when Marianne was still a fetus, and so she developed an unnatural biological dependency to caffeine that could only be satisfied by the disgusting taste of black coffee.
She chugged the burning hot liquid and finally started getting ready to go to work.

Forty minutes later she arrived at the restaurant and started putting the chairs down, all the way mumbling curses in her native language. She could hear the airplanes arriving at the airport, and the noise would always worsen her headaches.

"Why the fuck did I agree to move here," she'd repeat to herself. "I was the top of my class and had a fucking job interview with one of my professors. Now I'm working at a fucking burger place for fucks sake."

Name: Marianne Marin
Age: 23
Bio: Born in Brazil, she moved to Aussieland about a year ago with her family. She recently started working as a waitress at the Jace family's favorite restaurant.
I'm finally working on my CS.
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