Avatar of Stella
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Soshi
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 161 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Stella 10 yrs ago


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Extremely interested here! It's been a while since I've been a group RP since my time has been limited recently, but I'll have to reconfirm my availability sometime later. For now I remain extremely interested. Mainly because I've been in a similar situation as Ainz (minus the transported-to-a-new-world-part) - last one standing in a dying MMO and reminiscing on good times...

I would like to play the part of an NPC, possibly a slime-girl type.
The RP went hollow. :(
It was finished. The defeated corpses of the undead hollows lay strewn around the ground, their dark-red blood soaking into the grass and soil where they lay. Looking to her companions, Saira saw that each and everyone of them had made it out of the battle relatively unharmed. However, this was merely the beginning of what was to be a journey of great length. If they had only traveled this far and already encountered an ambush, what other kinds of threats awaited for them ahead? The possibilities were limitless, but this uncertainty did not worry Saira in the least. After all, she had the protection of the ever-watchful Sun.

While the others were recovering from the battle against the hollows, Saira glanced down at the sheathed katana she held in her hands, remembering how everything changed when she drew out the blade from its scabbard. It was as if an entire world had been opened up to her. There was some strange kind of link between her and the sword, although she could not remember what it was. What was certain was that she possessed great skill with the sword, such that her movements with the blade flowed effortlessly in combat, with as much ease as one would take a breath or blink an eye. Was she some sort of warrior in her past life?

Out of curiosity, Saira carefully withdrew the katana from its protective scabbard. After cutting down several undead hollows, the otherwise flawlessly sharpened blade was now covered with long streaks dried blood. Out of instinct, Saira knelt down close to one of the fallen hollows, grasping onto a piece of raggedly-looking cloth that clung onto its decaying armor. Bringing the cloth close to the blade, Saira delicately brushed away the spots of blood that clung to her blade, revealing the text that was inscribed onto its metallic surface.

With this blade drawn, let justice be done. Those were the words that were etched onto the blade. Those words held a strange kind of meaning to her heart, as if they were words of promise that she had spoken long ago. Perhaps someday, she would rediscover the meaning of those words.

"Forgive me for sounding pushy, but perhaps it would be best for us to continue. There are some large rats in the waterway but they won't bother us if we don't bother them." Said the white sorcerer, Delwyn, to all around him.

Saira looked up suddenly from where she knelt, as she was abruptly awoken from a deep dream. In her short moment of remembrance, she had briefly forgotten where she was and the company she was with.

"Yes, that would be best. The journey must continue. It must always continue." Saira said in response to the sorcerer, sliding the katana back into position into its scabbard, and rising back up to her feet.
I'm still around, I was just waiting for someone else to post since I've posted close to the most recent one. It seems I lost track of time, so I will see if I can make another post later today.

Edit: I'll make the post tomorrow night. Was busy today so couldn't get the post in as soon as I wished.
I just imagined archers being on top and below the water way "bridge" looking structure. Like some archers are down below with the sword wielders.
With her thoughts still lost within the haze of tranquil happiness of companionship, it took Saira a few seconds to understand the warning shouts of the white sorcerer. As the arrows fired by the hollowed archers began flying towards their direction and the others immediately leaped into action, Saira remained standing exactly where she was. With her steadfast faith in the Sun, she had no reason to fear for her life, however, she did not wish any harm to come upon her companions.

With precise, practiced movements, Saira lifted up both her hands to eye-level with her sheathed katana in her left hand, and her right hand over the sword's grip. Lightly wrapping the fingers of her right hand around the sword's grip, in one smooth pulling action, she brought out the sword's sharped blade from its protective scabbard. As the polished silver metal of the blade slid out of the scabbard, a line of intricately-inscribed Eastern text met her eyes.

"With this blade drawn, let justice be done". Saira read aloud the words inscribed upon the sword's blade as she separated the katana from its scabbard. Upon speaking those words, Saira could feel a strange, powerful presence awaken from deep within her soul, as if the simple act of drawing the sword reawakened memories she thought were lost. She now felt as if she and the blade were one, singular entity. She was familiar with it, and it with her.

As the muscular Gerhard continued fighting against the hollowed undead warriors, smashing their heads with his raw strength, Saira could see one hollow closing on him from behind, brandishing a heavy straight sword held high above its head, ready to strike. Before the hollow could do so, Saira instantly burst into action as she leaped forward towards Gerhard and the hollow.

Just as the hollow's sword was being brought down, Saira thrust forward her katana's scabbard, using its hard outer shell to deflect the sword's blade. The sudden impact of the deflection sent the hollow stumbling backwards a few steps as it was caught off-balance. Seizing this short moment of opportunity, Saira quickly reversed her grip on her katana as she flicked the blade in a rapid upwards slicing action through the hollow's jaw and skull. The straight sword fell from the hollow's now limp, lifeless hands as its wielder followed the same action.

Sensing another threat moving in from just beyond the edge of her sight, Saira took a quick step backwards as another sword's blade swung down upon where she stood just moments ago. As the hollow's sword cut through empty air, its equally-empty eyes turned towards her, its mouth twisting into a feral snarl as it was denied its kill. Before the hollow could bring up its sword for its next swing, the edge of Saira's katana flicked through the air several times in rapid succession like a snapping whip, with each snap striking the hollow in different areas. The first snap sliced through the wrist of the hand that held the hollowed soldier's sword, the second cut through the decaying flesh of its neck, just short of decapitating it cleanly. The third cut, however, finished the task that the second could not.

Before she could look towards her other companions to see if they were holding their own against the hollows' ambush, the blur of a speeding arrow flew past her face just as she was about to step forward. Tracing back the arrow's trajectory to its source, Saira spotted the hollow archer perched high above the entrance to the waterway. This archer was well beyond the reach of her katana, but she was not helpless.

As the hollow archer was reaching its back for its next arrow, Saira responded by calmly returning her katana to its scabbard in her left hand. Even as the archer was now preparing to fire, Saira looked upwards towards the sky as she brought up her right hand, as if reaching for the sunlight streaming from above.

"Blessed Sunlight, grant me the power to defeat the enemies that my sword cannot reach."

With those words spoken, streaming sunlight from above collected and materialized itself into her open hand as a golden, pulsating spear of pure brilliant light. Silently offering her thanks and gratitude to the Sun, Saira flung her right hand forward towards the hollow archer positioned above. As if on command, the spear of lightning hurtled forward towards the undead archer, sending it into a series of uncontrollable convulsions as the lightning spread through its body and flesh.

"Praise the Sun."

Saira softly spoke her final words of gratitude as she watched the now-lifeless corpse of the undead archer fall face-first into the ground below.
I think we should stick to the theme of the general area and avoid taking the game environment literally. Personally, it's been years since I last played through DS1 so I only have a vague idea of each area, and I think the same goes for most people here if they have played the Souls games.

Also, Saira post tomorrow (< 24 hours from now).
The Prince, "Alaric, first of his name", was the first of the group to introduce himself. He seemed somewhat interested in her mention of the sun, something she was more than pleased to speak about.

As she continued to walk with the group of fellow travelers, Saira looked up at the skies. The luminosity of the sunlight was now steadily growing in strength as it continued to rise above their heads. "When I found myself lost within these strange lands, I was without purpose, without destination, but the guiding hand of the Sun gave me both. If it were not for the guidance of the Sun, I would have traveled aimlessly forward with neither purpose or goal, doomed to become Hollow like countless undead before myself. I am forever thankful for the guiding light of the Sun, for this land is filled with darkness and death. Without it, we will surely be lost and fall to despair."

Saira then felt a heavy arm fall upon her shoulder. It was the arm of the jolly strong man, who introduced himself as Gerhard. He spoke warmly of the northern lands from which he came, but when he made mention of the word "snowdrifts", Saira failed to comprehend the word he spoke of. Whatever "snow" was, it seemed to be something that one would consider beautiful and pleasing. As her mind was busy pondering on this mysterious "snow" and its drifts were, several new voices nearby pulled her thoughts back to her present self.

The first of the new voices was the thin burnt-looking younger man who she vaguely recalled being especially enthusiastic about the Firekeeper's beef stew. He seemed odd compared to the others, but he had rather a friendly and welcoming demeanor that put her thoughts at ease.

The white-dressed man, who had been traveling with Saira for some time now, introduced himself as a Vinheim Chronicler by the name of Delwyn Seren. He spoke of magic and catalysts, neither of which Saira was familiar with, but she was pleased at the chance of meeting such an interesting individual.

Before Saira could respond to any of the introductions of her traveling companions, a strange being dressed in some sort of thick fibrous cloak dashed by, seemingly without any intention of slowing down or stopping. Distracted with the pleasant feeling of her newfound companionship, Saira was completely unaware of this new stranger as he rushed by, but managed to barely catch his name, which he called out as he passed. It was an absurdly long string of syllables, which the stranger quickly shortened to a simpler "Asta". As the stranger continued his dash towards the stone stairs ahead, Saira had a strange feeling that this wasn't the last that she would see of him.

"What strange lands these are indeed." Saira quietly commented to herself, barely loud enough for the others nearby to hear, as she looked on at the cloaked stranger continuing on his rapid sprint.

"Alaric, Gerhard, Lucas, Delwyn, I'm very happy and fortunate to have met you all. These lands are strange and filled with danger, but I am thankful that I am able to have your companionship during this journey." Saira said to the others around her.
If I may add onto the boss fight plan, we could try a combination of the suggested ideas, so that everyone has minor control over the boss like starting simple attacks or responding to their player character's own attacks. The GM/chosen player will have full control to do more significant actions, for example, actions that completely change the surrounding environment, or anything that brings the boss fight to a new "level" (a sudden powerful self-buff, or a wide area of effect magic spell, for example).

Example of what a regular player can do: Launch attack against the boss, boss is hit by the attack, possibly retaliates (focus is on the player's character).

Example of what the GM/chosen player does (in addition to the above): Destroys surrounding buildings and towers with an AOE attack, forcing player characters to take evasive actions in the next round of posts (focus on own character, and significant events that affect all players).

This way, each player has the flexibility to launch attacks with their own characters and have the boss respond within a single post, so waiting for the boss player isn't necessary. Having a GM/player with full control over the boss will allow more significant events to happen to keep players on their toes, such as changing the difficulty or pace of the battle if needed.

All in all, this should be a good way to keep things simple and moving smoothly.
Saira had only realized how far she had allowed the thoughts in her mind to wander about when she found herself no longer alone. Had they decided to join her in her journey, or were they all merely following a common path? Whatever the reason made little difference, she was grateful for their companionship, however brief it may be. For as long as she could remember, she had always been alone, accompanied by nothing than the quiet sounds of her footsteps.

"I would warn you both. Many of my father's knights died walking this path. I can assume that their hollows are still here." Said the prince to Saira and to her other companion, the mustached musclebound man.

"Danger is always certain to be found in one's journeys through this strange land. However, I hold no fear, as the guiding sunlight has never lead me astray." Saira spoke in her usual smooth, tranquil tone as she continued forward at her easy pace, as if she was walking her way through a calm dream.

Soon after she spoke, the pitter-patter of hurried footsteps sounded nearby, signaling the presence of a new arrival to the small group of travelers.

"Uh, sorry to intrude. I'm afraid I'd feel rather unwelcome if I stayed at the shrine for too long. If it's of no trouble, I would be honored if you would allow me to accompany you to find the bell."

Saira's gaze merely wandered a few degrees to the side in response to the new voice for a brief moment, recognizing the new arrival as the white-robed man. So the one with the magical tome had decided to travel with them as well. By now, it was beyond any doubt that it was not simply pure chance that they had all met at the bonfire.

"The bell? The bell... the bell..." Saira softly wondered out loud at the white-robed man's words, which seemed to carry some sort of meaning that her mind could not fully grasp. What was the "bell" that he had spoken of? The only thoughts in her mind was the desire to continue on her travels, following the direction of the rising sun.

"Ah...yes. The bell you speak of, is the Bell of Awakening. How could I have forgotten? Although my journey is one without destination, I am sure that our paths will eventually lead us to the Bell. You are more than welcome to accompany us as we travel onwards." Saira said as her mind eventually found meaning in those repeated words, although her words were seemingly directed to nobody in particular. Her words, like her thoughts and her journey, had no destination.

"This journey may prove to be a lengthy one. Therefore, I believe it would be wise if we all became acquainted with one another. Please, allow me to be the first to introduce myself. My name is Saira, and I've come from the lands of the East."
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