Avatar of Stranger
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 208 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Stranger 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I wanted to ask for a vacation, but I realized I would have nothing to do the entire time.
7 yrs ago
Sorry to all my partners! Busy day means few replies. >_< I'm working on 'em, I swear!
7 yrs ago
I'm always surprised by how much work it takes to write RP, but it's always worth the effort!


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It's near Hau'oli City, just like in the game! It's just on the outskirts, so characters could easily go there between classes. Also, glad you're interested!
@Kafka Komedy I have no objections. While Zorua are certainly not common, since they ARE now native, I see no reason your character couldn't have one. No need to lose your 3rd slot, either!

Once upon a time, I had a very fun RP that involved a Pokemon Academy. After a few years, I've gotten the old itch again, so here I am! Basically, I'm looking to do a classic Pokemon Academy RP using the scenic Alola Academy as our setting. It's fully staffed, near the city, and right by the beach. What more could you ask for, right? :D

Here's the rundown: this'll be taking place about six years after the events of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, which means canon will NOT be very applicable - Team Skull is gone, and the Aether Foundation is on the straight and narrow. Mostly. The plot of this story will revolve around six young trainers and their daily lives at school. While the beginning will be a simple slice of life in the Pokemon world, as time advances, we'll begin to see that not everything on these islands is as peaceful as it seems...

But more on that later. ^-^ Right now, here's what I'm looking for:

-No more than six young trainers, 8-15 years old, to attend classes together. Your history is your own to write as you see fit (within reason, of course), and you may choose three Pokemon for your starting team. Do bear in mind that your characters will be NOVICE trainers when selecting your team!

-Two or three instructors to teach classes. Instructors are free to have whatever team and history they desire (again, within reason), and each instructor will be teaching a specific class. I myself will be taking the Headmaster position and acting as DM for the world at large. My character will also be teaching a class, but I'll wait to choose the topic until the other instructors choose theirs.

The minor details can be hammered out as we get into them. Otherwise, I look very forward to our year together!
This is gonna be a pretty dull thread if we're only getting in one post a week.
Rather than concern, Cassandra found the prospect of monsters kind of exciting. She always enjoyed finding new things to use in her illusion magic, and if the monsters were giant, horrifying monstrosities, hey, all the better! "I'm in too," she told the Guildmaster. "I haven't had a chance to show off what I can do yet, so this should be fun."
Cassandra simply watched as Lyren stormed off, letting the false blade fade into nothing. "My, someone's serious," she muttered to herself. When the other guy - Kai, was it? - shouted about food, Cassandra was already in better spirits. Food was always a good way to get over things. So, she half-skipped over to the kitchen area and took a portion of the giant slab of meat. It tasted surprisingly good; she had heard someone say something about poison, so she'd been worried about the flavor. She took some note of the people around her, but mostly kept to herself. It wasn't that she didn't like them, but she simply didn't know them that well yet. She was slow to warm up to people was all. As Gildarts posted the mission and everyone excitedly began forming up for it, she finally spoke out loud to everyone.

"Ah, if there's still room, I'd love to go too!" she said.
Sorry guys. I'll slip back in.

And there ya go! I did it in Paint with nothing but a TouchPad, so please forgive the quality. Still, it details all known Mystery Dungeons in the world, and if (when ;) ) we decide to add more, I'll update it. For now, I'll now give a brief description of each dungeon, as well as a list of what Pokemon may be found there. It should also be noted that "Pokemon include" is a list of common and rare Pokemon, but you are free to encounter a Pokemon anywhere it would make logical sense. This is just a guideline.

Good news! I have a map! Give me until later tonight, and I'll have a picture and details!
Fair point. I'll make a map when I have the spare time, possibly tomorrow or Tuesday. In the meantime, use these:

Popla Forest, known to be rich in berries and apples, and also the namesake of the village built near it, contains:
Budew, Bidoof, Ratatta, Sunkern, Wurmple, Pidgey, and Raticate (rare).

Crag Cave, known for rocky terrain and Pokemon, contains:
Geodude, Tyrogue, Aron, Roggenrola, Woobat, Zubat, and Munna (rare).

Mount Mist, known for its consistently misty summit, contains:
Geodude, Pidove, Machop, Dwebble, Tyrunt (rare), and Axew (rare).

I'll make a more detailed, more involved, and more globe-spanning map later, and post it here when I'm done.
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