Avatar of Succulent
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Succulent 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current lots of schoolwork has kept me tied up; also, i'm going on a family trip during the beginning of thanksgiving week. expect no replies.
9 yrs ago
lol when your laptop starts fucking up >>> (might take me a longer than usual to reply, sorry)
9 yrs ago
feeling really low on muse so sorry if i take a while to respond. :(


I like deep talks about history and superheros and long, romantic walks to the kitchen to eat some kick ass snacks.

Most Recent Posts

Chloe Daniels

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Age: 24
Gender: Female
Occupation Before the Freeze: Secretary at Willhem & Co. Research Enhancement Center
  • Knows her way around a computer
  • Worked at a science facility
  • Has lived in NYC all her life so she knows the area
  • Good with working with large crowds (i.e. can get a feel of a crowd and can work to make things better)
  • Flexible (both physically and with situations)

  • She started smoking when she was 19, so her health isn't up-to-par
  • Becomes easily frustrated
  • Still struggles with her old kleptomania habits
  • Can be too blunt

Other: n/a
I see your OOC post there. Was wondering if you had all the players you wanted or if I can still join in now?@Succulent

Nope, still room for people to join!
Hello all! The OOC thread is now up!
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What if time just...


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Some say time is just a man-made creation, that there really is no such thing as "time." Yet, if some say it's no big deal, then why does the world stop when time stops? One minute ago, the world was full of life. People talking, machines whirring, plants growing. The next, everything stops. The sun doesn't move. The clouds freeze. Oceans stop mid-wave. Everything stops like the pause button on a remote control was pushed.

Yet, if time froze, why are you still moving? You are still breathing, able to walk on your own, even manipulate the movements of those around you. If you're unfrozen then surely there must be others, others you can band with to figure out what caused the world to freeze and what you can do to return life to normal.

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The Plan

It's your mission to find other survivors of the Freeze and find some way to live all while trying to figure out who, or what, has stopped time. While you try to live in these conditions, you must remember that everything is now manual. Machines will only work with a crank. Water can only be pumped by hand. Modern plumbing? Well, not so modern anymore. Anything that runs on electricity is "off" unless you can find a way to manually run it.

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Time and Location

Time stopped on May 11, 2078 at 1:41 pm. By this year and time technology had made huge leaps and bounds. There is a cure for nearly every type of cancer or at least treatments that would lead to remission. Space travel is a common, everyday adventure. The world has waned itself off fossil fuels and has turned to natural resources; wind, sun, water. There have even been some rumors of time travel. Scientists have become powerful, and if one piece of information is in the wrong hands then the world could end. Or stop.

For the sake of finding all those who weren't frozen, while still being able to be at a resource, scientific and knowledge center, the roleplay will take place in New York City (three separate pictures) and the surrounding areas, like Long Island. The current weather is partly cloudy with no signs of rain. The weather was warming up a bit for the upcoming summer but isn't unbearable to stand in.

The world is essentially your oyster because no one can tell you "no."

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General Rules

  • Of course, all Guild rules apply.
  • As the GM, please respect what I have to say. I don't see too many problems that could possibly arise but, still, I'm only saying this just in case.
  • Romance is perfectly fine, but just remember to follow Guild rules. Nothing too explicit and such.
  • Godmodding against those frozen in time? Totally accepted and probably quite funny. Godmodding against other plays? Totally not accepted or funny.
  • I'm looking for high-casual writers. Please have good grammar and post at least one paragraph (referring back to high school for this, but that equals five-six good sentences) if you must. Just make sure that, with each post, you're able to move along the roleplay and not just add some fluff. If you need to wait a post or two to find a place to jump in and respond, that's cool.
  • If you will be gone for more than three days, please tell me! I know that I'm gonna be gone for a week in June, so just please keep me updated. I don't need a signed parent excuse or something.
  • Last but not least, be nice, respect each other and have fun.

Rules of the Land
Since we're messing with logic and physics I figured maybe some guidelines should be set.

  • If it runs on electricity, it doesn't work. The only way to run these items is to find some manual crank. (ex: we like to think refrigerators run on their own and stay cold 24/7, but with the Freeze, the refrigerator may say it's on, but it really isn't.)
  • Time is so powerful that the weather has stopped as well. No more pretty sunsets or thunderstorms.
  • Living creatures - people, animals, plants, ect. - that are frozen are still alive, but they've stopped aging. Since only our characters will be alive, growing food shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  • Since plants are frozen, that teeeeechnically means that oxygen and carbon dioxide aren't being cycled in the atmosphere but we'll just ignore that little hiccup.
  • NPCs are totally cool.
  • If there's any confusion feel free to ask me!

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Please post your sheet in the OOC and wait for my approval before moving it to the character tab. Thanks.

There isn't much to this form because I'd prefer to expand everything in the roleplay.

Dream team?

Chloe Daniels played by myself
Sarah Vaccher played by baskets
Melanie Venzan played by Rae Zer
Ackley Jonlenen played by AiyvaGuard
Aeron Beldon played by Monotonous
Jasper Onowens played by AiyvaGuard
The Mage Lords knew what to do when they casted the Gods away. They didn't simply lock them in some plain jail, oh no, they did much worse than that. They made it their mission to not only rid their foul world of the Gods but to torture them in their captivity. They made the very concept that Mysli existed off of- memories, thoughts and reflections - and turned it into something evil. Wherever they casted the goddess off to, they had chained her to a wall and made her live and watch every painful memory a human ever stored. Killings. Fires. Rape. Trickery. Drunkenness. Deception. She experienced every puny thought.

Mysli considered herself a fair goddess. She watched over her followers with a kind heart. She answered the prayers she received, rewarded those who offered sacrifices. She knew she didn't have the biggest following, being a goddess of memories and all, but the fact that half of her loyal group turned against her... For what? Empty promises of immortality? Endless wealth? She had tried to not pick a side in the great war. She couldn't deceive her followers, her people, but she also couldn't turn a back to her family. She had too many stored memories with them. As peaceful as she tried to be, she was still tossed aside like rotten meat. Humans linked so much of their existence to material possessions that it made her sick. She almost didn't want to be back in Voswurn.

The descent from her jail was like a breath of fresh life was breathed into her. She was free from the torture she had been living in. She had control, once more, when she looked into someone's mind and possibly have her old powers back. Yet, as she struggled to pull herself into a sitting position, she could feel how weak she was. Her head throbbed and the land seemed to be swaying. Seeing a sign just a few feet from where she was sitting, she squinted in order to read it. The Great City of Lloesy. This "great city" would be a perfect spot to start off, then. Gain her strength back, see if she had followers anymore and wreck havoc against those damned Mage Lords.

She wouldn't be so nice this time.

As the goddess tried to stand on weary feet, a thunderstorm seemed to erupt in her mind. All those memories she had been forced to watch were rotting her mind. A shaky breath left her lips as she picked up the little orb that hung on a golden chain around her neck. The winds inside the little purple orb were spinning too fast already but Mysli needed to rid her mind of these memories. Transferring them to a human would be too deadly. Their brain would deteriorate until their body, too, would deteriorate. Closing her hands around the orb, the goddess closed her eyes and murmured an ancient chant. As she did this, a weight felt like it was being lifted off of her shoulders as light mist flowed out of her temples and between her fingers to get to the orb. After a minute or so she opened her eyes and smiled, feeling much better. The winds inside the orb were whipping around, meaning that some complication was happening with a memory. A memory she had stored in there, something she wanted to forget but not lose, was fighting to be released. Not today. The goddess thought, tucking the necklace under her bodice.

Mysli opened one of her hands and made a navy blue hooded cloak appear. She still had some of her godly powers. She wanted to look around and see what the state of the city was before she started recruiting new followers and planning her revenge. Plus, she needed to restore her strength. After slipping the cloak around her shoulders and pulling the hood over her head, she started making her way to the city.
Have to say, I absolutely love how flawless and appealing the first post looks.

Thank you! I like to make good first impressions, haha.

Well with all the interest this seems to be getting I guess I can set up the OOC thread later today.
(Thanks for deciding to click this interest check. This was a roleplay I thought of a while ago and have been itching to do. Any sort of feedback or commentary is greatly appreciated!)

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What if time just...


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Some say time is just a man-made creation, that there really is no such thing as "time." Yet, if some say it's no big deal, then why does the world stop when time stops? One minute ago, the world was full of life. People talking, machines whirring, plants growing. The next, everything stops. The sun doesn't move. The clouds freeze. Oceans stop mid-wave. Everything stops like the pause button on a remote control was pushed.

Yet, if time froze, why are you still moving? You are still breathing, able to walk on your own, even manipulate the movements of those around you. If you're unfrozen then surely there must be others, others you can band with to figure out what caused the world to freeze and what you can do to return life to normal.

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The Plan

It's your mission to find other survivors of the Freeze and find some way to live all while trying to figure out who, or what, has stopped time. While you try to live in these conditions, you must remember that everything is now manual. Machines will only work with a crank. Water can only be pumped by hand. Modern plumbing? Well, not so modern anymore. Anything that runs on electricity is "off" unless you can find a way to manually run it.

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Time and Location

Time stopped on May 11, 2078 at 1:41 pm. By this year and time technology had made huge leaps and bounds. There is a cure for nearly every type of cancer or at least treatments that would lead to remission. Space travel is a common, everyday adventure. The world has waned itself off fossil fuels and has turned to natural resources; wind, sun, water. There have even been some rumors of time travel. Scientists have become powerful, and if one piece of information is in the wrong hands then the world could end. Or stop.

For the sake of finding all those who weren't frozen, while still being able to be at a resource, scientific and knowledge center, the roleplay will take place in New York City (three separate pictures) and the surrounding areas, like Long Island. The current weather is partly cloudy with no signs of rain. The weather was warming up a bit for the upcoming summer but isn't unbearable to stand in.

The world is essentially your oyster because no one can tell you "no."

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General Rules

  • Of course, all Guild rules apply.
  • As the GM, please respect what I have to say. I don't see too many problems that could possibly arise but, still, I'm only saying this just in case.
  • Romance is perfectly fine, but just remember to follow Guild rules. Nothing too explicit and such.
  • Godmodding against those frozen in time? Totally accepted and probably quite funny. Godmodding against other plays? Totally not accepted or funny.
  • I'm looking for high-casual writers. Please have good grammar and post at least one paragraph (referring back to high school for this, but that equals five-six good sentences) if you must. Just make sure that, with each post, you're able to move along the roleplay and not just add some fluff. If you need to wait a post or two to find a place to jump in and respond, that's cool.
  • If you will be gone for more than three days, please tell me! I know that I'm gonna be gone for a week in June, so just please keep me updated. I don't need a signed parent excuse or something.
  • Last but not least, be nice, respect each other and have fun.

Rules of the Land
Since we're messing with logic and physics I figured maybe some guidelines should be set.

  • If it runs on electricity, it doesn't work. The only way to run these items is to find some manual crank. (ex: we like to think refrigerators run on their own and stay cold 24/7, but with the Freeze, the refrigerator may say it's on, but it really isn't.)
  • Time is so powerful that the weather has stopped as well. No more pretty sunsets or thunderstorms.
  • Living creatures - people, animals, plants, ect. - that are frozen are still alive, but they've stopped aging. Since only our characters will be alive, growing food shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  • Since plants are frozen, that teeeeechnically means that oxygen and carbon dioxide aren't being cycled in the atmosphere but we'll just ignore that little hiccup.
  • NPCs are totally cool.
  • If there's any confusion feel free to ask me!

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Character Sheet
Don't start sending one just yet! I'd like to see how many people are interested first.

There isn't much to this form because I'd prefer to expand everything in the roleplay.

Wooo, thanks! I'll move her over to the characters thread now.
Where my goddesses at?

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