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    1. Sundrop 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
even in times of chaos i cannot resist some dunks
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7 yrs ago
I didn't realize people were visiting my account and I'm sh👀k


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He'd zoned out again. It was almost valid to feel sorry for him, but leave it to Cledwynn to think it was unnecessary to feel anything close to that for him. Granted, he wasn't the depressed and self-deprecating type- he just felt that there was no real, tangible, valid reason for one to feel that way. But then, how could he talk about anything tangible when he was what he was?

Still, one could feel maybe a small semblance of disappointment if they were to find that Cledwynn was, now, slightly downtrodden that it seemed, at least to him, that his attempts at social interaction were quickly failing. Of course, maybe he shouldn't just stare at people, which brought his train of thought to the attention of the pamphlet he'd just been given by a gaudy, burly guardsman. It read "WONDERS OF PERFECTISM: THE RELIGION OF TOMORROW!".



If there was one thing that came as a sour topic to Cledwynn, it was religion. And it made sense that this was the case, given the situation he'd been in for many a year. Such a god-awful trial.. it almost made him want to do what everyone does with religious pamphlets, right?

Almost. Maybe he'd keep it as a sort of souvenir, a commemoration to something internally comical. To him, religion was mythodical, yet a satirical phenomenon as cynical as emo-screamo nihilism freakshows. Then again, something like that could be dimension-exclusive.

But maybe he wasn't thinking of the right words to describe that. Nihilistic? Cynical? Even the concept of cynicism itself was odd, wasn't it? Many things were, but that was a subject skimming far from the topic at hand. So, moving back to it, he considered this: given the pamphlet, maybe it wouldn't be very pleasing to converse with the small girl- or at least the two bigger men associated with her. After all, they seemed like people that felt no shame in staking up a sign that read "NO FUN ALLOWED".

But at the least, he had to be courteous, so maybe he'd read the pamphlet sometime later.

Speaking of courteous, his attention was turned to Sandra's words.

And upon hearing them, his eyes widened. She wasn't a Sandra at all.

"Authoress, hm..? That serves to be somewhat interesting. Though I have to address this- and no offense to you, or at least none intended- you seem.. lacking in emotion now."

Granted, she'd only just started talking again, but it did feel that way. At least somewhat.

"Still... I knew it! I knew you weren't just a Sandra, and with a name like Authoress, I know you must have some strange, abnormal quirk that separates you from regular people. Just.. like the rest of us."

He hadn't noticed it, but he'd gotten really talkative. Maybe it was the drink, which he calmly proceeded to take another sip of. Or maybe it was the need to keep a conversation going.

Then, as if on cue to the thought of conversation, his attention was drawn to the bartender who had just inquired on his... state of health? He had asked if Cledwynn was doing fine, but what exactly did that mean? Though, no matter what kind, his answer would be the same- as he turned to the bartender, he internally noted that whether mental, physical, or emotional, his answer had no reason to be anything but-

"Yes. I'm alright- why do you ask?"

It did warm his heart a little bit that this man came to ask if he were okay, but he was sure that the bartender didn't intend to make him feel any better.

Still, the devil's tails on his neck stretched themselves out as a sign of gratitude (since the bartender DID just make Cledwynn feel a little less like the odd one out here) before slumping on his shoulders, revealing themselves as they laid like locks of purplish hair. Perhaps it was a symbolic way of saying he felt a little less threatened by the current situation, like a turtle coming out of his shell even though he's in a public place and the poor turtle's a little antisocial- anyways, the point was there in spades, and it was as present as the neck-tails now were.

Even still, though, the newfound presence of them forced a slight, soft blush on Cledwynn's cheeks. How embarrassing...
As the lighting altered itself, Cledwynn just sort of gasped in a startled manner. What, he had to wonder, was going on? He had zoned out for just a brief moment and was only barely taking into account what was said and what was taking place. He was prone to do this, and sometimes it stopped him from properly keeping up with the constantly increasing commotion. Knowing this, he explored the constructs of his mind for the smallest of timestamps, recalling what was said and what was happening. Someone said 'she's a telepath'... Who said that, and who was the subject in question? The lights dimmed, and Sandra ... was gone? Wait.. No, there she was, getting a refill on coffee, but.. something was off about her, which saddened him- he really didn't want to end their conversation so soon. Maybe it was his fault. No one, he felt, would find him interesting enough to hold conversation. Not if they got a sample of his drab personality, that is. At least, he felt that way. Before he could really figure that out, though, he noticed more people arriving.. oddly dressed men surrounded by women of the rather temptingly voluptuous variety, as well as.. a young child flanked by two guards.

A child? That caught his interest- a small child out in space, surrounded by men in spiritual garb, wielding what looked like toy pistols.

He hadn't realized it yet, but he was kind of awkwardly staring, his head tilted and a quirky yet confused look on his face.
Terribly sorry for not contributing, all! I've been busy moving and even now, I can't do much here yet. But I will be back soon!
@BubblegumQueen @Quoll I'm kinda really looking forward to it~

"Hrm? Trinity? Rosella, dear? What is it the two of you are chattering on about over there?" The poor bab didn't hear them, for he was too busy lost in thoughts of pudding.
@Infamous Empath

... Whoo. Funny story. I didn't even know about Sundrop.
I named myself that over a pretty big stretch.
I wanted something that sounded simple but incorporated my nickname in some way.
In most sites I go by Sol, and most people make sun jokes because of it.
I took that and implemented it into the word 'raindrop', replacing rain because the opposite of rain is sun.

So yeah.
Wait, wait, that actually exists?
@BubblegumQueen Maybe not for Claus, though~
@Pseudo Stygian

<Snipped quote>

Then to John, Levi asked, "Can I get a Sundrop?"

Yylya rolled her eyes, but she did not say anything since she knew that Levi's choice of drink was not consciously related to a certain character's author.

Do you hear that?
Listen closely
Hear it now? That's the sound of me thoroughly enjoying this roleplay.
@BubblegumQueen I can see it now
Pretty boy blush
Done with mine! Yikes, I wasn't aware it'd take a full three hours, I need sleep-
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