Avatar of superservo27
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 241 (0.10 / day)
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    1. superservo27 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
You know what’d be great? If you could give permission so other people could edit your post! That would be great!
7 yrs ago
I have a cold. It sucks. A lot. I can’t breathe through my nose
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7 yrs ago
Happy Halloween everyone! Get spooked!
7 yrs ago
People, please join this, we need more people roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
I will always take more people, please join roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Hello! I'm superservo27! Call me that or any variation thereof.
I like sci-fi. Seriously, of all the RPs I've been in (as of this writing, January 2018), only two weren't Scifi in some capacity. I like a lot of stuff. If I went through it all, it'd be an ungodly amount of text. It also fluctuates on a sometimes daily basis.

Most Recent Posts

"Alright, will do. Also, ship not boat. Ships carry boats, but boats do t carry ships." He started exploring the ship and taking whatever catches his fancy. "Seeing as how no one else can really object, I'll find you the fanciest, most expensive scroll I can find," he said as he floated to the Deluxe Megasuite and held up his scroll. Seeing as how the highest paying customers get this one, there was a multiPIN lock. He taped the scroll to the sensor and let it bruteforce the code. Thankfully, the program recorded when it got a right number and that made the progress considerably faster.

After he "reclaimed" the expensive tech, he found a map and headed to the bridge. As he went, he passed by the airlock he had ripped open. "Heh. 'Permission to Dock?' Accepted. Not that'll do anything, but whatever." He made his way to the bridge and hacked the door open which took considerably longer than it should have. "Aight, I'm in the bridge and- oh god I'm going to be sick." The captain hadn't died semi-peacefully after passing out. No, that'd be too easy. Instead, he had his throats ripped out, eyes gouged and stomach cut wide open with a knife still inside. And he probably spent his last bit of air futility screaming in pain in an empty vacuum. "Okay, I trained as an assassin and this is way too much. You give your target a quick, painless death by neck snap. This is… a prolonged, painful one and a disgrace to assassination."
Hey um, you dont have to, but could you color your speech.
"Of course. You want closure, that makes sense. Tell you what, I'll link a bodycam to a spare holoscroll I have, and you can watch it from the boiler room as you recover. After all, you're cold-blooded so you probably don't want to go back out there. If you want, you can give me directions so I can navigate better." He strapped the camera to his shoulder, linked to the scroll and handed it to her. "Oh! Before I go, tell me if you want any trinkets you see. I'll bring a bag to carry them in." He grabbed a bag, and stepped into his airlock. The atmosphere drained away and the door opened. He jetted to the site of the decompression and waited.
I'm sitting down at your table
I'm putting my mind at ease
I'm relaxing so it will enable you
To anything you please
You can read my future
Change it round some too
Look deep into my heart and soul
Make my wildest dreams come true
(Princess and the frog reference, but can you read my future please)
As he turned on the translator and understood what the lizard was saying, he explained himself. "Relax, you would have been fine. After I opened the hatch and if I hadn't caught you, you would have floated into the ship in about 10 seconds. A human can survive for 15 before they pass out. And if you really need it, there's the engine rooms which get super hot, probably about 130 maybe 140 Fahrenheit when we really get going. And no, I'm not an explorer, just a guy trying to get home. But I could have left you there and scavenged the ship, so some gratitude maybe?" This message wasn't perfect but it got across the general idea.
He held up 3 fingers… 2… 1… then ripped open the hatch, and in one fluid motion, put on her mask, grabbed her and jetted to the ship as fast as he could. As soon as they were in, he slammed the "Close Door" button and the "Repressurize" button in quick succession. The airlock door opened and they stepped into the other room. He ripped off his mask and proclaimed, "Welcome to El Pezo Negro! Please enjoy your stay, and we will find a bed as soon as we can!"
Night Rider
Well that's not helpful, but thanks anyway.
I am new, been here since literally yesterday, and need writing advice. Anything would help.
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