Avatar of Sweedishdelight
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 39 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sweedishdelight 10 yrs ago
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Eastern Standard Time (Canada)
Mid casual-High casual writer

Hi there, I'm a Canadian girl that enjoys videogames, binge watching television shows and everything in between. My favorite video games include; Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Bioshock. I would consider myself a casual gamer since I simply play for fun and don't chase after achievements or get involved in competitions/tournaments, I also try not too get too hot headed but... Well sometimes it just happens!

Right now my love of TV shows go from Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Orange is the New Black to Once Upon a Time and Adventure time so I love a bit of each. My musical tastes are all over the place, I wouldn't say I am particuarly interested in a single genre or several, I love Shania Twain, Dixie Chicks, Celine Dion, Queen, Christina Perri, Melody Gardot, far too many Disney songs, some oldies and etc etc!

I've been roleplaying for several years and prefer 1x1 roleplaying because otherwise it can be difficult to keep up with group roleplays but If I can't resist the story then I have to jump in.

If you ever want to roleplay feel free to give me a shout!

What I'm listening to:

Bye Bye - Jo Dee

Bye bye love, I'll catch you later
Got a lead foot down on my accelerator and the rearview mirror torn off
I ain't never lookin' back. And that's a fact.
I've tried all I can imagine
I've begged and pleaded in true lover's fashion
I've got pride, I'm takin' it for a ride

Most Recent Posts

"I really like your accent," Belle complimented with a warm smile but let her gaze fall over Emma, she must not have been from around here for sure not just because of the accent but because of the way she looked and held herself, she held an also frightened look in her eyes and body language but didn't look like she would be shy and nervous. "Anyways, I'll see you down there." She chirped before turning and heading down the hallway pleased for meeting someone else, if she made a good impression with these girls it would be easier to make sure their was less trouble later on and it was easy enough to tell who would be trouble and who wouldn't.

Making her way downstairs she raised a dainty eyebrow as she caught sight of Anna who gave a wide grin. "Belle!" Anna ran over eagerly her arms wrapping around Belle's neck and she pulled her against her chest. "Whoa Anna, calm down, I just saw you yesterday." She laughed as she pulled back but gave her friend a smile. "I know but still, I missed your face." Anna smiled cheekily before turning her head. "You should see some of the boys this year, I had to stop by and check in with Dean at the boys dorm, it was heaven." Anna fanned herself off and Belle chuckled as she began walking with her friend to the main room. "You're hopeless, you know that?"

"Don't act so Sandra Dee with me Belle,' Anna teased as they fell into step. The young woman had long flowing black hair with grey blue eyes, to compliment her face she had a gorgeous body that boys and men a like had an appreciation for and Anna knew she could have them wrapped around her pinky finger. "It is my job to find you some hot ass this year and don't you dare tell me you'd rather be single... Your the only girl I know who wants to stay in and watch movies by herself on a Friday night." Anna sighed.

Belle shook her head, rolling her eyes she looked over at Anna. "I'm not looking for hot anything," She began holding her binder even tighter against her, "You know I tried dating first year and every guy you set me up with was just too much. I've never had someone take me out to dinner, tell me they pay for college with pornography and than try to get me into bed, it was ridiculous." She stated but in all honesty that date was the tip of the ice burg, she had gone out on dates with at least eight guys that year that Anna had persisted and insisted on but every date was worse then the last, finally she had decided against it all together.

"I need to get ready for our meeting." Belle told Anna with a small smile as they reached the main room and Anna smirked. "Fineeee, but you're missing out, I'm sure lots of guys would be all over you." Anna grinned slyly causing Belle to roll her eyes once more. Walking from Anna and getting to the front of the room she began organizing her notes preparing for when the students would begin flocking in, soon after that the meeting would begin.
Belle walked down along one of the long hallways of the campus dorm holding a large binder holding a thick selections of papers all organized for anything that would come up. Often enough the fresh college students would be lost or have little instruction and it was her job as the Resident Assistant to make sure they felt at ease and of coarse kept out of trouble. When in college Belle didn't honestly expect to be an RA, she had been concentrating on her own studies but she had become so easily persuaded by a good friend of hers, Anna.

Anna was a polar opposite from her, a complete and utter party girl who used to her RA abilities to have a little casual fun and bend the rules where Belle wasn't exactly a hardass but she tried her best to make sure it was a safe place for everyone. Being an RA had some pretty sweet perks including free room and board, her parents had wanted her to live on her own originally so it worked out for the best having her own room + having it for free, the downside was constantly having to deal with unruly residents and on occasion having to deal with the police if things got out of hand. If you could handle the stress then it was a great experience.

Stepping down the hallway Belle couldn't help but chuckle under her breath watching the exasperated girls wander down the hallways, some carrying what seemed like an endless amount of luggage and more than enough in a daze. Handing out sheets of paper to each confused female she could she made her way down each long corridor making light chat with a few girls who seemed terrified. It was important for these girls to attend their welcoming meeting today so they knew the guidelines of living in the dormitory and what the consequences would be... Unlike Anna Belle wouldn't let rolling a keg of bear while sneaking in several boys from the other dormitory fly.

Clicking her tongue Belle saw a girl she hadn't familiarized herself with yet and she stepped down the hallway holding a friendly smile. "Hi there, I'm Belle your RA, I just wanted to invite you to our dorm meeting which will be in a couple hours in the main room downstairs." The young woman reached her hand into the binder pulling out a sheet of brightly colored paper and handed it to Emma. "Is there anything I can do for you, or any questions?" Belle asked warmly. The young woman was wearing a light blue skirt with a white sleeveless shirt having the college name written across it and her hair was held back with a high ponytail, she also had two streaks of blue paint across her cheeks, it wasn't her typical look but it was easier for new students to track her down.
Name: Belle Louise Taylor

Age: 21

History: TBR :)
Yes, zombies :)
Hey there! To start things off, have a kitten :D

I've been on the Roleplayers Guild for a few years now and I went by 'Sweedishdelight' on the old website so a few of you might know me or have seen my name. I am looking to do some 1x1s and honestly I'm searching for someone who has a similar roleplaying style, not in the sense of writing the same but likes romance themed stories and we can come up with ideas and work off of each other :)

About me:

1. I am female
2. I am 20 years old
3. I am a hopeless romantic
4. I am a lover of videogames including the oldies such as Legend of Zelda and Mario but also newer gamers such ass Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, and a lot more but because of my love of videogames it really got me into writing in roleplays as well.


Best friend x Best friend
Roommate x Roommate
Princess/Prince x Servant
Survivors during zombie apocalypse

These are just a few since I have the memory of a goldfish but if you have any ideas yourself feel more than free to share them with me!

What qualities I'm looking for in a partner!

-Loves a good romance
-Doesn't mind a sprinkle of smut
-Can communicate ideas or thoughts
-Can hopefully reply more than once a week
-Doesn't mind me being more of a casual writer (I try to write 2-4 paragraphs each post)

If you are interested at all just send me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP, have a great day
Hey there! I'm Sweedishdelight and I'm looking for an awesome person to do some roleplays :)

To introduce myself a bit I'm a twenty year old that volunteers at a goodwill store supporting our local hospital while being a student so I have a good amount of time on my hands. I'm also a gamer from games like Pokemon and Legend of Zelda to Dragon Age and Dead Space, I love gaming and have even written a bit with Mass Effect. I've been roleplaying for several years and lately with my schedule I tend to shy away from large roleplays which is why I love 1x1s, these are a few of the pairings I've done;

Vampire x Human
Werewolf x Human
Celebrity x Fan
Native x Traveler
Prince/Princess x Servant

I've done a lot more but my brain isn't as memorable as it used to be! As far as roleplaying I'm a mature roleplayer and love a good romance so expect some romance themes included. My posts consist of several paragraphs but honestly I tend to match up with how much my partner writers, kind of like you get what you give but I would try my best to give lengthy posts!

I'm looking to do some fun pairings, anything above is great but I don't shy away from different pairings so if you have any ideas just let me know and I'm sure we can find a common interest and build from that point. Thank you for reading this, hope your epic self and I can write some awesome stories!
Very interested in the werewolves x vampire or werewolf x human, think it would be a blast. Give me a shout if you don't already have a dozen people already :)
Hey Tangled!
I love your idea with the vampire/werewolf, have never done it before but it sounds epic. I always love to have a romance aspect in the roleplays I participate in so what you said is great. Hopefully the PM system gets up and we can roleplay! Have a good one lovely :)
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