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    1. Tartha 4 yrs ago


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#fantasy #casualrpg #wildwest #weirdwest #cowboys #highadventure

Moderators: Tartha and ChaoticOkay

A forum-based roleplaying game about the wonders of the mythic “Wyld West.” A shadow stretches out across the plains and fields, a darkness which infects the spaces between shanty towns and camps. It cares not your background or circumstance, it takes what it wants and leaves little behind. In the small encampment of Vinegar live a few who have banded together to fight the new threat to the world.

Imagine every cowboy movie you’ve ever seen, sprinkle in some steampunk nonsense, add an exaggerated version of shinto spiritualism, dye the whole thing with a creeping darkness, and mix it in a shaker made out of Deadlands.

The Gun Tree
The world is full of spirits, and one must appease and avoid them in turn to achieve their goals. In the center of most townships is a tree--well cared for, and thriving--which has guns hanging from its limbs. A gun is a powerful weapon, and the spirit of a gun just may overtake a gunslinger which doesn't pay it proper respects.

The Deputy's Badge
The star of the deputy--when the deputy acts in accordance to the will of their township--offers skills and power to augment the deputy's work: a strong eye for what motivates a man, a quick draw, and a sharp wit.

Items and symbols gain power through perceived power, attention & care, myth, sacrifice, strong emotion, and the other spirits which inhabit the world. The Shadow represents a pollution and corruption of the energy which fills the world.

As the Pan Men traveled west, they found mountains filled with jewels. As they drilled and dug into these mountains they released a darkness that had long been sleeping. These evil spirits, seemingly in direct opposition to the gods of the land, have left their mountain prisons to feast on the flesh of the living.

There are gods in every sigh of the wind and every magnificent sunset. They are as incomprehensible as they are manyfold: as likely to help as harm.

Magic has always existed. Folks have always left out milk for fairies. People know that if you meet a pale woman under moonlight and she offers you gold, you politely decline. But here, in the American West, squeezed between the force of colonial expansion (some would say "the civilized world"), the expansive power which the native peoples have nourished (others would say "the spiritual world") has begun to bubble as the Shadows of the far west begin to encroach. Never has it been so important to tread lightly. Never has it been so important to "leave the milk out." Nature grows stronger, and in the "lawless west" the spirits run wyld with power.

List of Friends.

Krake Varnus (he/they/it)

Coldfire (she/her/hers)


This is a free-form, high literacy*, consent-based RPG.

Free-form means that you can do basically whatever you want with “reasonable” constraints. This is mitigated by the presence of the moderators: Tartha and ChaoticOkay who act as Game Masters and may step in at any time and change any thing. We will endeavor to be respectful and use our powers only for fun.

*High Literacy is often equated with long posts: if what you need to say doesn’t need a wall of text, you don’t need to post a wall of text. In fact, excess/repetitive detail is unnecessary and not encouraged. If there is a conversation between characters that is rapid-fire, consider taking the conversation to a chat room (Discord) and then posting the final exchange to the forum.

That being said, if someone posts four pages of well-thought-out roleplaying and your response is “no” it is not sufficient. Additionally, grammar is necessary (no lapslock, etc).

This RPG is consent-based, and so you cannot control other player’s characters unless they have given you express permission to do so. Therefore, battles between players (and similar situations) must be discussed out-of-character to decide on final outcomes. These may also be moderated by the Game Masters or decided via dice roll as necessary.

Follow community guidelines. Take explicit adult content to private exchanges away from the community (no explicit adult content: US podcast rules).
Useful Links
Forum RPG Guidelines | Deadlands | Discord

*If you do not include credit for your character art your character will not be accepted.
*Character art may not be photographs of real people (even in costume or “CGed”).


(short versions)


Character Art
Grift - Gun by Alessandro Baldasseroni
Darren - Mr Deputy Mr Deputy by Radoslav Topalov
Gem - Lady Mechanika by Miguel Mercado
Silence - Piegan Warrior by Z.S. Liang
Krake - Shadow Person by Jake Lewis
Coldfire - The Proposal by Skyzocat
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