Avatar of Teddiplier
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 317 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Teddiplier 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Gay. (No seriously, that's it. That's my status.)
8 yrs ago
Feeling so lost, and so damn alone. Sometimes I wish I just had someone to talk to about everything and to laugh with and to love.
1 like
8 yrs ago
I've got a terrible case of the feels. The gay ones. Septiplier.
8 yrs ago
JackSepticEye is my spirit animal.
8 yrs ago
Well the sun rises in two hours shit


Most Recent Posts

I think it'd be easier to start waking up the next day at the mansion.
I am still here! I seem to have lost my creativity a little, and school's been a...banana. But I'm still here to, er, try.
Just got back from two weeks of camp. I'm seeing a movie late tonight and going to dinner, so I'll try to post sometime tomorrow. Life is starting to get a little more busy.
Posted! Sorry it was a little late.

Loki continued to look at Callum through the corner of his eyes. He watched him swing out of the car's window, walking over to Rose and Sophie. As he gestured towards the bags that belonged to Sophie, he too felt some emotion rising within his stomach. He quickly dismissed it though, or tried to. "Hey Aiden," he spoke in return to the voice that had said hello to him and Alyx.

Meanwhile, Rose had rolled her eyes at Callum's comment. "Oh hardy har har!" she pretended to laugh, though still obviously very peppy. She stood there as he asked if he could take Sophie's bags. Like her brother, a feeling of jealousy overcame her. "It's okay! I can help!" she piped up.

The brother of the twin's head turned as he heard the door open, and the familiar voice of Elizabeth. Just as he was about to say a hello, was then that the lab went trotting over to Callum and began to jump on him. Rose awed at the pup, and before she got the chance to pet him Elizabeth had taken him off of Callum and another friend had been chosen. Loki let out a small chuckle. As he was about to speak, his crush Callum interrupted him. He didn't really mind though. As Cal peeked inside the door, Loki spoke. "The ride was actually quite nice. I'm sure Rose enjoyed it, as she always does." His heart began to beat a little more as Callum stood next to him. "Yeah! It was so much fun! I got to direct him, and I sung most of the way!" she chimed in after her brother.
I'll be posting when I get back from my trip, which should be July 11th (Monday).
@HylianRoseI'm here
Kinda just waiting for Roze to (not IC Rose) post rn, but their going to camp so....

Loki turned as he heard the sound of a car, but Rose kept on bouncing around. He watched as Callum stood up in his jeep and yelled a greeting to them. Immediately, his heart began to pound. He was such an idiot, of course Callum was gonna be here. He was a part of the group after all. Was his binder showing? Had he remembered to brush his teeth this morning? Brush his hair? He gave a little wave back to him.

"Hi Callum!" Rose yelled over to the other two, and she looked up at the older sibling and gave a little giggle. "You okay bro?" she chuckled, as she watched Alyx poke the dirty blonde haired boy and then walk up to them.

Rose smiled at the girl, while Loki kinda just started over at Callum. Rose nudged Loki, and he was brought back to reality.
"Oh, uh hey Alyx."
"Hi!" Rose enthusiastically said, still bouncing with joy. "Really? We almost got lost on the way here, but I directed Loki the right way! How was your guys' ride?!"

It was then that Rose saw Sophie run up to the estate, and it was her turn for her heart to pound. 100 days of summer with her crush?! Yes please! Without waiting for a response from Alyx, she skipped over to Sophie. "H-hi Sophie!" she stammered. "How was your ride?" Rose tried to start a conversation between the two. I mean, uh, how did you get here? I don't see a car that could be yours," she continued, looking around.
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