Avatar of Teddyinahat
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 84 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Teddyinahat 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Looking for a new RP. anyone got a Star Trek Plan?


Used to RP years ago. life got in the way. Starting over.

RPs im in:


Most Recent Posts

@Blue Demon If I had realised that I would have made Nick Captian... oh well. I'm not too bothered. I like XO position.

Oh, I thought I did take that out. sorry. I'll edit now
@Blue Demon Will you be playing a character? I see Ruby is going for Captain, I expected you to reserve that role :p
Hope I still have time to be in the running for XO. Here is a proof read version of my character from the interest check.

I do not have time to proof read this right now but I thought I would post this draft CS. It assumes Nick is already the First Officer on the Orion, im guessing we are not all new crew members of an older ship like this and apologise is this assumption is wrong.

Ok, I have most of my CS done (just history and sample post left to do) but I wont be posting tonight. Im tired now and I have work in the morning. I'll post it tomorrow evening.
peope are posting CS. I'll have to get mine up soon. Im just posting one character but I will be able modify him from XO to CEO pretty easily if he doesnt get picked for XO.

Just about to start a game of Paragon (anyone else play that?) but I might be able to get my CS up tonight (BST, what timezones are everyone else in? I find this is handy to know for RPing).
I will just be watching every Deep Space Nine episode I have... Don't mind me.

I'm digging out my Star Trek encyclopedia and star charts. Random (sometimes not so random) Star Trek episodes (from all series) are always on one of my screens here as I have them all (yes all) on DVD and they are now all on netflix so I can just stream them on my ps4 :D much easier than changing dvds
Im happy with DS9 tech manual, my calculations didn't take into account 24th century upgrades (warp 11 = ~8.655 if you compare charts).

I wouldnt trust Memory-beta to much, Memory Alpha is where it is at (then on to memory beta if i cant find it on memory alpha) :p

"By the 24th century, further reconfigurations were made to the layout of the bridge, including the separation of the navigation and helm station, which was replaced by the conn station (on the starboard side) and ops station (on the port side)." - Memory Alpha
^just including this quote to clear things up :p^

@bluetommy2 YEY! love it too :D I think we might have a few techno-fusspots here, hehe.

I'll put my hand up for Co-GM but if anyone else wants it im happy to step aside :)

EDIT: just put this order in at Amazon.co.uk

@Blue Demon Cool, I'll wait for the OOC for my CS if you dont mind then, that gives me more time to work on it. I'll only post it here if others start to post here.
Definatly interested, I'd like to put my name down for 1st Officer or Chief Engineer (I'll take Chief Science Officer if i have to). The Miranda is not a class I have worked with much in the past but I love researching new ships and I love the resources you have suplied.

Do you want CS posted here, or wait until we have an OOC?

It's tagged as Casual and Advanced. I'm more of a Casual RPer, but I can push to Advanced if needed, but do not expect my OOC posts to be perfect spelling and grammer.
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