Avatar of Tempest
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Tempest - Vutha - DeAnima
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 657 (0.17 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Tempest 10 yrs ago


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Gat said
I lost track of the slots long ago myself so my advice would be simple: Make a character and post it, then wait to see what brovo says. :p

Pretty much this. The way I'm seeing it, there are going to be 5 missions next round which offers up probably 5 slots for characters to go on each, given our current numbers and the fact there is currently openings for new players to take a chance to get in.
Georgia - South East

Georgia looks at her tactical axe, wondering what exactly they wanted her to cover with. She however, listened simply and kept crouched down behind the desk before Peter gave her a suggestion. Her lips spread into a wide grin as she nods eagerly, "More sparkly plugs, got it." She giggles, face set into the blissful ignorance of childhood as she snatches his grenades away and goes over to the door mentioned. Quickly, she starts making an impromptu rig with the grenades, setting one on either side of the door to explode as she sets them with a trip wire of sorts from the metal cord she had packed away to take with her. The grenades were taped well against the wall, the rig simple to snag the pins away as soon as anyone tripped the cord. It was crude, but effective. Give her time and a pilot's tech kit, she might have been able to set up another rig like the last.

She shuffles back over to Peter, still crouched down as she spies up, seeing the other two finally wriggling out. She beams and points up, "C'mon, time to go before the boom." With that, she stands to her full height and merely leaps up, clearing from the floor to the roof as it it was nothing as she hefts herself up. For a moment, she spies Carolyn and the pilot of Achilles' Heel and confusion goes through her at how they were looking at each other. She furrows her brow, a slight frown coming to her lips as she leans over the edge and offers her hand out to Peter in order to heft him up, "Slowpoke, I got you."
A Trip to the Good Ole Doc

Azazel sits upon the exam table, wiggling her toes and making the chimes at her ankles jingle in a simple rhythm. Her eyes close as she sighs and lays back, wearing a gaudy hospital gown. She frowns as her side begins to feel numb with how she was laying and shifts over, a wave of nausea hitting her. Kitt sits with a holo-novel in her hands, rubbing her eyes as she sets it against the armrest for a moment and peeks over the corner of the curtained area to see if the medic was coming yet. “This is taking forever...”

Azazel arches a brow, “Of course... They've been having to see to those who made it out of the damaged ship areas with mere injuries.”

Kitt scrunches her nose, “Yeah, but you're the boss. Shouldn't they rush you through?”

“It's nothing life-threatening. Basic check-up. I can wait,” Azazel wrinkles her nose and raises her feet up, trying to tuck her knees against her chest and finding herself struggling given the size of her belly. She curiously pokes her own abdomen and smiles fondly as she feels a responding kick. “Why exactly are you here again? I could have brought Andrea, after all.”

The Echani, who had just picked up the tablet let's it drop, giving Azazel an unamused look. “Because it was what Xen requested. He hardly trusted that you would make it to your appointment, leave alone follow the instructions... He wants someone to listen and who will enforce them with you.”

Lydavis peeks around the corner, a nurse outfit donned as she beams. “How's the momma to be?”

Azazel arches a brow, directing at the costume.

Pausing for a moment, the Twi'Lek looks down upon herself and seems to be taking in the outfit for the first time. “This? Doc said it was mandatory for assistants.”

“Xen doesn't have to wear any costumes when he's in here...” Kitt pipes up.

Azazel snorts and shakes her head, “That too, but I was wondering more why you are here.”

“Oh, well, since you're apparently down for the count lately, I've taken to helping out with the little things. There are a few serious cases that I'm using that trick you showed me to help out. Some people are going to need new limbs. Others, we're not even sure if they're going to make it. That's where I come in. I've managed to jump-start a few back up and clear up some of the real touch-and-go cases,” Lydavis shrugs and looks over her costume. “It isn't bad, is it?”

Rei'Ki pops up behind her, grabbing her hips. With a purr, she leans in and answers before anyone else, “Not at all. See if you can keep it later.” Rei'Ki herself was wearing a clean suit intended for medical staff. A medical mask was lowered about her neck. Lydavis giggles and squirms at the comment and touch, trying to break free while in front of her master.

Azazel looks down at herself, just barely covered by her gown and quickly readjusts herself. “Okay, getting a bit crowded... Now why are you here?”

Rei'Ki shrugs, “Doc says he'll be a few minutes. He's cleaning up after another patient. Personally, I'm just giving a hand and doing go-for tasks. They're feeling awfully short-staffed.”

The Sith Lady furrows her brow, “Then why isn't Xen helping instead of you?”

“He's assessing damages to the ship. We're going to have to lay down somewhere for awhile to get the repairs done and the reactor installed, I guess. He also wants to take the Aberrancy and fit it with some of the salvage on top of other installments. He says the information recorded from your battle, it checks up with Ibeth's simulator runs. He has some improvements in mind that could do a world of good on the beasts. Speaking of... Ilo is already thrilled. He plans on taking the data and, from his ranting that I could take away, he plans on putting in some new training simulations,” Rei'Ki answers, her chin on Lydavis' shoulder and arms wrapped about her.

The Twi'Lek nods and places her arms alongside the Dathomiri woman's. “Yeah. He's going a bit crazy. Since he got this droid from... Some salesman, he's started reprogramming all the droids and installed training protocols. He also wants to find some specific file for the thing? I don't know, he's just been far too gung-ho.”

A shrill beeping noise begins to go off and Rei'Ki grimaces before tugging at Lydavis' shirt, “Come on. Just in case its not some grunt work.” Lydavis nods before giving a humble curtsy to Azazel and skittering off.

Kitt was leaning over the edge of the privacy screen, watching them go with a curious expression before resituating herself into her chair with a roll of her eyes. “I am not playing nurse,” she announces after a moment of quiet.

“Fair enough.... You could always see to working with the troops, though. Basic defensive skills would do some good, I imagine. Keep them in shape and make sure they might be able to defend themselves if they lose their weapons or they are caught off guard,” Azazel shrugs, tugging Kitt's holobook away with a draw on the force. The book slams into her hand and she winces, making an apologetic face as her hand goes to her belly. “I need to break myself of these habits...” She looks at the book, skimming over the title and a few passages. “How... interesting...”

Kitt flushes and gets up, going to retrieve her slate. “It's a romance story. Hush.”

Azazel chuckles and shakes her head, “Oh. Those things. So you mean smut by that, right?”

Kitt is ready to answer before a medic walks into the room. “So, what seems to be the problem?”

“Oh, no problems, just your average che--” Azazel begins before being interrupted.

“She's not sleeping well, and she's been having issues with her side going numb. Mood swings too,” Kitt answers, raising her chin challengingly.

Azazel purses her lips before nodding, “What she said...”

The doctor nods slowly, “Right, we'll see what we can do. Also, I managed to find you some information you need to follow in the meantime to ensure everything goes as well as possible...” He narrows his eyes, prodding at Azazel's belly. “We should also check your weight... You've been really putting it on.”
Tannus at Bpfassh

Tannus rubs his eyes as he finally lands the OS-80 outside of the Bpfassh darksider enclave. “Right, we're landed. Ready?”

The loremaster adjusts his robes and looks out the window nervously. “Are you sure they will not be hostile... Even I have heard of the events with the Mecrossa of late...”

Tannus shrugs, “If they are, I will handle them.” He looks back at the ship at the chosen ready to go. He smirks and makes a sharp whistle. The Chosen all raise their heads and look at him silently, faces masked over with reflective helmets. “Get ready. You're playing royal guard.”

The Chosen glance at each other without making a sound before raising up. The carefully check their weapons before slinging them over their shoulders and filing out in two even rows, awaiting Tannus and the Loremaster to exit before they set up a procession behind them.

The 'enclave' turned out to be one of the most sought after exclusive restaurants and at the entrance the maitre-de looked at them, somewhat intrigued and condenscending looking at the same time. "You have a... reservation?"

The Loremaster looks at Tannus, before clearing his throat. “Are you certain in your navigational capabilities?...”

Tannus looks at the maitre-de, sizing him up. “Either this is a terrible joke on the part of the Bpfasshi I have encountered... Or I must have had in the wrong coordinates...”

Tannus clears his throat before attempting, unsure if this was just asking for trouble, “A reservation for Sith.”

The maitre-de blinked, "Ah, my apologies I thought I knew all the vip regulars, please come in, straight through the corridor and take the gilded double-doors to your right, a server will be with you momentarily."

The Loremaster offers in a squeaky tone, “Well, I am quite famished?...”

Tannus simply grunts and grabs the Loremaster by the scruff of his shirt, leading him in and through the double-doors.

With Tannus leading the way, mostly dragging the loremaster along, four guards followed, as they walked through the corridor they saw large dining areas on either side where the rich and hungry were talking among themselves as well as enjoying luxurious food. Two bouncers stood at the gilded doors, apparently they had been given a heads up because both bowed and the doors opened, allowing the party of sith in.

Inside the most luxurious dining room of all was revealed to the group, even the loremaster would admit the contents of this room... modeled after a sith tomb interior, were rather posh and grand. The presence of people were fewer here but there were at least a average group of people, between 12-16 people dining. A server approached and bowed. "A table is ready for you, are you expecting someone? Or were you hoping to meet a certain member?"

The Loremaster perks up, taking in a deep breath to savor the scent of the food. He began to salivate as his stomach gurgles hungrily. Tannus shoots him a glare before surveying the room. The interior was impressive and certainly was giving him flashbacks of Korriban and the tombs he had been within. It was off not having to use lightsabres for light, casting long haunting shadows about the place, though.

The Sith straightens himself up, regarding the server as he shrugs a shoulder, “I wish to meet with the head of this establishment. Its a matter of business...” His eyes dart over to the Loremaster and he sighs, “If you would be so kind as to fetch us some of today's special, that would be appreciated as well.”

The server blinked, "I... you... who should I say there is?"

“A representative of one Tikyba,” Tannus says casually, remembering Azazel's sith name just barely.

"One moment please." He bowed and retreated, following where he went the group could see him go to one of the tables, leaning over to whisper something in the ear of a older looking gentleman, who at one point turned to look at Tannus.

A few more words were exchanged and then the gentleman dismissed the server who went straight back to Tannus and his party. "If you would follow me?" He turned and looked back, making sure they followed. As the yreached the table the dining guests of the gentleman the server spoke to finished saying their goodbyes and left without further word or glance at Tannus and his party.

The man, graying evident in his beard had aged well as he looked Tannus over as he stood up and extended a hand. "Rikyos Lantos, you wished to see me? Please let your party be seated, I understood you were famished and have instructed, thank you you may leave." The server bowed and quickly left while Rikyos continued, "As I was saying, I have instructed the kitchen to prepare some meals."

Tannus nods and takes a seat politely, gesturing for the others to sit. The Loremaster uneasily seats himself, nearly falling out of the chair. The Chosen appear to wait, staying standing but with a look from the Sith take their seats as well. Tannus leans forward, placing his elbows upon the table as he glances over the table at Rikyos. “I am Tannus Velle. I was with the previous party of Tikyba, Lady Azazel, on her meeting with your people in the past. I've two requests this day of your faction.”

He pauses, raising a single finger, “First, my friend here is on the verge of a breakthrough for my mistress and needs supplemental information on a particular field that he might continue in his research in a meaningful way that would assist my Mistress.” With that, he raises a second finger, “Secondly, I wish to peruse those specially talented. If they are deemed worthy, I would ask they be released to my authority, that they might continue to work on such skills in a suitable environment with tutors capable of giving them all the opportunities they could wish for to hone such skills.”

"Straight to the point I see, I can appreciate that." Rikyos said after a moment, lowering his raised eyebrows. Right at the time some servers arrive, setting down plates of food. "But I would need... elaboration on what you ask... and what exactly, we get in return?"

Tannus nods to the Loremaster, who clears his throat nervously, “I am unsure if its anything yet, but I hoped to have additional information on either sith or jedi and the force in general. It would prove very vital to my research so far...”

Tannus nods and settles back, stretching his arms behind his head, “Consider it a collective sharing of information. We have access to other darkside orders with their own bank of information, a collective of Sith and have been known to take excursions into places that this very room is modeled after. Share what you have with us, we will be happy to share what we are to find with you. Things I am sure you otherwise would have limited chances to acquire.” Tannus pauses, “As for a potential disciple... It is advancement opportunities. They would have exclusive access to what we pass down to our apprentices. As well, it would be a favor to myself and the Lady Azazel. With that, obviously we would owe a debt to you as well. A favor that may be called in at a later time if you so need.”

"I see..." He paused, "Well then, correct me if I am wrong, but." He raised one finger, "First, you wish to access and look into our collected knowledge." He raised a second finger. "Second, you wish to potentially take a force sensitive individual of our collective with you, which could harm our own operations to ensure the safety and security of our corner of this galaxy. That sounds liek quite a deal you are asking for, something that warrants more than just one favour, don't you agree?" Rikyos cut off a piece of the meat dish he had and took a nibble of it. "That you came here practically demanding for it without offering compensation is already a sign of some degree of arrogance, rather rude, wouldn't you say?"

“Hardly. We are Sith,” Tannus shrugs, “There is simplicity in this. Straight to the point and you have no false-giving of what I want. We made an agreement in the past that we would work together. This is my collecting upon the promise. You think one favor is unfair, but the scope of what may be done with that one favor is hardly anything to question. It is more than fair.” He closes his eyes, rolling his shoulders trying to get comfortable against the posh chair as the Loremaster digs into his meal. “If you want games of words, that is something to speak with another, my Mistress maybe. I am just a representative of her will. I act, not idle about needlessly like the nobles you are apparently growing far too accustomed to lounging about with in this establishment.”

"Nobles? Where do you think you are? Kuat? Or the Tapani Sector?" He let out a amused chuckle. "Most of the people out there are big busienss people, who surprisingly reveal a lot of confidental information about their business practices over dinner. Reminds me to give the chef a raise... anyway."

He leaned back and looked at Tannus. "Owing your mistress a favour suits us but we could use something else too. I will grant your request, both of them, in return for said favour in the future... and if you can have... certain intelligence gathering resources of your mistress to be loaned to us for a short period of time."

Tannus considers it, furrowing his brow, “I would agree to such, first upon knowing what the task you have for them and, that we know of the information retrieved by them for your order. No offense to the secrecy of your order and operations, but if we if they could be potentially risking their lives for this information, lives we must recruit for and inhibits us for a time to replace, then it is simply a matter of business. Of course, with our information gathering resources, the very head of it is Azazel's second in command. You would be drawing him away from very important tasks in order to assist in finding whatever it is you must need."

Tannus nods, furrowing his brow, “A fair request, you will have it.”

"Excellent... now you were looking for a... apprentice, does age matter, gender, what do you look for?"

Tannus steeples his fingers as he considers it, “Neither too old to prove useless, set in their ways or too young that their true potential has not manifested. Gender does not matter to me, nor does race. I simply desire that they have had true potential in the force known, rather than simply being sensitive to it.” In the back of his mind, he adds a grumbling, 'Unlike the last we picked up.'

"I will be right back, please sit and enjoy the meal." Rikyos stood up, bowed and left.

He was gone for quite a while and the loremaster was already halfway through the enormous bowl of icecream when he finally returned, a young female Bpfasshi following him with cast down eyes. "This is Aria Rethana, she is one of our strongest who have a connection to the force, she will serve you well."

She bowed and presented herself to Tannus. "I will look forward to whatever you deem prudent to instruct me, master.

Tannus furrows his brow, looking over the woman with apparent interest before nodding as he checks over her force presence. “I see... Aria, have you any capability with a lightsabre? Any particular skills in the force? Skills of stealth, diplomacy, command, piloting? Anything you feel is particularly worth noting, do share.”

She blinked, staring back at Rikyos who gestured to Tannus with a look that basically said, 'answer the question girl'. "I... I can move things with my mind? Push or pull things when I concentrate... I... my potential has only been recently unlocked, my training was supposed to soon commence but the grand master told me that a sith wanted to take me in as his apprentice and make me learn more than I ever could have imagined or capable off with what the cult here could teach me."

Tannus furrows his brow, “Then indeed you are my blank slate.” He sighs, rubbing over his brow. It was a step up from his last attempt, of course. And even the Echani proved useful in some way given time. This woman would surpass her greatly in potential, at least. “Very well, do come with me... Rikyos, I will make contact to the Kubaz as soon as possible to know of the arrangements... And do take good care of my friend here... Try not to let him grow too fat on your cuisine.”

Rikyos smiles, "I think he will be able to resist the food once he sees how much we charge for the food... or sees the poison collection we have." He turned to Aria and spoek a few words in their native tongue and then left, no doubt overseeing other matters of importance.

Tannus gives a quick gesture and the Chosen raise in unison, quickly readying themselves to leave. The sith however, runs his hand at an angle, signaling that half would need to stay. Following that, Tannus offers out his arm for the Bpfasshi woman to loop her arm through. “Come along. We will begin your schooling as quickly as I can manage. We need rejoin the Lady Azazel immediately, though. She will like to look you over, I'm sure.”
Gat said
I knew there was a reason other than 'Its the twins homeland' that the adonai twins would want to save tuleria. I do however agree with kad about the underdark, we likely don't want to lose that, plus we have a number of drow characters remember.

Yeah. I'm a little iffy about losing the Underdark. There's a lot of scary things down there and a lot of highpower stuff they could get access to if they capture the underdark... I also realize lots of drow characters. I'd rather deny the enemy that stuff. But in the same instance, there's other things I'd prefer not to lose atm too. Atm, its a toss-up for me about ignoring Renalta and the Underdark. One weakens us internally but offers good resources. The other weakens us externally in a very isolated place that offers good resources.
Theon surveys over the new room, eyes scanning over the walls and the interrupted ascent. Her angular face appears crestfallen as she sighs, her raven black hair beginning to drift before her face and reveal her twin pointed ears as they poke through. She turns to the one who had spoken up, "My name is Theon, and you are starting to sound like one of those damnable lights. No, I do now know how long it has been. Aside from apparently alive and an elf, I've no idea what to call myself either, but obviously we're all part of some ridiculous joke from whatever powers that be." She raises her torch high above her head, stepping out onto the ring that could lead them to the different hallways.

"I know for sure already we've all been there. We've all been a part of it, whatever it may be. I saw it in each of your faces as you took note your stuff is gone too. Those lights were obviously a bunch of trixster wisps out to toy with our heads. Why they saw to spirit us away here, where we were apparently in those enchanted pods, be they magic or not, I don't know why. I don't know a lot of things. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm done playing their games and I'm going to find a way out."

Theon moves onward, taking the lead. She considers her possible ways to reach the light at the end of the tunnel, her way out. She huffs as she takes hold of the vines and tests them with her hands. They were strong enough and would hold her at least, she was unsure about the bigger people of the party. If they couldn't follow, who was she to care, though. Steeling herself, she begins to use the vines to hold herself as she makes her way to the top of the rubble pile. Through the gaps here, though they were too small for her yet, she could see the light peering through. She bites her lip before grabbing hold of a sizable chunk before her. Carefully, she maneuvers it out of the way and begins to clear a way for herself to gain access towards the shining light. It was presumably her exit way. Licking her lips, she clears a space large enough for her to slip through before she grasps another vine and tears it free from the wall, allowing herself to wriggle down along its length into the new lit area.
Kingdom of Renalta: Home field, we want to have this place set down and secure. Anti-demon units if we secure angels, an archangel amongst them
The Imperium: Strong fighting force, scant on magic, quest deems high potential loss for a named NPC that could weaken Imperium, artifact could be strong in demon hands
Kingdom of Rheinfeld: Next door neighbor to Renalta, strong point for demonic invasion, high amount of anti-magic/potential anti-demon units. IN THE MIDDLE OF CIVIL WAR
Kingdom of Liveria: Next door neighbor to Renalta, fairly isolated. Could spell loss of the civilization as is and destabilization if the princess is lost.
The Goblin Holds: Barrier between the Free Holds and Renalta, strong point to control, strong fighting force
The Free Holds: Strong point for demonic invasion, very prone to corruption area, but more outlier. Could stand to lose if we have buffer (Goblin Holds). Major Mercenary export
The Underdark Coalition: Isolationist country, outlier. Could stand to lose, but offers a lot of high-strength units and potential equipment improvement. (Mechanists, Dwarves, Dark Elves), high point of invasion potential
Kingdom of Tuleria: MAJOR PORT to exterior world. Destabilization of the power can remove high power NPCs or throw the country into civil war.
The Amazons: Outlier, would lose the civilization. Would suggest against loss given their proximity to the blood river. COULD BE MAJOR DEMON INCURSION SIDE-EFFECTS TO LOSE

Ones I would think are less prime objectives: Imperium, Liveria, Free Holds, Underdark

Personally, I have a major character reason to why I want to go with the Renalta mission. I also have a major character reason why I'd like to go to the Imperium. But from what I can see, these are the areas that can do taking a small hit and offer less vital resources.
A Day at the Nova Retreat
A Kahleesi Twins and Jedi Adventure

Ba'alkyri makes her way back from the medical wing, after checking up on her friends in recovery. It was pleasant to see they were taking to the cybernetics so well, but even now, she had the desire to spend time with Neia before her duty as a Jedi called her off once more. So, with this in mind, she went to the officer's lounge looking for her. She blinks her eyes at when she finds her, clearing her throat at the strange attire she had seen fit to don. “Well, is there some function going on? I admit, the outfit looks... becoming on you, but I was not expecting it.” Ba'alkyri smiles, slipping her arm about the Nautolan and leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek.

Maia blinked, she had just finished her fourth glass and glanced, seeing a lovely creature with her arm wrapped around her, she vaguely considered that this must be the angel jedi her sister was seeing and decided to have a little fun. "Oh you like it, do you?" She said with a low purr, licking her lips.

Ba'alkyri blushes faintly and beams, “Well, perhaps a little... Were you wearing it just for me, hmm?” She winks playfully, waving at the bartender to bring her a drink as well... who was giving her a strange look at that very moment.

She looked her over and grinned, "And what if I am... hmm...?" She couldn't help it, she was feeling good and feeling in a teasing mood. "Think you might enjoy it?" She purrs, leaning in and lightly touches her behind her ear with the tip of her tongue. "Also have a whip to go along with the outfit..."

The Jedi splutters, nearly spilling her drink just as it arrived, if not for the observant bartender who sweeps it away just in time. “I... I might,” she murmurs with a shudder, eyes scanning over the others in the room and feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew Neia was forward, but not so openly like this. She swallows back and raises her cup with a lightly quivering hand, sipping from it. “A whip, you say?...” she inquires, moderately intrigued by the notion.

Maia had trouble preventing herself from laughing out loud, her sister really knew how to find the cute ones... "Mmmhmm... a whip... capable of delivering electrical shocks even... with various power settings..."

Ba'alkyri's eyes widen and she ends up gagging in surprise just as she was taking another drink. “I... You... Ah... I had no idea you were into such things,” she murmurs, raising a napkin to dab over her mouth as she eyes the Nautolan with an equal mix of surprise and uncertainty. She was not sure if she was so ready for such a wild... leap into unknown territory. “If, ah... you are, though... I suppose... that it... could be... worth a try,” she swallows nervously, offering an awkward smile.

She couldn't help it anymore and let out a laugh, pecking her on the cheek and quickly spoke to prevent any misunderstanding or hurt feelings. "I would love to... but I am sadly not who you think I am."

"She is not." Came Neia's voice from behind the two of them.

Ba'al jumps at the new location of the voice and drops her glass as she turns about. Her jaw opens agape as she sees Neia there... and then... She turns back to the other Nautolan as her eyes flicker and begin to glow as she draws upon her Shadow vision. Her brow knits together in confusion as she stares at the two of them, mouth moving to speak words, but none quite coming to her as she could scarcely tell the difference between the two of them even with this sight on her side. She purses her lips, “I... ah... Was not aware...” She frowns, pointing between the two in confusion. “Okay, someone needs to tell me what is going on. This is hardly a dignified position for a Jedi to be caught in.” She sniffs indignantly, letting her vision fade, knowing they were both equally true.

Neia sighed, not smiling but her eyes were and gestured to Maia, "Ba'al, meet my twin sister, Maia. Maia, meet Ba'al... no need to apologize I know my sister."

Maia chuckles and snuggled against Ba'al. "Couldn't resist sis... she's gorgeous... and cute... wrapping a arm around me and pecking me on the cheek when she thought I was you. Also... I think I need you to loan my whip." She grinned.

Neia blinked and looked at Ba'al with a surprised look. "I... what?"

Ba'al slips away from Maia, her cheeks scarlet as she raises a hand, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You are too cruel, Lady Maia... To go along like that, knowing...” She opens in eye, gazing at Neia as she smiles sheepishly. “I... Truly had no idea... but... it was an... intriguing notion, when she brought it up... but ah, perhaps... that is... for another time.” She clears her throat, trying to stand up straight and regain her composure.

Her face broke into a smile, "I'll keep that in mind." She then looked at Maia and glared, "As for you..."

"I know, I know, I am sorry sis but it was hard to resist." She smirked and winked at Ba'al.

Neia sighed and rolled her eyes, "It is always hard to resist with you." She wrapped her arms around Ba'al and kissed her on the lips before the eyes of anyone paying attention to them in the officers lounge. "Don't mind her, she enjoys teasing far too much."

Maia licked her lips. "We have shared before though sis... so if... she is interested and you are ok with it..." She trailed off.

She groans and kisses Neia back softly, reaching out with her sense of the force and trying to memorize herself with each of their different presences so this would not happen again. After a moment, she draws back, giving Maia a wary look as she turns back to Neia, “Is this another joke of hers, or does she genuinely think...” she frowns, placing an arm loosely about Neia's waist.

Neia was back to looking neutral again, "Assuming she isn't joking, what would you answer with?"

Ba'alkyri looks sidelong at Neia, her brow raised as she tries to skillfully tap into the force to use her sense of people. Of course, apparently she was so addled at this very moment that she was drawing nothing. She furrows her brow, looking between the two and just decides to answer the best she could, regardless of potential hurt feelings on either part, “While your sister is... an interesting woman from what I can see... I do believe I have already been ensnared by a lovely woman.” She nuzzles against Neia's cheek, “I could not rightly engage anything with the two of you. As I am sure, you are both equally different in your own regards and I find myself quite attached to Neia here.”

"Aww..." Maia began and smiled, "Guess you got a keeper sis." She stood up and walked past, pinching the jedi's tush on her way out. "If you two change your minds, let me know and I will bring over the whip along with myself." She laughed and went out of sight.

Neia shook her head but chuckled, "Not exactly the way I wanted to introduce you to my twin sister but I think it shows what a... character she is." She smiled and looked at Ba'al, letting out a pleased sound. "Quite attached to me, huh?"

She jumps at the pinch, but visibly relaxes as she seems to have said the right thing. Her arm tightens a little, drawing Neia closer to herself as she looks back and purrs out, “Indeed. I truly hope I did not upset you with that... embarrassing display on my part. It... might have been useful information to know you did have a twin earlier, though.” She smiles and kisses Neia upon the nose.

She bit her lip, showing Ba'al the amused twinkle in her eyes. "So... tell me... if she had kept things going... and I hadn't come in when I did... would I have found you and Maia in a... compromising situation?" She asked while guiding her away from the lounge into the corridor.

Ba'al tenses, a sense that she was not clear of the woods yet. She bites her lip, turning her head away briefly before sighing. “Ah, that may very well have been a possibility. I hope you are not too upset with me for that.” She looks back at Neia, “But I cannot help but feel you are both getting quite a good laugh in at my expense now.” She snorts, giving Neia a light spank.

She chuckles, "Possibly, hmm? Still, does prove Maia definitely approves of you." Smiling she kissed the jedi. "I hope you and your people have been enjoying the stay so far, my medical staff informed me your people under their care are showing steady progress."

She smiles against her lips before answering, “Yes, quite. Admittedly, I've never seen someone quite so excited over the colour blue before. I am happy Writh enjoys his newfound, sight, though.... Of course, this means we will have to better hide the salt or be done with it all together.” She makes a pathetic pout at the thought of all the bland dishes yet to come at this rate.

She blinks, "Huh, so it's true about their species and salt addiction? Is it that bad?"

Ba'alkyri grimaces, “Its one thing to try to lock it away in the pantry. Try doing it with a Jedi without having him on total lockdown, though. We walked in on him with an entire bag of the stuff mostly gone one night.” She shakes her head, “He was in the medical center for near a week, sick as a dog and going through withdrawal.”'

“We've tried to break him of it in the past. He's been doing better recently, since he's become a Knight himself. He wanted to be a better example, but it is still hard on him and easier not to tempt him,” she furrows her brow, “It might do to try something else... But, I do request no one gives him those little salt packets with his trays any more. I've barely caught them the last few times.” She shakes her head.

"I'll make sure to inform the mess halls scattered about my station when he comes to ask for some food." She nods slowly, then seemed to falter, perhaps hesitating a little. "So... how long will you be staying actually?"

Ba'alkyri frowns, stopping in her own steps. “I... honestly do not know. At least until my friends are well and the Jedi meeting has commenced... I do.. have my duty to attend to, and the Galaxy, with the Sith presence only growing... Needs us Jedi more than ever.”

She nods slowly, "I understand... though... if, ah." She looked nervous for a moment before her confidence returned. "You even are close by, need to resupply or anything, you are more than welcome to use my facilities, any time."

She reaches out, cupping Neia's cheek and leans in, kissing her delicately. “I will return to you, do not worry... That much I am sure.”

She kissed back and smiled, "I'm glad. Now then... I have trained with a jedi before, so I was wondering, care to be in a mock battle with me on the training mats?"

Ba'alkyri considers it before nodding, “That sounds like it could be fun. I warn you, I am no slouch in the training room, though.” She smirks and winks, “That, at least, is grounds I am familiar with.”

"Well I admit I am not much of a combatent but I know how to defend myself... and it serves to work up a sweat... and ah... show you just how much I am in my element in the baths... with me able to hold my breath for a very long time." She bit her lip and winked.

The Diathim raises a brow, before chuckling out, “I suddenly see a family resemblance between you and your sister... But come, lead me to the mats... And would you prefer live training or practice weapons?”

"Since you wield a lightsaber and I usually wield a shock staff or a blaster, I think it's best we stick to practice weapons." She grinned, "Besides, wouldn't want to hurt each other, now do we?"

“Very good point,” she furrows her brow, looking over Neia. It was quite strange not constantly being more in the company of force-users, “Assuming you have the proper equipment for such.”

"I have two jedi as my close friends, I think I have the proper equipment." She grins and led the way, reaching the training floor, heading straight for the section reserved for Mirelle and Gaarwarr, taking a training staff from a rack and twirled it in her hands. "Take your pick." Gesturing to the training sabers.

She reaches out and grasps two of the training sabres. She tests them in her hand curiously before nodding, tapping lightly against her armour. “Now, just think don't think because you're my lover I will go easy on you,” she chuckles, waving one of the sabres at her as she with a slight flux of the force bounds back gracefully.

She grins, "Neither will I." And with a flick of her wrist she pressed a control on her gauntlet and activated her cloak belt, vanishing before the eyes of her lover. "I do appreciate you called me your lover after such a short time though..." Came her voice out of nowhere.

She closes her eyes before opening them once more, her gaze alight once more with the light of the force. “Hmm...” She pauses, acting as if she was simply trying to hone into the force as she just barely tracks Neia out of the corner of her vision. “And why would I not?... It is what we are, after all... or have I made a false assumption?”

She decloaked as she lashed out with her staff, "Oh we are, just very happy to hear you think the same." She said, grinning as she made the motion as if to sweep her legs away from under her.

She flicked the weapon away with ease, knowing full well it was coming as she jumps back and over the leg of Neia's, cloaking herself in the force as she prowls around with featherlight steps. “I would not deny what was the truth,” she calls out, watching Neia's motions to get a sense of her in combat before she drops her stealth, casting out a sabre with a push of the force to send it spiraling.

She barely blocks to thrown training saber when she heard it wooshing in the air, turning around in the nick of time. "Glad to hear it... speaking of the truth. Did what Maia said to you really sound something you'd like?"She was both interested in the answer, and thinking it might surprise Ba'al so she could close in and attack again

She blinks with surprise as Neia closes in, “Wait, which thing that she said?” She draws the other sabre back with the force and barely raises both overhead in time to stop the shock staff from colliding. “Y-you two don't actually share, do you?” her eyes were wide with confusion.

Neia smiled and winked, "We have, in the past." She started pushing, trying to keep the jedi off-balance. "It wasn't a test, it was a genuine question from her." She flashed a predatory smile, courtesy of Maia teaching her how to smile like that.

Ba'alkyri flushes and her grip slips, the staff connecting with her with a jolt. “I...” She shudders, pushing the training staff away with a grunt and roll of her shoulder, “That is... surprising. You... Do you honestly fancy such an idea?” There was confusion in her eyes as she tries to work out just what she had gotten herself into with the twins.

She let out a brief cheer of victory and placed the staff down, leaning on it, watching Ba'al with a amused twinkle in her eyes. "I can live without it, Maia seems to find you cute though and from what I gathered you liked what she was saying about her whip... so..." She shrugged and kept smiling.

Ba'al furrows her brow, deactivating one of the sabres and slipping it through her sash as she rubs over her shoulder. The armour had taken most of the jolt, but it was still leaving her arm tingling. “Ah... It... is not an entirely upsetting idea... Perhaps if I were come to know her better and we were all in agreement... But I meant what I said, I am yours.”

"Well if that is so, and I just won this bout." She walked over and gently grabbed Ba'al by her armour. "Time to hit the baths and peel off that armour and clothes and show you, just how long I can breathe underwater..."

She coughs and nods, her fingers lightly going to her belt and running over her stun cuffs curiously before following Neia's lead. “Yes... Among other curiosities I suddenly have, perhaps...” A small smile plays over her lips.
Theon inspects the walls about her before sighing and crouching upon the floor, uncaring if she were to get wet. She inspects her grey robes in the flickering firelight before reaching out and grabbing a jagged piece of stone that came to a point. Biting her lip, she tears at the cloth. Once. Then a second time. With the first, it was a simply long strip that she ties off into a makeshift sling. With the other, she ties it about her waist like an impromptu pouch and begins to fill with fairly sized stones to fit into her rough-made sling. As she finishes her task, she reaches up and grabs the torch from outside her chamber, robes now just below her knees before moving back into her chamber.

With each step, she tries to work out what had happened before and after but she had little in the way of memories still. All she could remember was the strange reality with the motes. These must be the others the keykeeper had talked of. It stood to reason they all had similar experiences in the world of motes as well. Under her breath, though, she curses the abysmal mote. It had promised to give her something of hers back and something new. She sighs and stops in her tracks before the pod. If the objects were there, then perhaps she would thank the mote. If not, it was an abysmal liar and she would be hardpressed to forget it. If she ended back in that afterlife again, she would end up the personal poultergeist, tormenting the lights til the end of time. That would show them!

As she searches over the pod she had been within, she grimaces. Nothing was within the pod, but curious enough... It felt nothing like stone. Instead, it felt more akin to the surface of a smoothly flowing stream. She gets the sense there was a lot of arcane nonsense going into each of these pods, outrageously powerful at that. However, there was little more she could figure out, not even what sort of magic was at play, if it even was magic. She frowns before turning to leave. She looks down the one way, to the man inspecting over the broken statue at the dead end. She narrows her eyes at his stopping to peruse the dilapidated architecture when from the look of things, the ceiling might cave in at any moment. Instead, she pursuits after the woman in purple with quick, light steps. That one had the right sense of things. Better to leave this apparent tomb while they still had the chance.
Maxim said
Glad you like it! I did end up choosing Fire magic as my second school, simply because it...basically handles all of my offensive needs anyway (sans stuff against fire elementals, but I can always add another one later). I'm also considering changing the second to "Holy" magic, but I'm not really sure since I would imagine holy magic is ostracized after the whole banishing the gods thing, thus would be difficult to sell. Of course, the only reason I'm considering this is because it would add healing to buffing...I think.Also, I've decided to try and fix the grammar. It'll take me a little while, but hopefully it'll be much easier to read once I am done with it.

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