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    1. TennesseeBelle 10 yrs ago


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Misty chewed on her lip a little as she felt the heat from the fire lapping at her legs. It was going to make it where she needed to get back in the water sooner than she normally would've have. She wasn't sure how to answer his question, she had noticed that sometimes when a human didn't want to answer something they would just ignore the question all together. Change the subject. At least that was what she had witnessed the few times she had tried to blend in with them.

"That's one of the reasons I like this place so much, it's so quiet and peaceful." She shrugged a little looking towards the woods. "There aren't any right or wrong way to do things. You didn't scare me, I thought maybe you would want more than mangos so I went and got some fish."

She stood up, she needed to move away from the fire. She slipped over towards the treeline and looked through the woods.
Misty chewed on her lip a little as she watched him looked around the campsite, then started to cook one of the fish. She wanted to get to know him, learn more about his kind but she was scared to also. What if he found out what she was, captured her to be tested on and she put her entire species at risk? Her curiosity got the best of her though. What was the saying the humans had. Curiosity killed the cat? Whatever a cat was. She slowly walked over to where he was and sat down on a log across the fire from him still keeping her distance a little.

"I know this place isn't much." She said softly as she looked around the small campsite. "I'm not exactly good at building shelter."

She looked back at him studying the way the fire light seemed to dance on his skin. She had so many questions, but if she asked them he would think she was either crazy or that she wasn't human. She wanted to know everything she could about the humans, including what a cat was now that she had succumbed to curiosity. She didn't want to kill something and definitely didn't want to die because of it.

"I'm sorry I left so quickly." She said looking down at her hands a little. What would her excuse be? "I'm not used to anyone being here."
"I'm sure they are fine." Misty smiled trying to make him feel better. A shrill sound coming from the ocean hit her ears and she felt her heart sink. She had to get back home and get back right now! She knew Shane probably wouldn't have picked up on the sound, but she did. She dropped the mango she had in her hand and spun around running towards the woods at full speeds heading towards one of the cave systems that were in the middle of the island. She could jump straight down into the cave and then swim out back into the ocean. She made sure not to run a straight line to the cave or run on the sand so that hopefully Shane couldn't follow her. She dove straight down into the cave system pulling off her swinsuit as she did.

As soon as she hit the water she felt her tail form again and the covering for her chest. She swam skillfully through the cave systems and straight towards home finding her father talking to the whole shimmer of mermaids and mermen. She slipped in the back and listened to him talking about the explosion and the mutants that had escaped. There was a fool proof plan to take them out. He also talked about a group of humans that were swimming around as if looking for something or someone. He warned no one approached them and fled as soon as they saw them. Misty couldn't help but think maybe that was Shane's group that he had been separated from. When her father dismissed everyone she turned to go back to Shane and hopefully help him build a shelter or something, try and figure out a way to get him home.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere after the explosion, I was so scared it had killed you." Her father said looking her up and down to make sure she was ok.

"I'm fine, I was no where near it when it exploded. Just exploring a little." She shrugged.

"I wish you would stay closer to home, Misty, it's dangerous out there." Her father said crossing his arms. "You need to find a mate, settle down."

"I've no interest in finding a mate anytime soon. I can't take care of myself." She huffed as she spun around and took off towards her island and the human that was trapped on it. On the way she caught a few fish that she knew humans liked to eat. She slipped on the beach opposite where she had left him and quickly found her stash of clothes. She jogged into the woods and saw the starts of a shelter that she had attempted to build a long time ago. She wasn't sure how it all worked, but she wanted a human home. It didn't keep rain out, or any weather for that matter. But she had made a little cot like thing and cleared the area around it. There was a hole dug in the ground for a fire, and when a ship overturned she had salvaged some waterproof matches and some lighters that hadn't gotten too wet before she put them in a bag. She kept those things stashed away in a little trunk in the cot with other little knicknacks she had picked up here and there.

Misty laid the fish out on a stump by the shack and started a fire slipping back into the woods once it was burning. She hoped Shane would find it on his own, she wasn't sure she wanted to face more questions like the one before. But she could easily watch him from the woods. Make sure he was ok. Try and plan a way to get him back with his own kind.
First one is taken, but if anyone wants the other one let me know. If you want to write with me at all just let me know. I love writing with others so just let me know, if you have a plot send it to me. If not then we can come up with one. Just no fandoms please.
Misty took everything in as she looked him over. He held himself like he was used to being in charge. Seemed to be confident and in control even though he had nearly been blown to bits earlier and was now on a deserted island. She needed to figure out a way to fix the last part, she knew humans liked to be around other humans. She noticed his voice sound a little sad his face showing the same expression when he talked about his team. She knew she couldn't tell him they were fine though, not without letting him know she had been there and that just wouldn't have been possible. She still wasn't sure what he thought of her, if he was buying the whole human thing or not. She thought up a lie quickly and shrugged a little.

"I saw you floating out there, unconscious, so I pulled you in." She replied with another small shrug. She took another bite of the mango as she looked out over the ocean keeping an eye out for his team, which would surprise her if they came this far, or any other mermaids who would spot her. "I'm Misty, it's nice to meet you Captain Shane Ryan. What explosion are you talking about? I didn't see anything."

She knew at the distance from the explosion they were at, she wouldn't have seen it, and if he went back in the water he would figure that out. She couldn't take the chance of being caught in a lie, though she still wasn't sure if she was going to be able to explain how she was on this island to begin with. Especially sense there wasn't a house or anything like humans normally stayed in.
Misty had found her stash of human clothes and had pulled on one of the things they wore to go swimming. It was a two piece thing, no where comfortable in her opinion, but it was proper. She went back to the treeline and saw the human sitting up looking around as if a little surprised. He pulled the suit he had on off and she couldn't help but stare at all the scars on his tanned skin. She jumped a little when he looked her direction and she quickly hid behind one of the larger trees. When he called out to her she wasn't sure what to do. Should she respond? Should she go talk to him, or just go hide in the water now that he was better.

He climbed up in one of the trees and got some of the fruit from it climbing back down. She watched him set one at the tree line then start to eat another one of them. She had had the mangos before, they really weren't all that bad. But she was more scared of going so close to the human. He was taller then here, and built like some of the fighters from her group. She didn't know what made her slowly inch her way closer, but she made sure she was between him and the ocean. If she needed to she could take off and swim away to safety. She may end up exposing what she was in the process, but she would take the risk if it meant surviving.

She grabbed the mango up and walked a little ways away from him as she took a bite trying to remember how normal human females reacted to things and just acted in general.

"How does your head feel?" She asked eyeing the cut that was on his forehead as she glanced back towards the ocean.
Misty had seen some of the things that the Russians had made, she had been chased by one of them and helped the guards kill it when it followed her all the way home to one of the mermaid safe zones. They were horrible things, it would be one thing if they were making things that would be nice, would work well with the environment. But they were making things that were killed and destroying the natural creatures when they got out. They didn't get out much, Misty knew her father had even made a team that hunted the mutations down in hopes of protecting the sea creatures. When she watched the team move in, watched them start to lose the fight she found it harder and harder to stay hidden. She wanted so desperately to go in and help save the humans that she had grown fond of!

She watched in vein as the team backed up, all but one of them, regrouped and got ready to go back in, that's when all hell really broke lose. Something exploded, the shockwave sent her back and put a halt to the team going back in to save their other member. The explosion had killed the majority of the mutations and she knew they ones that had escaped wouldn't last long once her father's team found them. But what she was more concerned with was the man that was pushed too far for his team to find him. The man that had been closest to the explosion. She took off at full speed after him, her heart dropping when she saw his limp form. She had to get him out of the water. The bubbles coming from his tank meant he wouldn't have the oxygen that he needed to survive.

She pushed faster through the water snatching the man as she swam past him towards the surface of the water. He was heavy, but she was a strong swimmer and she could breathe. Once she surfaced she yanked the gadget that was on his face off and managed to get the tank that was attached to his back off also so he wouldn't be so heavy. He still didn't stir though, she could tell he was alive, but he was unconscious. She couldn't just leave him here, he would die! She quickly swam towards a small island that the humans never went to. She couldn't risk being seen dragging him to shore, she wouldn't be able to hide what she was!

As soon as she got to the beach she pulled him up as far as she could until she had to drag herself to shore, her legs turning to human legs. She quickly grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up further on the beach making sure he was breathing. There was a small cut on his forehead and it had started to bleed a little more once he was out of the water. She ran quickly back into the ocean diving down to a deeper spot and grabbing a handful of some of the seaweed the healer used on cuts. She hurried back where she had left the man and quickly cleaned off the cut applying the seaweed the way she had been taught.

Biting her lip she looked around. She couldn't stay, couldn't risk being seen, but she wanted to make sure he was ok. She quickly ran towards the inner part of the island and hide behind some of the trees wanting to wait until he woke up before she went back out to sea. Found a way to let someone know where he was!
I never got to see it. It was down when I first found the site and tucked the url away so that I could see if it came back up. So far I'm liking it, still getting used to it, but liking it. :D
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