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    1. Terraniux 10 yrs ago


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AbigailTenshi said
I'm arguing because it's fucking annoying. All you're doing is bringing negativity into the thread and attention seeking. You're just being so childish. But whatever, hating yourself is one thing, but mentioning it every time you speak is just sad, trying to bring others down. And I cared once, but now I don't fucking give a shit, hence why I'm saying stuff like this >.> You have no reason to hate yourself, but you constantly try to create reasons and blame depression. You complain that you have no friends, yet when people try to be friends with you, you don't like it because they're 'nerds'. You're no better than those people who think they're amazing and judge others before getting to know them. And if you're just going to agree with what I say and keep saying that you don't want people to waste their time on you then just delete your account and leave. There was no reason for you to make an account, just to announce that you're going to leave <.< You're doing these things for no reason. There is nothing wrong with you, all you are doing right now is acting like there is, yet there are other people on here that are depressed for real reasons. I don't know what you'll achieve out of this bullshit 'self-hatred'. I feel like I'm at fault. Ever since I started to get with Kurisa, you've just been getting worse and worse. I have more in common with Kurisa anyway. Does the fact that I moved on make you angry or sad? Don't you just hate me? Well, get over it and live your bloody life. Stop taking advantage of what you have and be fucking happy, whether it's real happiness or fake, it's still happiness and would show that you actually do care.
No...I don't hate you...
But I can't move on. I'm just a stone in the river. You're not at fault, I am.

And I've realized you were right; We're incompatible, we have nothing in common. So why bother trying to be friends? This will just happen every day. So fuck it, I'm done. I give up. This has gone on long enough.

AbigailTenshi said
You are just so XD My fucking god, learn to love yourself idiot! All this is pathetic and attention seeking. You have no reason to hate yourself so much, so stop being stupid and learn to care about others instead of always talking about yourself >.> You hate yourself, big fucking woop <.< Maybe if you would stop thinking about yourself and start actually paying attention to the ones that try to help you then you wouldn't be so depressed. People try to help you because they like you and how you are and want to make you happy and feel good, but all you can think about is yourself and your problems which you HAVE NONE! There is nothing fucking wrong with you. Stop seeking attention and then make others feel bad for you because that is what you're doing! If you don't like something about yourself FUCKING CHANGE IT! It's your body, your mind and you are the only one that can change yourself. But, there is nothing to change because there is nothing wrong. You're just being petty. For fucks sakes, if you don't like people caring about you, ignore it and live a sad and lonely life since that's what YOU fucking want since you don't give a fuck about those who care about you enough to try and be happy for them. <.<

Why do you think I hate myself? I hate myself because I hate myself hating myself and drawing attention like a fucking whore.

And still you misunderstand some key things: I AM happy for other people, I DO care about people that care about me, I just think that their care is wasted on a pitiful fuck like me. Sure, I can laugh, I can smile, but the darkness just seeps right back in.

And you're the one dragging this on, I'm just trying to make a point and you're the only one arguing it. Everyone else just passed it off and continued on their merry way. You, however, argue with me over it instead of just passing it off. You're the only one here who's really giving me any attention.
AbigailTenshi said
Well newsflash, we're all bloody depressed here, in one way or another <.< But we don't go on about it because that'd just bring others down >.> We are actually trying to stop the depression, unlike you who does nothing but go on and on and on about it. Try actually helping yourself, maybe if you stop freakin' moaning and saying that your going to leave to just come back and do the same thing over and over again and actually try to get the fack over it <.< There is no need what-so-ever to try to make others feels sorry for you. You still have friends, so stop complain about how you have few friends and start appreciating the ones you have.

I don't want people to fucking feel sorry for me, I'm just dead weight. I don't even know what's wrong with me, but I know a lot of things are. And do you know why I reject help when people try to help me? Because I don't want people to waste their time and effort on me, because I'm not going to just magically transform into a fucking butterfly that shits rainbows and pisses sunshine!

And you should know that you are wasting your fucking time on a guy who won't do shit to change his life and who constantly makes dumbass decisions either sloppily rushing shit or procrastinating the asses off of everyone.

My leaving here has nothing to do with my personal life, it's purely a decision. And to ensure I never come back, I'll either request this account be banned or get it banned myself.
AbigailTenshi said
You mean after the "I've few friends, and fewer still that I can stand to be around anymore" >.>

AbigailTenshi said
K, 'no reason to act depressed 24/7 and ungrateful for what you've got already' boy oxo

Maybe I act depressed 24/7 because I AM.

And I am grateful, only I'm also hateful
Of the person that I am. I don't hate my life, or my mind, I just hate myself, and what I do with my mind.
...or, rather, what I don't do...
AbigailTenshi said
Well, that was more unnecessarily depressing than 'light' oxo And well, my only RL friend, hasn't spoken to me in days, and do I look like I give a fuck, nope oxo I'm thankful for the friends I've made on here, and you should be thankful for the 'few' friends you have. You don't need hoards of friends to be happy >.> I'd prefer a few quality friends, than a thousand fake ones <.< Geezz

...did you not see that I said "I don't mind being alone"?

I still found it a lighter note.
AbigailTenshi said
I've gotta go dentist >.> Be back later
And no Terran, I have no interest in killing you <.< David deserves it though >.>

Whatever, Sauce Girl.
Expllo said
Sure you are.

I figured nobody would see my "intro" thread, so I wandered. My intro thread stated I was retiring.

On a lighter note, I got GTA V, so I'll be playing GTA Online, probably alone in a private session. Because I'd rather play as my own character, and I've few friends, and fewer still that I can stand to be around anymore.

At least, I think that's a lighter note...no really, I don't mind being alone.
Zane620 said

Indeed, but alas, I'm not staying.

After today I'll be gone. I'm retiring from RPG permanently, and I'm just here to make it official.

...I wonder if I can request this account to be banned...hm...
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