Avatar of thanatosDefiant
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    1. thanatosDefiant 10 yrs ago


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I'm just a 15 year old guy who likes to RP. Preferably fandom stuff but I'm open to other stuff, too!

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Sounds interesting, I'll definitely have a CS up in a bit.
"Oh, man, I completely forgot to mention it, didn't I?" Eustace said, smacking the top of his helmet in mild annoyance with his forgetfulness. "My name's Eustace Bell! Pleasure to meetcha Ms.Cr—er, Birdy." Eustace quickly corrected himself, just barely remembering to avoid calling her 'Crow'. He couldn't help but wonder why Birdy seemed so angry when he called her by it! Her reaction seemed to go beyond just plain annoyance, which is something he usually got from people. What could be the reason for her negative connotation with the bird? For now, he decided to stop thinking about it. Eustace was going to inquire about her blades, which he thought looked incredibly cool. However, his attention was drawn to the loud cry of "ATTENTION!" That came from the far side of the room.

Many were surprised to see that a previously closed door located there had now been opened. To the shock of even more people, the old man that had come out of the door was amusingly tiny, likely not much taller than three feet and seven inches! Unsurprisingly, the man's hair, which was styled into a mini-afro, was completely white. "Hello," The man soon began calmly, as if pretending his outburst from before had never happened. "My name is Tora Zoldyck, and I shall be the exam proctor for this year." Several applicants in the crowd started murmuring as he mentioned the surname. Despite the man's goofy appearance, many in the crowd were surprised to see a member from the legendary Zoldyck family in the flesh. "SILENCE!" He exclaimed, to the surprise of the applicants. Tora cleared his throat before continuing. "Your first task is a fairly straightforward one." A wide grin of amusement spread across his face. "To dwindle down the numbers, we have decided to initiate a free-for-all brawl. Now is your chance to easily eliminate competition. Hopefully, the weakest of you will have already been weeded out in ten minutes time. Best of luck." Tora left the room, chuckling to himself.

With that, the silence before the storm began. Only to be quickly broken as one applicant punched the other in the face. Soon, chaos spread throughout the room! Both men and women alike were attacking each other. Some of the more cruel individuals had taken advantage of the fact that there would be no legal repercussions for the actions and started to use their weapons. Eustace felt more confused by the change in mood that had come so quickly! He had almost been completely unaware of a man with a sword dashing his way. Eustace quickly blocked the blade with the top of his pickaxe, just barely avoiding being cut into pieces.

"'Course, I'll remember it for sure next time!" Eustace replied as she turned her head away. He wondered if she'd want the spray back, it was almost like having an entire bath in a can! But then another thought popped into his mind. Did she have the same odor problems that he did? "Oh, d'you have to deal with the same stuff I do?" Eustace inquired. "Is that why you've got all of this cleaning stuff, miss..." It suddenly dawned upon him that he had actually forgotten to ask the older girl for her name. Instead of asking for it, he simply decided to come up with one on the spot. "Crow?" Eustace stated aloud. The black birds depicted in her tattoos reminded him of crows. Or at the very least, of ravens. Eustace nodded his head as if coming to a conclusion. "Yeah, Miss Crow'll do." He had a bad habit of giving people strange nicknames based on a particular trait of theirs. That is, if they didn't introduce themselves first, which he was guilty of doing quite often.

Eustace observed the crowd, facing the same direction as Ivy, curious to see if anything from that side had managed to catch her attention. Nothing seemed to stick out very much, besides two figures. A very lanky, paranoid looking applicant that kept to himself, and a tall, muscular man that had a very cocky look on his face. For some reason, few dared to look him in the eyes and most of the applicants seemed quite terrified of him. Eustace didn't immediately sense danger from the man, but felt a rare pang of fear as the two of them made eye-contact. Something about the man was definitely...off putting. From just looking at the man, Eustace felt a tad bit frightened, even with his usual carefree nature. By the looks of things, the man was also eyeing Ivy as well, licking his lips as if to intimidate the two of them. Eustace wasn't sure what about them made them stick out so much...Ivy's tattoos? His pickaxe? Their young age?

Eustace was immediately intrigued by the girl, taking no offense to her comments, nor by the fact that she had just thrown a can at him. Mostly because his hat protected him from any projectiles, and all of her comments were actually very accurate. He had a habit of being absent minded when it came to how things worked outside of Meteor City. Since the place was literally covered with trash, he'd never really heard any complaints about his smell, especially because it'd be difficult to tell his stink from the trash's.

"Wow..." Eustace exclaimed, his eyes moving up to examine all of the tattoos that surrounded Ivy's body. One look at his expression could easily tell anyone that he was interested to know more about the grumpy girl. "All of that stuff drawn over ya looks really sweet! How'd ya get it to look so cool?" He asked with genuine curiosity, smiling amiably. Nothing about Ivy immediately sent red flags his way. He was already more than used to hanging around people with perpetual scowls and tattoos, but he had never seen any as unique as Ivy's. Not even the several blades around her waist seemed to intimidate him, it was clear that he had a lot to work on in regards to common sense. Otherwise, these exams would be very short lived for him, even if he was clearly much tougher than most others to even make it to the hunter exams in the first place.

Then, Eustace remembered the very reason Ivy came to him as he paid mind to the various products she had taken out of her bag. He picked up the can of 'Stank Away' that she had previously thrown at him, spraying himself all around. "Thanks a million for this stuff, by the way! I still have trouble remembering to clean up sometimes. I'm not used to doing it daily." He added sheepishly.

In a large room, several hundred hunter applicants were awaiting the arrival of the exam proctor to begin the first phase of their exam. While the journey to become a hunter would be long and perilous, each of these people were willing to risk their lives for the benefits that being a hunter would entail. However, only a handful of them would earn the right to the profession. Each phase would weed out the weaker members of the crowd, leaving only the strongest to survive.

Currently, there were 510 applicants in the room, each of them with their own pin to signify the order at which they arrived. One such applicant stood out from the rest, not because he was particularly impressive, not because he gripped a pickaxe in his hand, not even because he was no older than twelve years old! No, this young lad stood out simply because of how awful he smelled! None of the people could even tolerate standing next to him, choosing to avoid him at all costs, leading to an abundance of space around him. Even then, the boy appeared oblivious as to why people refused to speak to him, craning his neck in confusion. This boy was none other than Eustace Bell, otherwise known as applicant number 512!

"I wonder why everyone here's actin' all funny? Did I do something wrong?" He wondered aloud. This odd behavior had been happening from the moment he had arrived at the scene. His nose had grown so used to the stench from rummaging through garbage that he was barely even bothered by it. This, of course, lead to some very troubling situations when he was traveling. At one point, Eustace was even ignored by an entire town of people! Only a kind person's recommendation to bathe at a nearby hotspring solved the issue, but the lesson hadn't yet stuck. Clearly, he was much too used to life back home. After all, he had only even left about a month ago.

@KiltmanBagz Oh, sweet! Mind pming him/her to me?
Yeah, that's what I meant. Everything in the anime is modern. And yeah, it is specifically an anime thing: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_×_Hunter
About as modern as the anime is, I guess?
Hey! I was wondering if anyone around here would be interested in starting a Hunter x Hunter RP using our own characters. We'd basically start off at the hunter exams and work our way up from there. Preferably, we'd be able to start off a young (around 12 years old) characters in order to place greater emphasis on growing in power, rather than starting off as unbeatable badasses from the very beginning. Naturally, our characters would still grow older with each new storyline we've completed. I haven't got a specific plot in mind for after the hunter exam but I'd gladly put the focus on your character for some storylines if need be. The only real requirement I have other than that is to post at least a paragraph each time, and to remain consistent with posting.
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