Avatar of The Nebulous
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 114 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Nebulous 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Hovering over the forums... Making chopper noises...


This place sure has changed since its creation back in '07(?).

Well, I have been free-writing continuously and independently since I first stopped with the mainstream roleplaying back in high school. Now, I've got a career, a home, time, and a cat... and coffee! So I'm ready to sit back down at the keyboard and hash out some juicy stories with other people again. And wouldn't ya know it: RpG is still on the front page of Google's index for "roleplaying forum" and other related searches. Good to see that this community is still going strong.

Obligatory somewhat-personal information to get out of the way...


-SweeTarts candy
-Cats and dogs
-RTSs and RPGs (video games)
-Deep, juicy plots with a dash of steamy romance
-'Effing the ineffable (to borrow the words of Douglas Adams)
-Coffee with cream and sugar


-Super rich cheesecake
-Creepy crawlies
-Plots that wreak of the cliché
-Refusing to think (throwing a shout out to my crybaby homie, and Ayn Rand's fictional character, John Galt)
-Plain black coffee

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to start what I came here to do! Please direct any questions to Mrs. Nesbitt.


Most Recent Posts

Alrighty! Post is up.

So it looks like we've got a vanguard, an infiltrator, a sentinel, an engineer, and would the krogan and salarian both be soldiers? And I'm assuming our volus is... uhm... a biotic god! :D
“Declan, you son of a bitch... where’s my goddamn money?!”

Callaway raised a brow at Vahn as the man lunged forward with what would have been a nasty hook had Rosa not intervened to stop it mid-strike. Although, Declan almost wished the man's fist had connected with his jaw, or even his nose. He not only expected them to still have whatever reserved animosity they held toward him after what he did, he wanted them to express it--no matter what form it came in. For Errol, that frustration might just be disguised by his demand for Declan to pay back a debt... Or he could just be genuinely upset about the debt... Which the man could easily pay back right now... If he wasn't such a penny-pincher...

"Do you take installments?" he asked with a witty smirk.

When the vorcha had finally arrived to crash the reunion, Declan watched with a big grin as his former crew members went to work on dishing out one helluva beating. It was the brawls with the nastiest gangs in the galaxy that he had missed the most about being with the Dashers. One could argue that Captain Callaway had a strange affinity for life-or-death thrills. To say he was fearless would be in accurate, however. The privateer definitely knew fear, but it was the adrenaline brought on by the state of mind that had become so enthralling.

Before the next wave could group up and change their tactics, Declan and Trish readied themselves with a brief nod toward each other. Trish, being an asari, was a natural biotic. Her talents made her the crew's always-reliable sentinel, combining tech and biotic abilities to support her teammates. Meanwhile, Declan, being a privateer by trade since his teens, had many years of experience with the latest gadgets and toys. He had taken a liking to using technology to overcome obstacles in the field and provide versatile support for his comrades. With Declan as the captain and Trishar as his XO, the two brought a lethal combination of tactical oversight and combat support to any situation. Of course, their skills for reading, planning, and executing were nothing compared to Zik's. The salarian was basically a one-man, wise-cracking army; but the captain and his second-in-command still made a powerful duo in their own right.

Dec brought up his omni-tool and quickly tapped out a drone-call command, materializing three spherical combat drones in front of him that floated a few feet above the surface. Adjusting their settings, Declan modified the the right drone for incinerate charges, the left for overload charges, and the center for cryo blast charges. With the elemental damage placed on the field, the vorcha had more to worry about than biotic charges and krogan headbutts. Meanwhile, Trish had used her biotics to deploy barriers around the drones for added protection, since they would most likely be targeted first, given the fact that they stand out so brightly amidst Omega's dark atmosphere. She also focused some of her energy on helping to recharge Rosa's own barrier, since the human woman was the most vulnerable as the team's vanguard.

When another dozen of the smelly pests broke out into the alley, the drones took flight and weaved between the Dashers to immediately flank the attackers. Declan didn't need to issue many commands on his omni-tool, as the VI took care of most of that for him. So while some of the vorcha were being burned, frozen, or shocked, the man picked off the weakened and confused targets with his Striker from a safe distance back.

"Keep 'em coming!" Dec exclaimed. "By the way, anyone know who these idiots are working for? Vorcha aren't smart enough to coordinate an ambush like this on their own."
I'll have a post up this afternoon for the captain's reaction to Errol and everything after. It's mostly complete, but the Guild's servers are being a huge pain in the ass this week. >.<
I'm pretty interested in this. Are you still accepting?

Yes, we are!
Update: Alright, I've got the IC up and going. Please follow the format that I did my own post in. I'll update the second post in this thread (the one containing the available Situations) with the BBCode.

Also, if any of you would like to submit Situations for me to consider adding to the index, please do! Just PM them to my inbox on here.
The Republic of Arcanaan
"We are the just."
Influence Level: 1 | Standing: 0, 0 (Balanced)

New Actions

Situation Chosen: How dare you, sir?!
Response: Adopt the court's ruling as constitutional precedent for defamation laws. [1 Authoritarian]

The sound of whispers and quiet utterances could be heard in the press room of Crescent's capitol building while the journalists, wearing their "Press" ID tags around their necks, eagerly waited for the administration's spokesman to walk out from the back room. Live camera feeds were primed and ready to broadcast their transmissions to their home studios, and ballpoint pens were quickly scratching down the questions that the reporters were dying to ask.

When two members of the capitol security detail appeared, silent cues were given to start the broadcasts and the room became completely quiet. Press Secretary Arnold Nelson briskly made his way across the raised stage to the podium in the center and tapped the closest boomed microphone to double check that it was on before opening his mouth to speak.

"The administration has come to a decision today on the recommendation given to the president by Chief Justice Lucilia Branderfield following the Ross v. Arcanaan Press United case outcome. After a week of deliberations with the senate and weighing the opinions of his advisors on matters of domestic policy, President Tarlin has asked the republic to consider legislation that would adopt the court's ruling, which found the APU to be at fault for defamation due to 'reckless disregard of the truth', as legal and constitutional precedent through resolution."

"Mr. Nelson!"

"Mr. Nelson!"

"Secretary Nelson!"

Hands, pens, notepads, and voices alike were all immediately raised before the spokesman had a chance to draw his breath. He patiently raised his palms and, with his usual warm smirk, began to calm the crowded room of hungry reporters. "Now, now... You know the drill here, people. One at a time, starting with the new kids."

Situation Chosen: Power to the Masses
Response: Deny the tax break, but relax some of the current environment laws to encourage energy production. [1 Left, 2 Libertarian]

On the outskirts of Crescent, Mr. Zeke O'Malley reclined in his leather executive chair in his personal office at the city's fission power plant. A nearly empty glass of scotch rested in his hand and an e-cigar stuck out from between his lips, with odorless vapor puffing up into the air before quickly evaporating.

"In recent news," said the soothing voice of a female news anchor on the large television screen behind him, built into one of the office walls, "the senate reached a landslide 85-to-15 vote in favor of legislation that would relax several environmental laws that were seen as obstructing Arcanaan's energy production efforts. This move by the republic comes after a long-fought political battle waged by the nation's top energy producers. While their appeal for tax credits or similar compensation for lost supply under the restrictions was ultimately denied, President Tarlin's administration encouraged the senate to give the industry some breathing room. 'After all,' the president said, 'what good are 21st-century restrictions in an age of renewable and safe energy? Especially when they threaten to strangle our nation's growth?'

"Reporting live from APU studios in Crescent, I'm Leah Clover."

Kicking his feet up on the edge of his glass and chrome desk, O'Malley tossed down the last of his scotch without the slightest flinch, and smiled at the prospect of another win. Not quite the victory he had hoped for, of course; but a victory nonetheless.


@The NebulousCan I post yet or should I wait for you to post?

I'm about to start us off. I got distracted with friends pulling me into a gaming session last night and most of today. :P

@The Nebulous One more thing- can we run multiple nations at once? I think it'd be fun to do two drastically different societies at the extremes of the political compass.

Yes, you can run multiple nations.
@The Nebulous So I've made a map, a bunch of cities, and named them. I have also decided the "theme" of my nation, with all the social/economic superstructure to go along with it. You can have a look at my map here: img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f34..

However, I have yet to decide on a name, and will be heading home soon. When I get there I'll upload the full sheet.

Does this planet have a name? It would be nice to know for the sake of naming my nation.

One more question- would it be OK if I did the country information in the Wikipedia style rather than yours? It would allow me to add more detailed information such as slogan, national anthem, coat of arms, etc.

Your map looks good!

I actually never thought of a name for the planet, but if you guys throw out some suggestions, I'll consider them and pick one.

And yes, you can change up the format for your almanac data to include more stuff, so long as it's not too different from the others. I value uniformity when it comes to that stuff.

I'm also still working on some situation to add to the index. I got two up last night before I collapsed from a long day. :P Once I get a few more up, I'll start off the IC thread.
Oh my, did I really forget that link? Derp.



Alright, the two new nations look pretty cool! I'll get started on putting out the situations that you guys can begin responding to. I'll go ahead and also list higher PIP situations, too, so you can start thinking ahead about them. With that said, I should clarify that players should limit the amount of situations they respond to in a 24-hour real-time period to two (2) for the time being. I'll look into some innovative ways to allow for faster decision making and consider increasing the PIP-cap as the RP moves along. This is all experimental, after all.
The Republic of Arcanaan
"We are the just."

Type of Government: Democratic Republic
Type of Economy: Free Market Capitalism
Current Leader’s Title & Name: President Nicholas Tarlin
Dominant Languages: Galactic English
Dominant Religions: Meta-Christianity
Notable Exports: Grapes, Wine

Brief Description: [Updating...]

Top 3 Recent Headlines: [Updating...]

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