Avatar of TheBigJon
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    1. TheBigJon 10 yrs ago


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@The One Would it be okay to make some sort of Technopath? I was thinking his pet could be a robot of some sort, or would that not fit the theme of the RP? I don't mind changing it if it's not suited to this world.
I'd like to reserve a spot in this! I'll get to work asap
Name: Vijjo Ilan
Species: Echani
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Rank: Knight; Weapon Master

Lightsaber Forms:

  • Ataru
  • Djem So
  • Juyo


  • Green Lightsaber
  • Phrik Baton


Personality: Kind eyed and always found with a smile on his face, Vijjo tends to keep most things as light-hearted as possible. He enjoys giving compliments as well as throwing out playful banter towards those he's more comfortable with. His outgoing and wisecracking personality may cause some to find him obnoxious, but he is well meaning nonetheless. He's been taught humility all his life, and it shows in his day to day actions and consciously keeps his ego in check. Vijjos prefers the company of people rather than being alone and generally seeks to entertain those around him. He has a will of fire and a determination that never ceases; he makes sure he finishes everything that must be done regardless of how he's feeling.

Biography: Vijjo came from the womb with his fists clenched and ready to throw down. Of course, this was no problem for the Echani culture he was born into. Him and his 3 sisters grew up surrounded by the Echani martial art and were constantly encouraged to fight one another, as fighting was seen as the ultimate form of communication and self expression by the Echani people. Because of this, Vijjo devoted himself to perfecting his body and mind to become a more effective fighter. He worked with his entire family, training one another as a blade sharpens a blade. Being the youngest, he saw how much he'd need to catch up and pushed himself to the edge in order to keep with his siblings and peers. Through his frustrations, his parents would teach him to relax and taught him to laugh once in a while. It was through them he developed his light hearted, albeit determined, mindset.

As he fought, he learned more and more about himself, as the Echani do. To his and other's surprise, he caught up and surpassed those around him in combat fairly quickly. Later, Vijjo would attest this to the Force, but at the time, he just assumed he was some sort of natural. His parents, Vijjo's main role models and influences, again, realized how Vijjo was allowing his skills to get to his head. They put a stop to that in the most painful way possible, humbling Vijjo at every opportunity. He also learned that he tended to have an affinity towards hand to hand combat - specifically, grappling. Once the introduction of melee weapons made their way into his training, he utilized a baton to aid in his style of hand to hand combat, neutralizing and pinning down his opponents limbs with it as he found the win conditions he needed to remain victorious.

Soon, his parents, having seen Force Sensitive traits form in others, began to see them in Vijjo. His parents were the ones to contact the Jedi Council and report their observations, causing a Jedi Master come and investigate the possibility of an addition to the Jedi Order. Thus, Vijjo's training began.

As expected, Vijjo had an affinity for the combat side of being a Jedi, and less so for the philosophical area. His Force abilities were more focused on aiding his combat prowess more so than anything else. After passing his Jedi trials, the Council easily recognized his advanced combat skills and deemed him worthy enough for the rank of Jedi Knight. When he was not needed on missions, he was tasked with instructing combat classes, passing on his extensive knowledge on fighting. Eventually, his hand to hand and expertise with a baton gained him the title of Weapon Master, a title he appreciates, but tries his best not to use.

With the emergence of the Mandolorian threat, Vijjo couldn't be happier at an opportunity to fight for a cause. This yearning for battle was enhanced by his innate rivalry with the Mandolorians. Understandably, Vijjo was more than disappointed at the Council's lack of action against the Sith and the Mandolorians. Once Revan opened the opportunity for battle once more, Vijjo found himself torn between his love for the Jedi and his desire to fight.

Other: Because of his Echani background, Vijjo is able to use the Force to enhance his speed and strength in battle.
@Roosan Great! I'll get to work then
Is it alright if I join? Wouldn't want to spend time making a CS if this is closed.
Cool! I'll get started
I'd like to be part of this as well! I'm a sucker for star wars.
I'll get started on making my pilot, consider this a reserved spot!

Edit: Since I'm the pilot, I'm going to include my ship in with my cs because we might just be using that, unless @reem wants to give the details on the ship we'll be escaping on.
@reem I'm down for playing as the pilot
Gideon wordlessly walked out and went over in his head what he had to do before meeting with the rest. He thought about the group Keltor had summoned but pushed his slight worries to the back of his mind. If Keltor wants them, I'm in no position to judge their worth. Lysander waited for him as he exited the mountain. Gideon positioned himself atop his dragon and whistled in a familiar pitch. After bringing his head closer to his dragon, Lysander projected a clear shell around Gideon and proceeded to tunnel to their destination.

Once their belongings were gathered and Lysander's belly was full, the pair headed to the rendezvous point. The continued to tunnel with the protective shell around Gideon, only stopping when Lysander felt that his friend needed air. Saddle bags flopped to the sides of Lysander as they neared the cliff point. A backrest grew out of Lysander to support Gideon as he began to climb, near vertically, towards the north tip of Ambrell Ridge. Gideon casually took sips out of his waterskin, comforted by the fact that he dedicated a whole bag to extra full waterskins. The others held pieces of his armor and rations for the trip. Lysander rounded the top to see a few of the others already there. Gideon's acknowledging gaze scanned through everyone and he sat back and waited.
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