Avatar of thedragonsimon
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 214 (0.07 / day)
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    1. thedragonsimon 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current wtf happened? Everyone dissappead at the same time.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Hitting a rough patch guys. I'm sorry if I'm not responding, but I have a lot to work out.
8 yrs ago
Missing my Butterflykisses and Draco_James
8 yrs ago
OK guys. About to do a major Cleaning of my plays. I have found the talent I have been looking for, so I will be dropping my Roleplays down to a couple people.
8 yrs ago
Pray for us. It's about to be a hell of a ride.


Most Recent Posts

Stover was a tiny town in the middle of Missouri. Two major roads met in T that connected the north east side of Missouri to the major tourist attraction, the Lake of the Ozarks.

The town had a feed store, a grocery store, two gas stations, three churches, a bar, and a diner. There was a single school that covered all grades k-12. The population never seemed to climb above 1,000, as most of the young folk who were not connected to a family farm or business skipped town as soon as they could. Stover had its rednecks, but surprisingly few, actually housing decent country folk. This was not a town to hold a healthy supernatural population... Except for two things.

In the forest south of town was one of the biggest fonts of energy in the region. Changlings, Mages, wraiths, and the changing breeds quarreled over the font for generations until a lone vampire came and brought order to the region. Under a loose, but binding treaty, the supernatural population in and around Stover worked together to protect the font, and the people, from outside threats. This Union didn't set well with many of the supernatural communities, but many could not find a reason or way to object.

The second feature was the tourists. With an almost constant stream of strangers going through town, it was easy to have strange people come and go with little question. With the entirety of the law, church, and media under someone in the union's control, the supernatural population of Stover were free to operate in peace. The Vampire did not hold his own kind above that of the others, working deals and trade with every kind, ensuring everyone had what they needed without infighting.

I'm going to get the IC set up started in the next day or two. Anyone with an approved CS in the CS thread will be allowed to start. I will have your character names in the Hiders that are for you. You can read the others, but don't let it influence your post.
Sure is.@SmileyJaws
Yes. He's good. You're welcome to pm me sheets if you'd like or post here. If I have any problems or questions, I'll PM you.
@Brizaoh I will give you ample signs traveling down the madness network. Works just fine. Feel free to set a sheet if you'd like, just leave the visions out till I pm you
Stats are needed, but I'm not grading them. This is a high level game. Soviet is correct in that if you put 2 in brawl, your not going to fair well with someone with a 5. If you have 2 in Protean, you can't shift into a wolf.

I'm not asking you to break down experience points, just set the dots at what you think your character would have.

Again, this is a high level game, so knock yourself out, just be reasonable
@Brizamalkav is fine BTW. My favorite clan actually.
Character sheets for vampire, demon, and mortal are up, let me know if there is anyone planning on playing something else.
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