Avatar of Briza


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24 days ago
Current It adds a welcoming touch to the bedroom (for you and your roommate) whenever you enter or leave from/to the common area.
24 days ago
What I like to do is start off w/ flattening one of the brown paper bags & make a doormat for the psyche ward bedroom. I color & tape it to the ground by the room exit/entrance.
1 mo ago
Items Needed: Crayons, Blank Paper, Brown Paper Bag, and Tape (Special Note: Ask the Charge Nurse politely for x-number of pre-torn tape pieces)
1 like
1 mo ago
Check Out Briza's New Pinterest Board! Decorating Your Psyche Ward Room 101
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gin a body catch a body
comin thro' the rye,
gin a body catch a body,
need a body cry?


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